What AU sex scenes do you want to see? (we will write the top choices)


  • hsynboyd - 3 years ago


  • Dana - 8 years ago

    post fade Zachary/Emilio please I love those characters soooo much. and a Vega sandwich will be hot also

  • Marya - 9 years ago

    All of the comments above are posted 2 years ago and it kinda makes me feel embarrassed .. Anyway, I voted for the vega sandwish with Boyd, that would be super hot (especially if it was DP *drooling*), I couldn't stop thinking about it since Emilio mentioned it and I thought it's gonna pop up somewhere along the story :/ , my vote went to Kassian/Sin/Boyd cause well nothing hotter than a wet dream of sin comes true *_* .. I avoided anything with zach or Vivienne cause I grew emotionally attached to them as parents throughout the books, as stupid as it sounds .. I would make you special rich meals with sweetn deserts and heavenly cupcakes if you grant my wish with your super brilliant way with words and scenarios and let's not forget "positions"

  • nev - 11 years ago

    I am going to have to cast my vote in for Kassian/Sin because. Um. How they would clash is brain-meltingly hot? But it would also be amazing to see Ryan with anyone, Emilio with anyone (ahh, definitely second the request for Doug/Emilio!), and Vivienne with anyone. Which probably doesn't actually narrow anything down. I guess I'll be happy with anything as long as there's more! ;)

  • Alex - 11 years ago

    *drool* yay for vega sandwich!!!

  • Lei - 11 years ago

    Kassian/Ryan/Sin because COME ON RYAN NEEDS SOME LOVIN

    Vega sandwich obviously and Kassian/Sin because.

  • jill - 11 years ago

    Okay, Vega sandwich for obvious reasons, everyone wants that, and Kassian/Boyd/Emilio I didn't even know I wanted until I saw it in the poll because wow, BUT! BUT I feel like I have to make an actual written case for Kassian/Ryan/Emilio because RYAN NEEDS SOME LOVIN' OKAY. I just want really sweet hot fic about Ryan getting all the attention he's sorely been missing and by attention I mean getting fucked to within an inch of his life where he's all awkward and like O_O whut homg is this happening, is this real life?? because, y'know, why would these two uberhot athletic men and threesomes like that don't happen to cute, overlooked geeky boys with respiratory problems. And then BAM, SEXY TIEMZ! Or alternatively the mentioned but offscreen Kassian/Ryan hookup.


  • Terree - 11 years ago

    Sin/Boyd/Kassian.... PLEASE!!!!! The others... well, Boyd and Sin shouldn't be with others, they need to be with each other, the jealousy thing. And if they were with Vega Sr... well, insesty! soooo, this is just best in my book... and yummy too!!!!

  • CrimsonSnow - 12 years ago

    I didn't realize I think Kassian/Sin would be hot until the comments told me I would think it's hot. And boy, that would be so freaking hot... sooo hot... *drools*. I don't think we can vote again, so please add one more vote for Kassian/Sin for me~~

  • Ellie - 12 years ago

    Vega sandwich all the way!

  • Leigh - 12 years ago

    Vega Sandwich for Boyd

  • nanase - 12 years ago

    sorry. I really like to see the vega sandwich since emilio brought it up.
    I thought why not. that would be so hot.

  • Kiseki - 12 years ago

    I couldn't control myself and voted for all the threesomes involving Emilio, Boyd, Sin, Kass, and Zack. I have quite a deprived mind XD

  • Fareedat - 12 years ago

    I voted Kassian/Boyd/Sin, Kassian/Boyd/Emilio, Kassian/Sin and Emilio/Boyd/Sin. I think the last two options are my favourites.

    Somehow everything with Zach and either Boyd or Sin in it comes of more incestous for me as anything with Emilio and Sin could be... weird, huh? :D

    I would also love to read some Kassian/Harrieth or Doug/Emilio (just tought of these after voting, so didn`t add that...). Have hope that the latter might come up in that "Young Emilio" series at some point that Sonny is doing, so maybe it doesn`t even need to be PWP. Oh, the possibilities for dirty, dirty talk with these two...

    Oh, and if there was a world where Zachary could just bring himself to ask Emilio to please, please be fucked like he`s been bought and paid for instead of all his dominating macho man power tripping crap for once, I might have an instant happy brainfreeze. Guh. However out of character that might be. I don`t care...

  • 52 - 12 years ago

    I'm sorry I have to post again, I would also love a Kassian/Vega sandwich

    Emilio - > Kassian - > Sin

    But really I think I would just be happy with whatever you guys decide to write HAHAHA.

  • Jenn - 12 years ago

    My top 3 are

    Zach/Emilio/Sin b/c having the younger version of Emilio there would make Zach fucking lose it. Hottness overload. Load...har har hur.

    Kassian/Ryan/Sin b/c Kassian needs a resenting twink with a phat ass torturing his dick, and you know he wants Sin BADDD.

    and then since it's listed Kassian/Emilio/Zach b/c that would be one rough ass fuck.

    But, I need also Emilio topping Zach and also Ryan and Kassian sexy alone times.

  • melano - 12 years ago

    +10000000000 to Emilio/Zach in that order

    I would mind seeing Gordon/Adam in that order.................................

  • 52 - 12 years ago

    OH MAN, I really want to see Emilio/Zach (in that order, because I really want to see Carhart just lose it and come undone HAHAHA))

  • sonnyais - 12 years ago

    We keep adding more pairings as we think of them... FYI just added:


    If you already voted but you wanted to vote on them too, let us know. We might have to do another poll or else you can just let us know in comments if you're interested in any of those and you already voted.

  • Dani - 12 years ago

    me too with the Vega sandwich =D heh.

  • Ariella - 12 years ago

    How did more people NOT vote or kassian/sin!? I can just imagine the filthy smutty violent testosterone driven sex

  • Lenore - 12 years ago

    My top three: the Vega Sandwich, Kassian with Zachary and Emilio, and Kassian with Sin and Boyd. Pretty please. With flowers and hearts and rainbows and ribbons.

  • Yuki - 12 years ago


  • nickham - 12 years ago

    No you people don't understand. Kassian/Sin would be OFF THE CHAIN! COME ooooON.

  • sourwolf - 12 years ago


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