My pick is the Common Loon. Second would be the Black Capped Chickadee, third the Red Tailed Hawk. The Snowy Owl and Canada Jay are beautiful, but not common across Canada. The Canada Goose should not even be considered.
David Zwicker - 8 years ago
It should be the Loon. It is an iconic bird, and is found pretty well everywhere in Canada. The Canada Jay is beautiful bird, but isn't found everywhere in Canada. My second choice would be the Chickadee. My third choice would be the
Rick Rodziewicz - 8 years ago
Another aspect of society the Whiskey Jack ( love this name) may be symbolic for is the under dog. Some times I think there is greater virtue and nobility in losing than in winning.
They're all beautiful bird and all are well celebrated. The greatest of which, I think is the Trumpet Swan.
barb herring - 8 years ago
goose... loon... the only bird that saved my sanity in the bush is the wiskey jack. aka grey jay. next time you're all outta town, look for wiskey jack bird. It's real cool when the eat outta your hand like things are still all right in our world. cause they aren't
Janet Ashall - 8 years ago
Please the loon! They are not afraid of humans, we can swim next to them and their babies
Janet Ashall - 8 years ago
I didn't even know there was a vote going on! No publicity! I live up north and the sounds of the loon are awesome! The loon is on our dollar! Of course it should be the loon!
Sandra Austin - 8 years ago
If the Loon has the most votes, why won't it be picked? When is the contest over?
Sandra Austin.
Wayne Mack - 8 years ago
The Snowy Owl........"Strong And Free".....just like Canada and our National Anthem!.....this should be the winner hands down.
Samantha Handy - 8 years ago
Fact about Loons:
It began with a young male loon invading and driving away the male of a breeding pair, which happens often. Then: “The strategic retreat of the territorial male left his mate in dire straits. Without another parent to engage intruders, the female alone had to defend the week-old chick from the aggressive onslaught of the four-year-old male. The situation was hopeless, the suspense only fleeting. The young male quickly discovered the chick and — in the grisliest moment we have observed while studying loons — snatched the chick out of the water and carried it for a time while pursuing the retreating female. When he dropped the lifeless youngster, it was over." -
Just saying - male loons are jerks!
David L Turple - 8 years ago
The chickadee is my pick this small curious and social little birds are found Canada wide and also found in a large variety of habitat
Steve - 8 years ago
Common loon, Black-capped chickadee, and Snowy owl should be disqualified because they are already official birds of provinces. Canada goose is very symbolic, but a scourge and a nuisance. The Gray Jay (Should be Grey Jay in Canada!) aka the whiskey jack, meanwhile embraces the cold Canadian climate.
Catherine. Starrs - 8 years ago
The black capped chickadee love to hear them in the spring.. As they come to your feeders I love the other birds as well but this little harsh fellow is for me.
Doug L - 8 years ago
First choice: the loon.. We live on a lake and are frequently out canoeing there's nothing like the call of the loons!
Second choice : the chickadee... friendly, everywhere, and here all year.
Absolute Last choice: Canada goose leaving their droppings everywhere. Please pick anything but the Canada goose.
We really need a ranked ballot for this!
Barb - 8 years ago
Snowy Owl is beautiful, majestic, and represents the North. It is found in every province. If it were chosen as Canada's national bird, it might get more protection from oil drillers in the Arctic which disturb its environment. It gets my vote!
Nancy Given - 8 years ago
Difficult to choose. The snowy owl is a magnificent bird, strong, lives throughout Canada & is free. Has a haunting call in the nite. They all have their own characteristics. The loon & the goose have received their recognition......
Paul - 8 years ago
ABCC - Anything But the Canada Goose. Quickly becoming an international scourge. Drop the Canada, as someone above suggested.
claude forest - 8 years ago
The Gray Jay is the only one of these birds that is Northern and inhabits all Provinces and Territories, and is non-migratory. Let us seek the unique.
Kelsey - 8 years ago
Black-capped chickadee or gray jay! Why should birds that fly south for the winter represent Canada?
Rick Angel - 8 years ago
I think the black capped chickadee should b as it is here year round and a very friendly bird
Here where I live they will land on your hand and accept sun flower seeds
Very cool
Russell - 8 years ago
I voted for the loon, the voice of our lake country, day and night. But what happened to the Canada bird, aka white-throated sparrow? Its call is "Canada-Canada-Canada..."
John Demers - 8 years ago
My choice would be the ever noble, Chickadee. Small like our population; it is also friendly which I feel reflects the spirit of Canada. I love that they will land and eat from your hand. The fact that people have actually seen them is a bonus.
I think the Loon has enough exposure and is Ontario's bird. The Snowy Owl and Gray Jay (I've never seen one) are too rare.
In Canada, isn't it a grey jay? Gray seems overly American for our national bird.
Glenn C Taylor - 8 years ago
The loon is the best choice and I love them all.
Louise Betts - 8 years ago
I love all the birds listed, but my favourite is the Loon. I'm in my 60s and always lived in Eastern Ontario (Ottawa Valley), and I've never seen a Grey Jay. When I hear a loon it gives me goosebumps. It's the most beautiful sound you could ever hear.
AG - 8 years ago
We could use this vote as a test for how proportional representation could work. For 31% of the year, we have the loon adorning varied paths to Canada...with the grey Jay getting the least face time. Or perhaps we could try ranked ballots. Ask the grey Jay folks to vote again...and so on until, hopefully, we get the loon crossing that elusive 50% threshold...
John - 8 years ago
Loon has enough stage time already goose is gone all winter along with his loonie pals. Me owl may be wise but not many will ever see him. Ah the chickadee small cute cuddly not really a candidate but a beutiful bird all the same wich leaves us with the Grey Jay here all year ,friendly , most of us are familure with its campground activities one of the most easiest wild Canadian birds to watch and possibly make friends with. This bird has my vote
Kay Kerman - 8 years ago
Although I always take notice and love to see the V shape of the geese in flight as our seasons changes and they are either beginning or returning from a long journey, my vote is with our common loon. At any time of day or night, the lovely call of the loon warms my heart. To me, it seems to be a uniquely Canadian bird (not sure if that's even true). There is a quiet, humble beauty in our Canadian common loon.
Ken Pole - 8 years ago
Definitely NOT the Canada Goose, a fecal factory loathed in many parts of Europe and the US.
Pat Durant - 8 years ago
My vote is the black capped chickadee. They are around in every province, year round. They bring delight to every backyard that welcomes them, and will close enough to eat out of your hand. Loons are not that approachable, a bit aloof and standoffish.
Connie Haddad - 8 years ago
My favourite bird is the chickadee, but I voted for the Canada Jay. I would love to see more of them but have not been able to get them to come to my feeder, probably because we live a little too far from the woods. I've often wondered if they are becoming an endangered species. My father use to work in the woods and was able to get the Canada Jays to come right up to his boiling hole and eat bread out of his hand.
J Scott - 8 years ago
The dear little chickadee . Always in my yard year round and their cheery song makes me feel happy .
catherine Pichette - 8 years ago
The chickadee every time. They are in my backyard 12 months of the year. I never seen a loon, snowy owl, grey jay. Do see Canada geese but they are all over North America. So for Canada it's got to be the faithful chickadee.
Maddy Anderson - 8 years ago
I love my little black-capped Chickadees, they're always around. And the beautiful Snowy Owl is a stunning bird, but not often seen, but the Canadian Goose says it all, even in it's name! When I hear them honking in the fall, I know Autumn is now a fact, but when I hear those 'honks" in Springtime, I feel like jumping for joy!!! Yeah, Spring is here!!!
These are my reasons for my vote. The Canada Geese elicit more emotion from me than any of the others put forward for the iconic nomination. May the best bird win! ;))
B. lisle - 8 years ago
I picked the chickadee because they are cheerful, smart and stick around every season. We can't trust the Canada Goose, they tried to take Sully and his plane out over the Hudson!!!
AlexG - 8 years ago
The Loon. Many reasons. Distinctive sound. Gorgeous plumage. A wild bird that dives deep into Canada's lakes. Overall a majestic creature that deserves its place at the top.
Strongly against the Canada geese winning this thing...humans deliberately over feed them with food that makes them unhealthy (bread), leading to a huge explosion of the creatures and creating other problems across North America. Suggest we drop the word Canada from the goose and call it the common goose...
Corey J - 8 years ago
Well seems the Canada goose has to endure repeated attacks from humans sending dogs to chase the geese away. Or the many many nasty ways man does to keep these beautiful POSSIBLY OUR REPRESENTATIVES OF CANADA!!! so the more these idiots continue to take the pastures grass lands that were the gooses eating nesting and resting points along there vast travels away , and then attack these birds. SO THE CANADA GOOSE WOULD REPRESENT ENDURANCE, PERSERVERENCE AND RESILIENCE
Beth Robarts - 8 years ago
I voted for the Canada Goose it's name says it all. They are gorgeous birds. They like the rest of our country can become pretty protective over their space and families. The Heat Jay is a liveable comedian, the Snowy Owl isn't often seen, the Chickadee is the little talker when you call his name and the loon has the most haunting call but is awkward on land. The only choice is the Canada Goose who is graceful, haughty, and defends it's territory!
Anna Nitschke - 8 years ago
I voted for the Chickadee and my second choice would be the Gray Jay. The accessibility and personality of the Chickadee is what I would base my vote on. I really liked Curt's response.
Hannah schroeder - 8 years ago
I vote for the Snowy Owl because I heard that when they fly, you can't hear them at all and, it's a beautiful bird to see.
Scherezade - 8 years ago
Canada is essentially a duck with pretty plumage. It spends most of its time staying afloat and can't be bothered to get out of the water.
Steve H. - 8 years ago
It has to be the loon. It is on our money, in our pockets and has an eery soulful sound that no other bird has.
M.Ross - 8 years ago
I voted for The black-capped chickadee. because they are here all year round, their song is beautiful....they are a fun bird and makes me feel happy when I see them.
Margaret - 8 years ago
No contest! The beautiful little chickadee. They stay around all year round and they always remind me of the Christmas season.
Doug Turner - 8 years ago
Don't pick the loon, pick something that soars instead of diving. The dollar is a perfect example. Once every 40 years it soars for a bit then dives to depths of $0.60.
Les Gomori - 8 years ago
I hope the Grey Jay gets the vote. To be a true Canuk you have to be able to handle the winters!!
Frank - 8 years ago
My first choice: the loon, the sound of em at night on a distant lake is like no other, feels like my country.
My last choice: the Canada goose, I just wish they'd never come near humans at all.
Carol Zippel - 8 years ago
I vote for the Gray Jay. They are found all over Canada, very tough and do not migrate. They hide their food so it can be retrieved in the winter. It is a beautiful bird and whoever spends time in the bush knows it well.
Val Thomas - 8 years ago
Black-capped Chickadee. I would go for a bird that remains in Canada year round and that people would have a chance to see periodically. There's no way we'll ever see a Gray Jay or Common Loon except on TV. We don't see Common Loons in Canada all winter nor Snowy Owls in the summer. Black-capped Chickadees can be found even in our area all year round. The Canada Goose is okay but becoming a problem in parks and on some golf courses with population growth. They try to scare them off. Some chickadees will even eat nuts from your hand.
Curt - 8 years ago
Chickadee. For anyone that spends time in the woods it's got to be between the whiskeyjack and the chickadee. They are both very curious and friendly, yet hardy, resilent and robust. The chickadee is ridiculously cute. If you're still they will land and check out every zipper and pocket, once even trying to remove my glasses. However, the chickadees are not to be underestimated. When the flock moves through the forest hunting, they are a force to be reckoned with. They move through in the dozens to hundreds turning over every leaf on the forest floor. They check every crack in the bark. If you are a small insect you best be hidden far and deep when the chickadee hoard moves through the bush. These small cute ultra predators demand respect, but to most they are fluffy happy little birds that are fun to watch play at the feeder. This dichotomy just sounds Canadian. When you add that it's such a humble, innocuous and inoffensive choice the decision is made. Oh, Chickadee! Our home and native bird.
Kim T - 8 years ago
Chickadee-dee-dee! Nothing heralds a much welcome spring like the call of the chickadee. They are spunky and polite, like Canadians. I agree crow or raven should have been on the list. I'd settle for a beautiful loon too, could be a graceful logo.
Peter - 8 years ago
We vote for the Black-capped Chickadee. They stay all year it seems and we feed them from our hands at the many trails around Ottawa. We also have a Robert Bateman's print called 'The Scolding' that features our favourite birds scolding a visiting screech owl. We love their uplifting variety of songs too.
Ian - 8 years ago
Gray Jay for me! It's habitat is the same as a map of Canada! Tough and well mannered with its own distinctive voice! It can even pronounce "about" correctly!
Peter - 8 years ago
Please, please, not the Canada Goose. I would sooner the Red Headed Buzzard than the Canada Goose.
It is the most hated bird in more countries that have been cursed with its existence than most Canadians know. Anybody who has ever tried to sit or walk on the grass on Toronto Island knows full well how filthy the bird is. It is a despicable bird with absolutely nothing to recommend it. It is a viscous beast that treats territoriality as an excuse to attack anything venturing near. In most areas of the US its looked on as vermin and treated as such with an open season on it's destruction.
Anything, but the Canada Goose.
Bryan - 8 years ago
I think the hint is in the name... "Canada Goose"
If it becomes the national bird, at least we do not have to worry about blowing tax dollars to protect it since they are multiplying like vermin!
Fred Shmipple - 8 years ago
I was actually hoping that the crow was in the contest. They live right across Canada, for one. They tolerate us better than most birds. They act as clean-up crew by the roadside. They are quite intelligent, to boot. Ah well...
Glenn - 8 years ago
Think we need to focus on more important issues first
like picking the national dog :)
Options: 1. Husky, 2. Newfoundland Dog, 3, Labrador Retriever, 4. Duck-Tolling Retriever, 5.Eskimo Dog
Helmut Waldner - 8 years ago
Snowy Owls are awesome. There is nothing else like them in flight and they will take on a blad eagle when the eagle try's to steal the Owls kill.
Irene Anderson - 8 years ago
Anyone voting for the Canada Goose obviously does not have to deal with them on a daily basis, fouling our beach, digging holes in the grass, foouling golf courses and playgrounds...........
Jennifer Cleary - 8 years ago
No sound is more haunting & representative of the Canadian wilderness as the loon!
OD - 8 years ago
we need to appreciate the CANADA GOOSE the loon just makes us sound... well... loonie
DougO - 8 years ago
I wanted to choose a majestic bird whose range was mainly (and therefore represents) Canada.
Anything except the Canada Goose!
They are common as far south as Mexico and can also be found in New Zeland. They can be such a nuisance and they can create quite a mess in urban parks. It was Canada Geese that brought down US Airways Flight 1549 (i.e. the movie "Sully"), among others: ( )
Cathy Burton - 8 years ago
I like all of these choices but think the chickadee and the grey jay won't play out internationally. The snowy owl is nice and somewhat majestic. The Canada Goose could do it but they can be a big nuisance so I am still for the loon.
Chris - 8 years ago
The red-tailed hawk should be in consideration. It's common to all provinces and territories, not claimed by any other country, features one of the national colours, and, frankly, is more majestic than any of the five short-listed options.
Dan Farrow - 8 years ago
I voted Gray Jay but I think the Loon would b fantastic as well. I agree the Canada goose is a common sight but I think disliked as much as liked by many because of their accesive numbers. AND...I'm a hunter. People aren't going to like it when I'm eating the National Bird.
Froozeball - 8 years ago
The Loon - it's a striking, and unique looking and sounding bird.
We could have an Owl - a raptor like other countries, but it's already been done.
We could have a cute Chickadee but a bird with more stature, statuesque even (*coughs LOON *coughs*) would be more fitting as a bird representing our entire country.
A gray jay is pretty unique looking but too similar to Chickadee in stature - it's a smaller bird.
A Canada Goose - well, pretty good all around. Striking, statuesque, large, not quite been there and done that by other countries. But it's cry is not really different than any other large bird in its class. And frankly, it leaves feces all over the place.
It's the Loon - all the way. C'mon! That's an easy choice here Canada! Let's just make it so!
It's eyes are even RED - much like that flag of ours, right?
Psychopos - 8 years ago
"CANADA" can it not be the our bird?!?
Pat Ellis - 8 years ago
The loon is calling all Canadians!
Tim - 8 years ago
The other birds are beautiful but I voted for the loon because I've so often heard it at dusk in various parts of Canada while out in the woods near water AND because of those lovely Hinterland commercials in the 70s :)
Alexis Handke - 8 years ago
I hope the Loon is picked. Such a nice sounding bird
My pick is the Common Loon. Second would be the Black Capped Chickadee, third the Red Tailed Hawk. The Snowy Owl and Canada Jay are beautiful, but not common across Canada. The Canada Goose should not even be considered.
It should be the Loon. It is an iconic bird, and is found pretty well everywhere in Canada. The Canada Jay is beautiful bird, but isn't found everywhere in Canada. My second choice would be the Chickadee. My third choice would be the
Another aspect of society the Whiskey Jack ( love this name) may be symbolic for is the under dog. Some times I think there is greater virtue and nobility in losing than in winning.
They're all beautiful bird and all are well celebrated. The greatest of which, I think is the Trumpet Swan.
goose... loon... the only bird that saved my sanity in the bush is the wiskey jack. aka grey jay. next time you're all outta town, look for wiskey jack bird. It's real cool when the eat outta your hand like things are still all right in our world. cause they aren't
Please the loon! They are not afraid of humans, we can swim next to them and their babies
I didn't even know there was a vote going on! No publicity! I live up north and the sounds of the loon are awesome! The loon is on our dollar! Of course it should be the loon!
If the Loon has the most votes, why won't it be picked? When is the contest over?
Sandra Austin.
The Snowy Owl........"Strong And Free".....just like Canada and our National Anthem!.....this should be the winner hands down.
Fact about Loons:
It began with a young male loon invading and driving away the male of a breeding pair, which happens often. Then: “The strategic retreat of the territorial male left his mate in dire straits. Without another parent to engage intruders, the female alone had to defend the week-old chick from the aggressive onslaught of the four-year-old male. The situation was hopeless, the suspense only fleeting. The young male quickly discovered the chick and — in the grisliest moment we have observed while studying loons — snatched the chick out of the water and carried it for a time while pursuing the retreating female. When he dropped the lifeless youngster, it was over." -
Just saying - male loons are jerks!
The chickadee is my pick this small curious and social little birds are found Canada wide and also found in a large variety of habitat
Common loon, Black-capped chickadee, and Snowy owl should be disqualified because they are already official birds of provinces. Canada goose is very symbolic, but a scourge and a nuisance. The Gray Jay (Should be Grey Jay in Canada!) aka the whiskey jack, meanwhile embraces the cold Canadian climate.
The black capped chickadee love to hear them in the spring.. As they come to your feeders I love the other birds as well but this little harsh fellow is for me.
First choice: the loon.. We live on a lake and are frequently out canoeing there's nothing like the call of the loons!
Second choice : the chickadee... friendly, everywhere, and here all year.
Absolute Last choice: Canada goose leaving their droppings everywhere. Please pick anything but the Canada goose.
We really need a ranked ballot for this!
Snowy Owl is beautiful, majestic, and represents the North. It is found in every province. If it were chosen as Canada's national bird, it might get more protection from oil drillers in the Arctic which disturb its environment. It gets my vote!
Difficult to choose. The snowy owl is a magnificent bird, strong, lives throughout Canada & is free. Has a haunting call in the nite. They all have their own characteristics. The loon & the goose have received their recognition......
ABCC - Anything But the Canada Goose. Quickly becoming an international scourge. Drop the Canada, as someone above suggested.
The Gray Jay is the only one of these birds that is Northern and inhabits all Provinces and Territories, and is non-migratory. Let us seek the unique.
Black-capped chickadee or gray jay! Why should birds that fly south for the winter represent Canada?
I think the black capped chickadee should b as it is here year round and a very friendly bird
Here where I live they will land on your hand and accept sun flower seeds
Very cool
I voted for the loon, the voice of our lake country, day and night. But what happened to the Canada bird, aka white-throated sparrow? Its call is "Canada-Canada-Canada..."
My choice would be the ever noble, Chickadee. Small like our population; it is also friendly which I feel reflects the spirit of Canada. I love that they will land and eat from your hand. The fact that people have actually seen them is a bonus.
I think the Loon has enough exposure and is Ontario's bird. The Snowy Owl and Gray Jay (I've never seen one) are too rare.
In Canada, isn't it a grey jay? Gray seems overly American for our national bird.
The loon is the best choice and I love them all.
I love all the birds listed, but my favourite is the Loon. I'm in my 60s and always lived in Eastern Ontario (Ottawa Valley), and I've never seen a Grey Jay. When I hear a loon it gives me goosebumps. It's the most beautiful sound you could ever hear.
We could use this vote as a test for how proportional representation could work. For 31% of the year, we have the loon adorning varied paths to Canada...with the grey Jay getting the least face time. Or perhaps we could try ranked ballots. Ask the grey Jay folks to vote again...and so on until, hopefully, we get the loon crossing that elusive 50% threshold...
Loon has enough stage time already goose is gone all winter along with his loonie pals. Me owl may be wise but not many will ever see him. Ah the chickadee small cute cuddly not really a candidate but a beutiful bird all the same wich leaves us with the Grey Jay here all year ,friendly , most of us are familure with its campground activities one of the most easiest wild Canadian birds to watch and possibly make friends with. This bird has my vote
Although I always take notice and love to see the V shape of the geese in flight as our seasons changes and they are either beginning or returning from a long journey, my vote is with our common loon. At any time of day or night, the lovely call of the loon warms my heart. To me, it seems to be a uniquely Canadian bird (not sure if that's even true). There is a quiet, humble beauty in our Canadian common loon.
Definitely NOT the Canada Goose, a fecal factory loathed in many parts of Europe and the US.
My vote is the black capped chickadee. They are around in every province, year round. They bring delight to every backyard that welcomes them, and will close enough to eat out of your hand. Loons are not that approachable, a bit aloof and standoffish.
My favourite bird is the chickadee, but I voted for the Canada Jay. I would love to see more of them but have not been able to get them to come to my feeder, probably because we live a little too far from the woods. I've often wondered if they are becoming an endangered species. My father use to work in the woods and was able to get the Canada Jays to come right up to his boiling hole and eat bread out of his hand.
The dear little chickadee . Always in my yard year round and their cheery song makes me feel happy .
The chickadee every time. They are in my backyard 12 months of the year. I never seen a loon, snowy owl, grey jay. Do see Canada geese but they are all over North America. So for Canada it's got to be the faithful chickadee.
I love my little black-capped Chickadees, they're always around. And the beautiful Snowy Owl is a stunning bird, but not often seen, but the Canadian Goose says it all, even in it's name! When I hear them honking in the fall, I know Autumn is now a fact, but when I hear those 'honks" in Springtime, I feel like jumping for joy!!! Yeah, Spring is here!!!
These are my reasons for my vote. The Canada Geese elicit more emotion from me than any of the others put forward for the iconic nomination. May the best bird win! ;))
I picked the chickadee because they are cheerful, smart and stick around every season. We can't trust the Canada Goose, they tried to take Sully and his plane out over the Hudson!!!
The Loon. Many reasons. Distinctive sound. Gorgeous plumage. A wild bird that dives deep into Canada's lakes. Overall a majestic creature that deserves its place at the top.
Strongly against the Canada geese winning this thing...humans deliberately over feed them with food that makes them unhealthy (bread), leading to a huge explosion of the creatures and creating other problems across North America. Suggest we drop the word Canada from the goose and call it the common goose...
Well seems the Canada goose has to endure repeated attacks from humans sending dogs to chase the geese away. Or the many many nasty ways man does to keep these beautiful POSSIBLY OUR REPRESENTATIVES OF CANADA!!! so the more these idiots continue to take the pastures grass lands that were the gooses eating nesting and resting points along there vast travels away , and then attack these birds. SO THE CANADA GOOSE WOULD REPRESENT ENDURANCE, PERSERVERENCE AND RESILIENCE
I voted for the Canada Goose it's name says it all. They are gorgeous birds. They like the rest of our country can become pretty protective over their space and families. The Heat Jay is a liveable comedian, the Snowy Owl isn't often seen, the Chickadee is the little talker when you call his name and the loon has the most haunting call but is awkward on land. The only choice is the Canada Goose who is graceful, haughty, and defends it's territory!
I voted for the Chickadee and my second choice would be the Gray Jay. The accessibility and personality of the Chickadee is what I would base my vote on. I really liked Curt's response.
I vote for the Snowy Owl because I heard that when they fly, you can't hear them at all and, it's a beautiful bird to see.
Canada is essentially a duck with pretty plumage. It spends most of its time staying afloat and can't be bothered to get out of the water.
It has to be the loon. It is on our money, in our pockets and has an eery soulful sound that no other bird has.
I voted for The black-capped chickadee. because they are here all year round, their song is beautiful....they are a fun bird and makes me feel happy when I see them.
No contest! The beautiful little chickadee. They stay around all year round and they always remind me of the Christmas season.
Don't pick the loon, pick something that soars instead of diving. The dollar is a perfect example. Once every 40 years it soars for a bit then dives to depths of $0.60.
I hope the Grey Jay gets the vote. To be a true Canuk you have to be able to handle the winters!!
My first choice: the loon, the sound of em at night on a distant lake is like no other, feels like my country.
My last choice: the Canada goose, I just wish they'd never come near humans at all.
I vote for the Gray Jay. They are found all over Canada, very tough and do not migrate. They hide their food so it can be retrieved in the winter. It is a beautiful bird and whoever spends time in the bush knows it well.
Black-capped Chickadee. I would go for a bird that remains in Canada year round and that people would have a chance to see periodically. There's no way we'll ever see a Gray Jay or Common Loon except on TV. We don't see Common Loons in Canada all winter nor Snowy Owls in the summer. Black-capped Chickadees can be found even in our area all year round. The Canada Goose is okay but becoming a problem in parks and on some golf courses with population growth. They try to scare them off. Some chickadees will even eat nuts from your hand.
Chickadee. For anyone that spends time in the woods it's got to be between the whiskeyjack and the chickadee. They are both very curious and friendly, yet hardy, resilent and robust. The chickadee is ridiculously cute. If you're still they will land and check out every zipper and pocket, once even trying to remove my glasses. However, the chickadees are not to be underestimated. When the flock moves through the forest hunting, they are a force to be reckoned with. They move through in the dozens to hundreds turning over every leaf on the forest floor. They check every crack in the bark. If you are a small insect you best be hidden far and deep when the chickadee hoard moves through the bush. These small cute ultra predators demand respect, but to most they are fluffy happy little birds that are fun to watch play at the feeder. This dichotomy just sounds Canadian. When you add that it's such a humble, innocuous and inoffensive choice the decision is made. Oh, Chickadee! Our home and native bird.
Chickadee-dee-dee! Nothing heralds a much welcome spring like the call of the chickadee. They are spunky and polite, like Canadians. I agree crow or raven should have been on the list. I'd settle for a beautiful loon too, could be a graceful logo.
We vote for the Black-capped Chickadee. They stay all year it seems and we feed them from our hands at the many trails around Ottawa. We also have a Robert Bateman's print called 'The Scolding' that features our favourite birds scolding a visiting screech owl. We love their uplifting variety of songs too.
Gray Jay for me! It's habitat is the same as a map of Canada! Tough and well mannered with its own distinctive voice! It can even pronounce "about" correctly!
Please, please, not the Canada Goose. I would sooner the Red Headed Buzzard than the Canada Goose.
It is the most hated bird in more countries that have been cursed with its existence than most Canadians know. Anybody who has ever tried to sit or walk on the grass on Toronto Island knows full well how filthy the bird is. It is a despicable bird with absolutely nothing to recommend it. It is a viscous beast that treats territoriality as an excuse to attack anything venturing near. In most areas of the US its looked on as vermin and treated as such with an open season on it's destruction.
Anything, but the Canada Goose.
I think the hint is in the name... "Canada Goose"
If it becomes the national bird, at least we do not have to worry about blowing tax dollars to protect it since they are multiplying like vermin!
I was actually hoping that the crow was in the contest. They live right across Canada, for one. They tolerate us better than most birds. They act as clean-up crew by the roadside. They are quite intelligent, to boot. Ah well...
Think we need to focus on more important issues first
like picking the national dog :)
Options: 1. Husky, 2. Newfoundland Dog, 3, Labrador Retriever, 4. Duck-Tolling Retriever, 5.Eskimo Dog
Snowy Owls are awesome. There is nothing else like them in flight and they will take on a blad eagle when the eagle try's to steal the Owls kill.
Anyone voting for the Canada Goose obviously does not have to deal with them on a daily basis, fouling our beach, digging holes in the grass, foouling golf courses and playgrounds...........
No sound is more haunting & representative of the Canadian wilderness as the loon!
we need to appreciate the CANADA GOOSE the loon just makes us sound... well... loonie
I wanted to choose a majestic bird whose range was mainly (and therefore represents) Canada.
Anything except the Canada Goose!
They are common as far south as Mexico and can also be found in New Zeland. They can be such a nuisance and they can create quite a mess in urban parks. It was Canada Geese that brought down US Airways Flight 1549 (i.e. the movie "Sully"), among others: ( )
I like all of these choices but think the chickadee and the grey jay won't play out internationally. The snowy owl is nice and somewhat majestic. The Canada Goose could do it but they can be a big nuisance so I am still for the loon.
The red-tailed hawk should be in consideration. It's common to all provinces and territories, not claimed by any other country, features one of the national colours, and, frankly, is more majestic than any of the five short-listed options.
I voted Gray Jay but I think the Loon would b fantastic as well. I agree the Canada goose is a common sight but I think disliked as much as liked by many because of their accesive numbers. AND...I'm a hunter. People aren't going to like it when I'm eating the National Bird.
The Loon - it's a striking, and unique looking and sounding bird.
We could have an Owl - a raptor like other countries, but it's already been done.
We could have a cute Chickadee but a bird with more stature, statuesque even (*coughs LOON *coughs*) would be more fitting as a bird representing our entire country.
A gray jay is pretty unique looking but too similar to Chickadee in stature - it's a smaller bird.
A Canada Goose - well, pretty good all around. Striking, statuesque, large, not quite been there and done that by other countries. But it's cry is not really different than any other large bird in its class. And frankly, it leaves feces all over the place.
It's the Loon - all the way. C'mon! That's an easy choice here Canada! Let's just make it so!
It's eyes are even RED - much like that flag of ours, right?
"CANADA" can it not be the our bird?!?
The loon is calling all Canadians!
The other birds are beautiful but I voted for the loon because I've so often heard it at dusk in various parts of Canada while out in the woods near water AND because of those lovely Hinterland commercials in the 70s :)
I hope the Loon is picked. Such a nice sounding bird