Would you vote for Donald Trump for president?


  • hernandez - 8 years ago

    I believe America needs a REAL leader like Trump to run this country, not a phony, corrupt, impunibly, self-egotistic, incompetent, politically correct, pathological lying Politician.

  • Scott Simmons - 9 years ago

    The USA Needs Someone who will make the right deals! Trump Has Built His Empire on Making Deals! Hell Yes I AM VOTING FOR THE TRUMP! Just don't over do it on the football!

  • stephen huntamer - 9 years ago

    iam tired of all the untruthfulness going on in the whitehouse they are supposed to be for the people they are not the news people are just as bad with their half truths

  • tindaro granata - 9 years ago

    i think he will be great
    he got my vote and ten of my friends

  • Liam - 9 years ago

    Every other candidate is a political animal beholden to an endless array of special interest groups which influence every decision they make. Trump stands outside of that group of politically and philosophically compromised people! If I had a million votes I'd give every single on of them to the person who gets up and tells it like it is. Illegal immigration is TOTALLY out of control and is a massive burden on the US during a time when we need to conserve our fiscal resources and reorganize the entire political infrastructure of America - no thanks to the absolutely terrible 'leadership' of Obama. Right now, the only person speaking the truth without embellishing it and polishing it with false political correctness is TRUMP. He gets my vote and the vote of everyone in my family!

  • charles adams - 9 years ago

    i believe Donald is the perfect man for president for American people this is the united states of America not the united states for mexican and other foreign people he does not want to give America to other countries and amnesty for people not in united states legal

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