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Do you use a business card in youth ministry? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 82

  • Tabitha - 14 years ago

    I use what I consider to be an updated version of the tradition business card. My cards feature, along with my name and phone number, my email address, facebook url, twitter name, and IM addresses. My youth can catch me 24/7, regardless of where I am or what I'm up to. Some people think it's too much, but my kids have yet to abuse this information. They feel special & loved, knowing they can be in touch with me outside of church! It helps me to form real relationships with ALL my kids, and not just the few I have time for each week.

  • Travis - 15 years ago

    I hand use mine frequently for new students, parents, other pastors. On the back, I have a basic map that shows where our church is and our meeting times for Youth Group. But the best use is dropping them into a fish bowl for a chance to win free lunch!

  • Michelle - 15 years ago

    I use them primarily when networking with other youth workers, but also with parents and visitors. As a grief counselor at our local schools, they come in handy too--and kids actually do call or look me up on facebook. Not all students have their own cell phones, so being able to hand them contact information can save them some "embarassment."

  • Philip Muñiz - 15 years ago

    I still find business cards useful because they allow me to "personalize" them with any extra info that would be helpful
    to the family or other ministry folks I meet. Though they are "low tech" they never need charging or special access "WiFi or Internet", etc. They are readily available for hanging on home bulletin boards, keeping in purses/wallets or
    other convenient displays.

  • Scott Guenther - 15 years ago

    You could call them business cards if you want. They've got all of my contact info on them, but I used photoshop and printed on both sides of some playing card stock I bought. I've got some modeled after 1968 baseball cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Magic the Gathering cards, and the most popular one's, Pokemon cards. They are much more of a novelty than anything useful. Kids love em, parents just give me a puzzled look when I give them one.

  • Tim Schmoyer - 15 years ago

    For me, people usually take out their phone and just put my number in as I tell them, so I haven't had a need for business cards.

  • Chris Salyers - 15 years ago

    I used to think that "Business Cards" was very tacky but we have new kids frequently. So I went to Staples and had a bunch printed up. I hand them to kids, parent and even other people in the ministry. Sometimes it can be helpful to know how to reach someone. My card has my name, phone numbers and email address. Again, it has become another way to show I really care about those I deal with.

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