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Should we adapt getErrors() or add a new method getErrorIterator()? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 59

  • Martin Hlaváč - 11 years ago

    @bschussek I woud much rather see new method than adding magical switches as parameters to existing ones. New method is easier to find and use - It's obvious what it does.

  • bschussek - 11 years ago

    @Hugo: That doesn't really make sense. We can't specify in a type hint, for example, that a class should implement both interfaces.

  • Hugo Hamon - 11 years ago

    For BC I think it's safer to add a new method and deprecate the previous one (to be removed in 3.0). Instead of modifying the current FormInterface, why not adding a new FormErrorInterface so that a Form instance implements both FormInterface and FormErrorInterface? Those two interfaces may be merged in branch 3.0.

  • Baptiste Clavié - 11 years ago

    Even though we're actually using getErrors, I think that rather than having x methods (getErrorIterator, getErrorAsString, getErrorAsUnicorns, ....) it should be better to have an iterator once and for all.

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