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Rate your level of concern over the government of Guam's financial condition. (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 142

  • joe Rag - 8 years ago

    I am just concerned with Guam Government maintaining the integrity of the Hay Study! This is nothing more than maintaining the integrity of Blood Laws. I don't work for Guam Government, so I guess that makes me a slave. Being a slave on Guam is just like being tortured, by the Japanese, but now a days it is legal for the Chamorro based government to torture everyone. It's the same thing just fast forward everything 70 years and change the Japanese into Chamorro's !

  • joe Rag - 8 years ago

    I am just concerned with Guam Government maintaining the integrity of the Hay Study! This is nothing more than maintaining the integrity of Blood Laws. I don't work for Guam Government, so I guess that makes me a slave. Being a slave on Guam is just like being tortured, by the Japanese, but now a days it is legal for the Chamorro based government to torture everyone. It's the same thing just fast forward everything 70 years and change the Japanese into Chamorro's !

  • Cat - 8 years ago

    I am extremely concerned about the financial condition of Guam. The leaders behave as if the federal government or the Guam taxpayers will foot the bill for all of their stupid decisions

    If I were a GovGuam employee I'd be financing my own retirement through an IRA or Roth IRA.

    I'm from California and I've seen what happens when there is simply no tax base to pay out retirement pensions. In Sacramento people throw rocks at Firefighters passing by in their engines. The local officials made such disastrous financial decisions and then blamed it on firefighter pensions - then those pensions were cut to somewhere around $120/month. The true blame goes to the officials who decided to build a marina (among other idiotic ideas.) The payments on the bonds that financed the building of the marina are much higher than any revenue coming from slip rental fees. It is the retirees paying the price of bad city management.

    And Detroit.... need I say more? Michigan is a STATE. Do Guamanians think that the Feds will bail out a TERRITORY when they won't even bail out a state?

    Listen, when there's no money, there's no money. I understand that some GovGuam employees pay 6% of their salary into a fund meant to cover their pensions... basic math will show anyone that a 6% savings/investment will not yield 70% or more of their pre-retirement earnings. I'm down 5% already this year on my 401K... where do the GovGuam employees think their funds are invested? We are all in the same stock market, GovGuam isn't earning double digits while the rest of us are losing money.

  • Concerned citizen - 8 years ago

    GovGu elected officials continue to pass financially disastrous legislation all favorable to GovGu employees only, without regard to mounting debts, from vendor payments to tax refunds. To add insult to injury, now GPA has well over $150M tab that will be passed on to ratepayers--insurance co denied the claim and the root cause, although already known, is being withheld. GovGu continues to borrow beyond its aability to pay back debts. We all know what happens when we get more credit cards to pay off maxed out cards. Bankruptcy. Unfortunately, the actions of current leaders pass the burden to non-GovGu taxpayers, including their kids and grandkids. Should we be real concerned?

  • johnny - 8 years ago

    Not all concerned, now if my paycheck came from, or I was to become a future GoVGuam Retiree Id be extremely concerned, but fortunately thats not the case.

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