I am of the view that the Hon. Canadian Prime Minister should not attend in protest drawing the attention of International community to the Genocide of Tamils, human rights violations, rapes of Tamil Women and Children etc still taking place in Northern & Eastern parts of the country. Also a request be made to UN Secretary General to take actions at least now to correct the 'wrongs' he has done during 2009 and before.
kanam - 12 years ago
Sri lanka under the war criminal
Densisan - 12 years ago
There are so many Sollutions are submitted @ UN. 100 Out of 210 Sollutions were Rejected.Even they refused to remove the ' terrorism act ' & now they are using it against innocent Tamil Jaffna Uni Students. So No Point Of Going to SRILANKA and propose Sollution. BOYCOT AND LET THE WORLD KNOW
visvalingam - 12 years ago
Canadian Prime Minister should boycott Commonwealth, so It will help to think orther countries too.
Anandam - 12 years ago
The Sri Lankan Government never listen any one so Canada avoid to participate at next Commonwealth
sujeenthan yogarajah - 12 years ago
Our PM stands up for human rights but where is Obama ? Go Canada Go !
Siva Jeeva - 12 years ago
The remedy for a sick world....
The body of the human world is sick. Its remedy and healing will be the oneness of the kingdom of humanity. Its life is the Most Great Peace. Its illumination and quickening is love. Its happiness is the attainment of spiritual perfections.
Canadian Prime Minister should boycott Srilanka. It will make a thinking to other country Leaders. And he should insist his neighbour country leaders to do the same.
I think The Honourable Prime Minister should boycott the summit as the biggest democratic country's leader to show his oppose to the Common Wealth Countries and all the world to keep away Sri Lankan President and his nasty racists, extremists,rowdies ,fundamentalists ,white van kidnappers, innocent people killers, raping armies, and violent minded brothers. Sri lanka and the Government never taken into their mind any condemns ,advice, or warning from the WESTERN HUMANITARIAN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES , BUT ONLY WELCOMES for INWARD FUNDS first AND TOURISTS second. . NOTHING ELSE. Canada should aware about the arrival of fake asylum seeker from Sr lankan Government's ex forces and para military members sending via Latin America by Government Officers and KP WHO WORKS WITH THEM AND MULTY PASSPORT USER ( PASSPORT AND IMMIGRATION CONTROL UNDER Mr Gotabaya Rajapakse [Defence Ministry ]to create violence in Canada to say it made by LTTE and make a division Between Government and the Canadian Tamil Youths who make anti Sri lankan demonstrations , propaganda . Sri lanka is second Myanmar in Asia . Because untold anti human matters are going on as non stop. Even in the south there is no justice any one can do anything - for example HIGH COURT JUDGE OF SRI LANKA. Therefore all world have to understand and consider about the past period of the Tamil killings in 1958,1966,1977,1983 and to present.
Babu - 12 years ago
Boycott is the only option now. Sri Lanka doesn't care about condemn. They didn't even listen to UN, US, are they going to listen to CANADA?....therefore BOYCOTT and they will understand.....
Suthesan - 12 years ago
Canadian Prime Minister should attend and visit all the places. Then its prove that Sri Lanka is fooling other world or are they really doing something good. Just ignoring visit and talking from here will not make any changes in Sri Lanka.
Being Sri Lankan Tamil we all should ask Canadian Prime minister to visit and see the real situation. otherwise how we all going prove the situation in Sri Lanka. Just taking some video from there, no no.... its not going to help at all
D.Lakshmana Perumal - 12 years ago
Our (Canadian) prime minister should boycott next commonwealth summit in Srilanka on 2013
Deiva - 12 years ago
Let us analyse those three options:
1. Canada itself have condemn so many times along with the other countries. Eventhen the srilankan government and MR could not even listen their comments. Hence there is no point of visiting and condemning again and again. Thanks to Canadian Government and its Prime minister by understanding the position of tamilians.
2. Preparing some proposal and submit it in the Commonwealth summit will be accepted by Srilankan Government. Rejecting proposal is one of the ideology of Srilankan Government. That is not new to them. So definitely the efforts will be going to be waste.
3. If PM boycott the summit, it will create a huge impact on srilankan government. Then, the honorable prime minister can submit a proposal of conducting general voting campaign among the tamilians for the birth of TAMIL EELAM.
Thanks a lot for this campaign and the Canadian PRIME MINISTER.
Vel - 12 years ago
Please write to your local MP and support our prime minister's stand who already said he will boycott. When criminals hosting Common wealth, it is common crimes. not Commonwealth any more..
Jeni Nag - 12 years ago
Our PM takes stand , he said he won't go. We should boycott it.
Thayabaran, Sivalingam - 12 years ago
I think, completely boycott the summit. Or Canada should prepare a solution package with the help of international Tamil community ( Tamil diaspora) and the Tamil people in Tami Eeelam (Tamil land), and propose is in the summit. And also visit the Tamil land, North and East to find out the real problem in person.
He should visit and condem the Srilankan Government, Canada should Know What is the real situation in Srilanka
Diviya Rajendram - 12 years ago
Prime Minister of Canada should attend the commonwealth meeting and condemn Sri Lanka`s Action against Tamils infront of other countries.
Nathan - 12 years ago
By not attending the event ,can not achieve anything. Have to go to srilanka but with proper security , meet affected people, convince other uneducated 3rd world leaders who are blindly support MR for a packet of Briyani and , .Thanks for supporting affected people.
siva thilliampalam - 12 years ago
Every Commonwealth counties should boycott the summit and condemn the genocidal Srilanka
Sudhakar - 12 years ago
Manidhan aga pirandal avan uriamai murukkapadakooduthu tamilargal eni thanithuvthudan valavendum endral thaniyaga tamilrkkuu en avarglin mun kala padi avarglin nadu en thaniythuvamaga vala ulga nadugal tamilargalkkku udavuvendum
Raju Somasuntharam - 12 years ago
Our (Canadian) prime minister should boycott next commonwealth summit in Srilanka on 2013
Natarajan Rajendran - 12 years ago
Canada should propose a peace solution and should condemn the attorcities made by Sri Lankan Government. Canad should do more for Tamils.
Saththijeyandran - 12 years ago
Need a freedom in srilanka
sujeenthan - 12 years ago
the answers are limited and to benefit to terror or others OR against to sri lankan gov and does not have any other options to voters like me that canadian gov must go and teach gov that how to prevent terrorisiam like namely LTTE ? based on your poll qu or answers dont make any meaning baised to ltte terror thats all
gov must go for meeting and need to teach gov how to prevent terrorisiam like ltte?
gov must go for the meeting and stand for gov and their actions and must raise against terrorist movements and to limite namely ltte
Dr. Jeya Kathir - 12 years ago
The Canadian prime minister should not participate in the common wealth meeting in Sri Lanka.
s.daniyal - 12 years ago
the real position of eelatamil peoples in srilanka is also known as the world countries,,but the world is not obey this problem of eela tamil people,,,the united world are not invole in a problem of eela tamil people,,if tamilan got
kulasekaran mohan - 12 years ago
tamileelam kidaikkanum
JEYAKUMAR SINNIAH - 12 years ago
Ilango chidambaram - 12 years ago
Hon, Prime minister should give big Presher to srilankan government.
Sriretnakanthan - 12 years ago
Nothing happened in the Ban Ki Moon's UN (useless nations) Sri Lanka is barbaric nation, leaving them alone may make them learn. Canada will go there defenitely, what they are telling now is a political stunt.
B.varothaya - 12 years ago
Mr Rajapakse not going to listen nobody . He will only listen China.president don't even listen his own LLRC reccomendation or UN pannel of experts reccomendation.so there is no point to visit by the Canadian prime minister.The sri lankan government may deport Mr Harper from colombo airport.I didnt forget what happened to Mr Bob Ray.Any one talk against the sri lankan government is White Tiger.Also when they visit to sri lanka all polititions forget why they went there. Mr president know how to treat them in 5 star Hotels .First of all this event shuld not happend in Sri lanka under the war criminal.
Mano - 12 years ago
I think , MR Harper should NOT ONLY boygot the summit , he should use Canada's clout to encourage other countries too , to do the same. He should call for an International Press meet and explain why Canada has decided to stay away and explain the human rights violations committed and being committed against the Tamils in Srilanka and call for an urgent solution to the Srilankan Tamils issue , from the International community.
raj.raju - 12 years ago
I think the Canadian prime Minister must boycot commonwealth summit.here are still threats to human rights and denied rights for Tamil peoples . as well as for longtime Tamil people are fooled by empty promises by Sri Lankan government,mediators ,eastern and western countries .
If we have problems ,we have to solve our problems by Ourself. don't trap any political games by anybody.
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I am of the view that the Hon. Canadian Prime Minister should not attend in protest drawing the attention of International community to the Genocide of Tamils, human rights violations, rapes of Tamil Women and Children etc still taking place in Northern & Eastern parts of the country. Also a request be made to UN Secretary General to take actions at least now to correct the 'wrongs' he has done during 2009 and before.
Sri lanka under the war criminal
There are so many Sollutions are submitted @ UN. 100 Out of 210 Sollutions were Rejected.Even they refused to remove the ' terrorism act ' & now they are using it against innocent Tamil Jaffna Uni Students. So No Point Of Going to SRILANKA and propose Sollution. BOYCOT AND LET THE WORLD KNOW
Canadian Prime Minister should boycott Commonwealth, so It will help to think orther countries too.
The Sri Lankan Government never listen any one so Canada avoid to participate at next Commonwealth
tamileelathil tamilan nimmathiya valavendum
Our PM stands up for human rights but where is Obama ? Go Canada Go !
The remedy for a sick world....
The body of the human world is sick. Its remedy and healing will be the oneness of the kingdom of humanity. Its life is the Most Great Peace. Its illumination and quickening is love. Its happiness is the attainment of spiritual perfections.
Canadian Prime Minister should boycott Srilanka. It will make a thinking to other country Leaders. And he should insist his neighbour country leaders to do the same.
I think The Honourable Prime Minister should boycott the summit as the biggest democratic country's leader to show his oppose to the Common Wealth Countries and all the world to keep away Sri Lankan President and his nasty racists, extremists,rowdies ,fundamentalists ,white van kidnappers, innocent people killers, raping armies, and violent minded brothers. Sri lanka and the Government never taken into their mind any condemns ,advice, or warning from the WESTERN HUMANITARIAN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES , BUT ONLY WELCOMES for INWARD FUNDS first AND TOURISTS second. . NOTHING ELSE. Canada should aware about the arrival of fake asylum seeker from Sr lankan Government's ex forces and para military members sending via Latin America by Government Officers and KP WHO WORKS WITH THEM AND MULTY PASSPORT USER ( PASSPORT AND IMMIGRATION CONTROL UNDER Mr Gotabaya Rajapakse [Defence Ministry ]to create violence in Canada to say it made by LTTE and make a division Between Government and the Canadian Tamil Youths who make anti Sri lankan demonstrations , propaganda . Sri lanka is second Myanmar in Asia . Because untold anti human matters are going on as non stop. Even in the south there is no justice any one can do anything - for example HIGH COURT JUDGE OF SRI LANKA. Therefore all world have to understand and consider about the past period of the Tamil killings in 1958,1966,1977,1983 and to present.
Boycott is the only option now. Sri Lanka doesn't care about condemn. They didn't even listen to UN, US, are they going to listen to CANADA?....therefore BOYCOTT and they will understand.....
Canadian Prime Minister should attend and visit all the places. Then its prove that Sri Lanka is fooling other world or are they really doing something good. Just ignoring visit and talking from here will not make any changes in Sri Lanka.
Being Sri Lankan Tamil we all should ask Canadian Prime minister to visit and see the real situation. otherwise how we all going prove the situation in Sri Lanka. Just taking some video from there, no no.... its not going to help at all
Our (Canadian) prime minister should boycott next commonwealth summit in Srilanka on 2013
Let us analyse those three options:
1. Canada itself have condemn so many times along with the other countries. Eventhen the srilankan government and MR could not even listen their comments. Hence there is no point of visiting and condemning again and again. Thanks to Canadian Government and its Prime minister by understanding the position of tamilians.
2. Preparing some proposal and submit it in the Commonwealth summit will be accepted by Srilankan Government. Rejecting proposal is one of the ideology of Srilankan Government. That is not new to them. So definitely the efforts will be going to be waste.
3. If PM boycott the summit, it will create a huge impact on srilankan government. Then, the honorable prime minister can submit a proposal of conducting general voting campaign among the tamilians for the birth of TAMIL EELAM.
Thanks a lot for this campaign and the Canadian PRIME MINISTER.
Please write to your local MP and support our prime minister's stand who already said he will boycott. When criminals hosting Common wealth, it is common crimes. not Commonwealth any more..
Our PM takes stand , he said he won't go. We should boycott it.
I think, completely boycott the summit. Or Canada should prepare a solution package with the help of international Tamil community ( Tamil diaspora) and the Tamil people in Tami Eeelam (Tamil land), and propose is in the summit. And also visit the Tamil land, North and East to find out the real problem in person.
He should visit and condem the Srilankan Government, Canada should Know What is the real situation in Srilanka
Prime Minister of Canada should attend the commonwealth meeting and condemn Sri Lanka`s Action against Tamils infront of other countries.
By not attending the event ,can not achieve anything. Have to go to srilanka but with proper security , meet affected people, convince other uneducated 3rd world leaders who are blindly support MR for a packet of Briyani and , .Thanks for supporting affected people.
Every Commonwealth counties should boycott the summit and condemn the genocidal Srilanka
Manidhan aga pirandal avan uriamai murukkapadakooduthu tamilargal eni thanithuvthudan valavendum endral thaniyaga tamilrkkuu en avarglin mun kala padi avarglin nadu en thaniythuvamaga vala ulga nadugal tamilargalkkku udavuvendum
Our (Canadian) prime minister should boycott next commonwealth summit in Srilanka on 2013
Canada should propose a peace solution and should condemn the attorcities made by Sri Lankan Government. Canad should do more for Tamils.
Need a freedom in srilanka
the answers are limited and to benefit to terror or others OR against to sri lankan gov and does not have any other options to voters like me that canadian gov must go and teach gov that how to prevent terrorisiam like namely LTTE ? based on your poll qu or answers dont make any meaning baised to ltte terror thats all
gov must go for meeting and need to teach gov how to prevent terrorisiam like ltte?
gov must go for the meeting and stand for gov and their actions and must raise against terrorist movements and to limite namely ltte
The Canadian prime minister should not participate in the common wealth meeting in Sri Lanka.
the real position of eelatamil peoples in srilanka is also known as the world countries,,but the world is not obey this problem of eela tamil people,,,the united world are not invole in a problem of eela tamil people,,if tamilan got
tamileelam kidaikkanum
Hon, Prime minister should give big Presher to srilankan government.
Nothing happened in the Ban Ki Moon's UN (useless nations) Sri Lanka is barbaric nation, leaving them alone may make them learn. Canada will go there defenitely, what they are telling now is a political stunt.
Mr Rajapakse not going to listen nobody . He will only listen China.president don't even listen his own LLRC reccomendation or UN pannel of experts reccomendation.so there is no point to visit by the Canadian prime minister.The sri lankan government may deport Mr Harper from colombo airport.I didnt forget what happened to Mr Bob Ray.Any one talk against the sri lankan government is White Tiger.Also when they visit to sri lanka all polititions forget why they went there. Mr president know how to treat them in 5 star Hotels .First of all this event shuld not happend in Sri lanka under the war criminal.
I think , MR Harper should NOT ONLY boygot the summit , he should use Canada's clout to encourage other countries too , to do the same. He should call for an International Press meet and explain why Canada has decided to stay away and explain the human rights violations committed and being committed against the Tamils in Srilanka and call for an urgent solution to the Srilankan Tamils issue , from the International community.
I think the Canadian prime Minister must boycot commonwealth summit.here are still threats to human rights and denied rights for Tamil peoples . as well as for longtime Tamil people are fooled by empty promises by Sri Lankan government,mediators ,eastern and western countries .
If we have problems ,we have to solve our problems by Ourself. don't trap any political games by anybody.