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What role does your job play in your existence? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 482

  • Mobile Man - 8 years ago

    I wish I could say I was "independently wealthy", but somehow I ended up not... What that means (to me), is that the most important thing in my life (my family) is very dependent on my ability to "pay the bills", which in turn has warped my sense of self into some bastardized version of my work self...

  • Cassie - 8 years ago

    I'd say I associate the majority of my personal value with my work performance. And I wish I could break myself of that habit! I wish I could dis-engage with work and ultimately select the first option.

  • Mineopie - 8 years ago

    I've allowed myself to be immersed in work in order to satisfy my own work ethic as well as help fulfill the company's mission. I've been careful however to maintain my own identity outside of the office and now that the kids are creating their own careers I am thankful to have done so. If I can now combine the beach, golf & food trucks I will be set!

  • Rebecca - 8 years ago

    None of the above. It's more than a means to pay my bills but it most certainly doesn't define my identity. I look to my job/career for intellectual challenge, but my family life is the most important part of my life.

  • Furydelabongo - 8 years ago

    Being able to work in healthcare has always brought me a tremendous amount of personal and professional satisfaction. I love being able to advocate for patients and their families in this maze that all to often loses sight of the goal. I used to think the companies I worked for in care delivery and HIT shared those goals. I don't anymore. Yet, I continue because if I was "only" a patient, family member or consumer, they wouldn't pay any attention to me. Perhaps "disruptive identity" more clearly describes it.

  • Ed Gaudet - 8 years ago

    You should have offered an option between the extremes. There is isn't much of a difference between "significant" and "most important" as it relates to the "just pays the bills" option. My job provides an environment in which I can develop leadership and other skills within the context of "the job" but it doesn't define my identity. Maybe an option like this: supports financial growth and self development.

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