Who will win the Pacific Division?


  • William Grigsby - 8 years ago

    It's surprising that the Vegas Golden Knights have gathered 6% of the votes! For real? They are an expansion team, a much better one than previous expansion teams, but they ARE NOT winning the Pacific Division! Let's come back down to earth people. Granted they have Marc-Andre Fleury, but they will struggle to score, and Fleury will need to stand on his head to get them even close to the playoffs.
    It goes without saying that the Oilers will have the inside track to the Pacific Division crown. They are loaded, and when you have the best player in the NHL on your team, your chances are never remote. The Flames have made some real strides in improving their team, and it will be interesting to see if Mike Smith stays in his crease and doesn't allow easy goals past him. The way I see the division placing is:
    San Jose
    L A

    Guess we'll find out how it all goes down soon... is it October yet?

  • Hockeysense93 - 8 years ago

    Calgary Flames (scorches the)
    Edmonton Oilers
    Anaheim (Mighty) Ducks
    San Joses Sharks (long-in-the-tooth?)
    Arizona Coyotes (howling LMAO!)
    Los(t) Angels Kings (of the old)
    (NHL er) Vegas Golden (boy) Knights
    Vancouver Cannots (cuz I just hate...)

    I really like what the Flames are putting forward here, especially on the backend!? lol If the Flames beat the Oilers first night and beat the Ducks 5 nights later (in Anaheim) and excercise that demon? Then use that as momentum moving forward? Players locked and loaded, ready to fly out of the gate? This could be down-right war this year...

    -Or- the Calgary Flames could be in command by Christmas :-)p

    I see some real magic coming in the next year or two from this team.

    Why not this year?! Go Flames Go!

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