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Do you look forward to going to work Monday mornings? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 346

  • Mobile Man - 10 years ago

    I said "no" only because I work most weekends too - love my job!

  • Jo Kriynovich - 10 years ago

    I look forward to going to work on Monday. The group of people I work with are fantastic and I find still find it challenging interesting. I've learned more about the technical side of IT than I ever thought I would need to know and looking at the overview of how things fit together is fascinating. My motto for every job I've ever held is 'If I'm not having fun, it's time to move on.' I'm still having fun!

  • lae - 10 years ago

    Rather than yes/no, which are so absolute, it would have been more accurate to say All of the time, Most of the time, Some of the time, Never.
    I typically enjoy going to work on Mondays, but some of my Mondays lately have been, well, miserable. (EHR performance issues have made things rather miserable as of late)
    Most of the time though, I'm really excited to go to work as our community health center makes a big difference in people's lives and I am proud to be a part of that.

  • Pat Skarulis - 10 years ago

    I love my job and the people I work with. There are so many talented people here. I feel what we are doing makes a difference in so many people's lives.
    We are pushing the boundaries in datawarehousing and it could not be a more exciting time in cancer research and cancer care.

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