When you show results, please split up the percentages show the female/male split broken down by percentages.
Would love to see a followup poll - Have you seen sexual harassment in the workplace and what did you do about it? (again, broken down by gender)
And maybe a followup followup - what happened to you when you did report it?
Sliding Scale - 9 years ago
I reported a repeat-offender at work who was harassing me and other women in the office, but concede to not reporting countless other, less threatening/more minor (but still unwanted) verbal remarks. I wonder if I'm alone in being more bothered by discriminatory/sexist commentary than run-of-the-mill cat-calls. (Or are they one in the same?)
It's Everywhere (Unfortunately) - 9 years ago
I was harassed by multiple attending physicians in medical school and witnessed them harassing other students and even patients. It was disgusting. As a practicing physician I have been harassed by peers. Working with software vendor employees and consultants, I have seen entirely too much harassment, mostly fueled by alcohol and testosterone.
Unfortunately, in the 70s/80s and even some of the 90s, sexual harassment was rarely, if ever, reported by females. If it had happened now (i.e., the 21st century), I suspect reporting by females would be more commonplace. I know I would!!
When you show results, please split up the percentages show the female/male split broken down by percentages.
Would love to see a followup poll - Have you seen sexual harassment in the workplace and what did you do about it? (again, broken down by gender)
And maybe a followup followup - what happened to you when you did report it?
I reported a repeat-offender at work who was harassing me and other women in the office, but concede to not reporting countless other, less threatening/more minor (but still unwanted) verbal remarks. I wonder if I'm alone in being more bothered by discriminatory/sexist commentary than run-of-the-mill cat-calls. (Or are they one in the same?)
I was harassed by multiple attending physicians in medical school and witnessed them harassing other students and even patients. It was disgusting. As a practicing physician I have been harassed by peers. Working with software vendor employees and consultants, I have seen entirely too much harassment, mostly fueled by alcohol and testosterone.
Unfortunately, in the 70s/80s and even some of the 90s, sexual harassment was rarely, if ever, reported by females. If it had happened now (i.e., the 21st century), I suspect reporting by females would be more commonplace. I know I would!!