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Would you vote to increase the Business Privilege Tax to help fund GMH? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 320

  • Y. Man - 8 years ago

    Not "No", but "Hell No" !!!!!

    It all ends up with the "Worker" paying the taxes !!

  • Franklin Perez - 8 years ago

    A systemic problem is not solved by infusing more money into a money pit, you first identify why it is a money pit to begin with. The Organic Act is over due for a joint U.S.- Guam review. Hopefully by local states persons and not career politicians. The people of Guam should be empowered to select and elect these elder statespersons to represent the people of Guam who are seperate from the legislature, the governor's office, and judiciary. Our present leadership, except for a handful, have been derelict in serving the people. A panel of "experts" cow towing to the suggestion of a tax on the people to secure the stability of GMH is put one example. Second, those who pay their hospital debt should not be asked to pay another's hospital debt. Instead, those who can't pay but can work should be doing exactly that. The government should develop a work force program for these people to work their debts off. And if they are physically unable, then the next of kin would do just as well. Our leaders and experts are unable to think out of the box. Their typical solution is to borrow, borrow, borrow.

  • Franklin Perez - 8 years ago

    A systemic problem is not solved by infusing more money into a money pit, you first identify why it is a money pit to begin with. The Organic Act is over due for a joint U.S.- Guam review. Hopefully by local states persons and not career politicians. The people of Guam should be empowered to select and elect these elder statespersons to represent the people of Guam who are seperate from the legislature, the governor's office, and judiciary. Our present leadership, except for a handful, have been derelict in serving the people. A panel of "experts" cow towing to the suggestion of a tax on the people to secure the stability of GMH is put one example. Second, those who pay their hospital debt should not be asked to pay another's hospital debt. Instead, those who can't pay but can work should be doing exactly that. The government should develop a work force program for these people to work their debts off. And if they are physically unable, then the next of kin would do just as well. Our leaders and experts are unable to think out of the box. Their typical solution is to borrow, borrow, borrow.

  • Franklin Perez - 8 years ago

    A systemic problem is not solved by infusing more money into a money pit, you first identify why it is a money pit to begin with. The Organic Act is over due for a joint U.S.- Guam review. Hopefully by local states persons and not career politicians. The people of Guam should be empowered to select and elect these elder statespersons to represent the people of Guam who are seperate from the legislature, the governor's office, and judiciary. Our present leadership, except for a handful, have been derelict in serving the people. A panel of "experts" cow towing to the suggestion of a tax on the people to secure the stability of GMH is put one example. Second, those who pay their hospital debt should not be asked to pay another's hospital debt. Instead, those who can't pay but can work should be doing exactly that. The government should develop a work force program for these people to work their debts off. And if they are physically unable, then the next of kin would do just as well. Our leaders and experts are unable to think out of the box. Their typical solution is to borrow, borrow, borrow.

  • Intensive Care - 8 years ago

    Businesses, especially small business owners, many who fall in the Middle Class, are already shouldering the burden for the tax abatements (QC's) of the rich and soon will be subject to paying even higher minimum wages for labor. Government officials should rescind their raises and the real property tax could be raised slightly to help fund GMH.

  • johnny a - 8 years ago

    The Guam Memorial Hospital should set up a federal system of medical assistance similiar to medicaid for the elderly and disabled specifically targeting patients who do not have the means to pay for hospital services. In its present state the Compact Impact Aid probably does not permit them to qualify for the federal assistance programs but through new new federal legislation it could be proposed by our newly elected delegate to Washington.

    Users of the hospital when they are admitted could be taxed an additional one percent to offset the debt currently experienced by the hospital. Rather than having everyone pay islandwide for this, it should be segregated only to patients.

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