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Grade Archbishop Hon's plan to unify Guam's Catholic church. (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 582

  • Y. Man - 8 years ago

    TO : Archbishop Hon:
    The is a saying that goes, " If you ain't going to take a poop, Then get off the potty !"

  • Jery Yingling - 8 years ago

    Viewed from afar, it apears that Archbishop Hon's approach has been purely "corporate" and, while this is pure speculation on my part, he seemingly had his opinion set aleady from his earlier visit to Guam. He has surrounded himself with Archbishop Apuron's enablers, sycophants, and "corporate" climbers and he is failing to see all of the issues that plague our diocese. Of course, abuse of children being the most egregious of the horros that has infected our church, but there are a multitusde of other deadly sins not being investigated. I am sure that I do not need to lecture Archbishop Hon on the 7 deadly sins.

  • Da Breeze - 8 years ago

    I'm not impressed with Archbishop Hon's leadership since he arrived..I attended one his 0930 Sunday mass at the Hagatna, Basilica... I could barley hear his sermon, he speaks into the microphone but not loud enough for everyone to hear .... he needs to speak up , he is a poor speaker.

    Why ? ArchBishop Hon that you cannot meet with the people face to face and answer questions directly ?
    Follow your leader Pop Francis's footsteps Get out and meet and greet the Catholic faithful !!!!!

  • Joe T. San Agustin - 8 years ago

    From all indications, if the sexual allegations against Apuron is the reason the Vatican acted, and not at the primary cause of the whole situation-- the root of this problem came when the NEOs came to "take over the local diocese- "-- and not "to co-exist" as the Vatican seems to represent. Priests came and go, but the faith and devotion to the CHURCH would always be there- which is being challenged by the NEOs. If the NEOs leaves the island, perhaps, this problem would diminish and then the locals would take care of our catholic development as it exist since the days of Bishop Olano, Baugmartner, and Felixiverto Flores--
    The entire organizational structures has been for the NEOs to take over, get rid of priest on the way, i.e Msgn. Benavente and Fr. Gofigan- abolish the Diocese Finance Counsel, expedite the ordinations of NEOs to be Pastors of over 2/3 of the island parishes, isolate the Kapuchins and reduce the number of Filipino priests---m TO ME THIS IS THE NEO'S OBJECTIVES AND GOALS FOR GUAM-- NO MOFRE NO LESS AND SO FAR THEY HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL-

  • Tony - 8 years ago

    Bishop Han should address the most important issues against Apuron first !!!!!!
    The sexual Alligations....

  • Jake - 8 years ago

    To: strangedejim

    Patience is a virtue. It is your faith that is being tested, not mine or the others. You are being impatient & you need to be more patient in the coming days. There is no quick solution to anything! Only that we have to trust in God & allow everything to come to its place. God bless & peace

  • strangedejim - 8 years ago

    Archbishop, Hon, pronouncements and establishments of councils are not going to resolve this schism.

    I strongly suggest more concrete action, similar to your boss, to directly engage this crisis of confidence in our Church.

    You are now the one who is testing our faith, not galvanizing it.

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