Do you think fireworks should be legal to shoot off in Wyandotte County?


  • Dee - 11 years ago

    Unless you ban all firework stands, within a certain radius of the city, I don't know how banning them will work. They're banned in KC, Mo but you wouldn't know. The police don't have the time power or man power to scour the city looking for folks firing them off. Honestly, I think fireworks are fine but I do think those who sale the ones that sound as though they've created craters in streets, should be either fined and closed down or jailed.

  • S.J. - 11 years ago

    I'm pretty torn on this subject. I have always been one to love setting off fireworks however the bangs just keep getting louder. I'm one for rolling out a long strip of fire crackers and lighting them. However I am NOT okay with lighting half sticks of dynamite in a residential area. Living in KCK my whole life, I think this has been the worst year yet. I normally don't care what my neighbors do but when you let off dynamite that literally knocks something off my wall, something needs to be done. Now that I have threatened to call the cops, which I'm sure even if I did they wouldn't do anything, I know have to deal with tension and worry all night knowing that there are drunks letting off dynamite in the neighborhood. It's too much.

  • larry stannard - 11 years ago

    I think fireworks should be legal. As long as you use them as directed and with adult supervision. Cars, Trucks, beer, wine, etc. cause far more injuries then fireworks per day. Lets all lighten up and let everyone enjoy the holiday the way they see fit. If we want a guarantee in life then let us ALL stop living.

  • paula pearson - 11 years ago

    Fireworks need to be banned everywhere! Not good for the environment, not good for neighborhoods, not good for children or pets. Think of the Vets with PTSD, if you really cared there would be no pyrotechnics in the hand of the general public.

  • Barb Belt - 11 years ago

    No I believe it is time that we join the majority of the metro area and ban fireworks in KCK. With all we do to protect our children in this day and age it is absolutely ludicrous to hand them an incendiary device and a lighter. Even sparklers burn at temperatures of 1200 degrees and up. It just doesn't make sense. The city ordinance is not maintained and I am totally opposed to an unenforceable law. Cut them out completely and crack down on offenders. Period. Then go watch a beautiful public display instead of watching your money go up in smoke.

  • Terri Rankin - 11 years ago

    To take fireworks away would be un-American. There are always going to be people trying to restrict what others can do. I believe people should stop complaining about what their neighbor is doing and just enjoy the holiday for what it is.

  • Jean Pitchford - 11 years ago

    I think there should be some fireworks available for the children, with parental supervision.

  • Royetta Ferris - 11 years ago

    Too many people get hurt, and many people do not obey the laws, on when to shoot and NOT shoot them off. Tired of the mess, left on the streets, that should be picked up by those who make it! Fires that cause major damage to homes, etc., by careless people. Would prefer to have displays at public parks put on by professionals.

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