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What Gem Color Do You Think The Next Doctor Should Be? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 765

  • Andrew - 11 years ago

    It depends on the Doctor. I can't answer this without knowing because, as a fan since the 80's, it somehow matters. :)

    Eccleston: Green
    Hurt: Red
    Baker: Yellow

    Then again, I was expecting McCoy to be black. Also, Colin should have been rainbow-coloured. :P

    One interesting note here: yellow and black have special properties re: resistances vs. the other colors (aside from pink, which is its own thing), and I've found myself choosing a Doctor to play with not for their power but for their colour. For example, if I know it's a black-friendly level, I bring a couple of blacks and McGann. From that perspective, it would be nice if the Doctors didn't have a colour or were all colours at once so I could bring my favorite along without having to rebalance my whole deck.

  • Howard - 11 years ago

    "why are people voting blue,red,yellow,green,or black?"

    Because the makers of this game are clearly fans of the show, and fans of the show would not think for one second that Eccleston should be any gem color other than black. Hurt I would accept as red, he is born of anger and his sonic is red, so that really wouldn't be a huge stretch, but J is right, he really should be black as well.

  • FtWorthDan - 11 years ago

    I voted pink because we do already have one of each of the others. I realize that there aren't any pink companions, and that pink auto-heals but it'd be interesting to see what they did with a pink Doctor. I can't imagine that they would just automatically get rid of the healing aspect of the pink gems just because the a character uses those gems, but maybe that character doesn't deal damage, maybe they buff defense. I noticed a lot of the season six enemies were taking less damage than they should from attacks. Clearly there's a defensive aspect to the enemies, might be nice to have a character who can increase the team's defense.

  • Brian J. Parker - 11 years ago

    Spot on comments from J. Pink would be confusing, and I definitely think the colors should be distributed appropriately among the doctors based on personality.

  • J - 11 years ago

    What would a pink character do, exactly? Pink gems heal automatically, so would a pink character attack when pink gems are matched? Would that negate any healing benefits from the pink gems? Also, what color largely depends on which doctor it is; for example if the next doctor is Eccleston or Hurt he should definitely be black...

  • uggh - 11 years ago

    why are people voting blue,red,yellow,green,or black? we have those already smith,tennant,c baker,mccoy and mcgann VOTE PINK

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