Should smokers be penalised for the time they spend outside smoking during work hours?


  • Shane - 11 years ago

    In regards to what Debbie said; Yes, getting something to eat or drink, because smokers don't need food or water either... they live strictly off cigarettes. They also aren't humans who need to socially interact with friends and co-workers because cigarettes are their only companion. You get real... - Every one in my family smokes except me, going home to my mom's house, stepping in the front door, a wave of cigarette smell hits you in the face like a ton of bricks. The walls and ceiling are nicotine stained and the couch and recliner smell like a gross mix of cigarettes and dog smell. - When you meet someone or pass by someone who smokes, you can smell it and it's not an appealing smell. Smoking is a BAD habit, an addiction and smokers will say and do anything to defend that habit and addiction. - They also act like junkies who need a hit when they haven't had a cigarette; going to the zoo or mall with my Mom, she starts twitching and getting extremely irritable when she hasn't had a smoke, that's not normal nor is it healthy. I've been trying for years to convince my family to stop smoking, but there's always an excuse why they "need it." My dad died of pneumonia and the doctor's said it was because his lungs were in too bad of shape to fight it after he had been smoking for over 40 years. - There are a million reasons to quit smoking, how many reasons do you need to keep lighting them up? The buzz you get? I hope you never have a child addicted to drugs or alcohol and you try to convince them why having an addiction to something that can hurt them is bad.

  • Anna - 11 years ago

    Everything you accuse non smokers of doing--talking to friends on the phone,etc, applies to smokers as well, except that non smokers dont stink up the office when they go back to work and then spend the day dry-coughing uhuh. Uhuh. Huh huh huh....uhuh Non Stop! Penalise smokers. And put them in an odour and sound- proof booth!

  • Debbie P. - 11 years ago

    The question should be, Should non-smokers be penalized for going to get coffee or tea outside their breaks, should they be penalized for going to get their lunch and eating it at their desks a half hour before their scheduled lunch break and going for coffee or hot water or whatever whenever they decide to go?? Non smokers think they work harder than smokers, that would be a fallacy, untrue.

    The survey, carried out across 120 Irish businesses, shows that the average smoker will spend about five per cent of their time, or 25 minutes a day, outside smoking.

    Allright 25 minutes smoking?? Two fifteen minute breaks equals 30 minutes (2 breaks) and 30 minute or 60 minute lunch break. Well it sounds like they should be given a medal for having 35 minutes left for more smoking that they don't use and if they have a 30 minute lunch break and a whopping 65 minutes left for smoking if they have a 60 minute lunch break. Plus 5% out of 100% means smokers spend 95% of their time working. Check on the non-smokers. Non-smokers do not just sit at their desks working, they are talking to their friends on the phone for long periods of time sometimes, going to visit their friends in other offices. Get real.

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