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What topic would you most like to hear about at the LITA Top Tech Trends program? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 192
1 Comment

  • Jon Gorman - 16 years ago

    Why radio buttons? Why these broad but restrictive categories?

    Here's what I mean by this. Any of these topics could be a whole series of talks, they're extremely broad. However, I think there are several crucial tech trends that could be addressed at something like this, but most of them are scattered across several categories. (To tell the truth, most are also not represented by this list). I'd like to first of all select multiple boxes above. Second, I'd say there's no need for a theme besides top tech trends. Let people speak about the trends they see as important.

    How about advances in linked data and projects like dbpedia, musicbrainz,, pandora, wikipedia, discogs, boardgamegeek, etc?

    How about analysis of inside and outside data to be used to better serve our patrons? What's popular? What are other people talking about? What connections are there between books that we can determine just from checkout patterns and circulations. Look at the work of Dave Pattern.

    How about the rise of several open source ILS and other library software as well as research projects. We've got Koha, Evergreen, XC project, and others out there.

    Upcoming cataloging shift with new standards (RDA)? What technological preparations are underway for it?

    Dissatisfaction with OCLC fueling projects like People talking about versioning control in records?

    There's more I could keep going with, but those are some of the ones off the top of my head.

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