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How much impact will IBM Watson have on healthcare? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 504

  • Patricia Sorenson - 7 years ago

    It will take a while, but I believe Watson Health can make a significant impact on healthcare. There is much administrative, adjudicative, and other aspects of which the burden could be lightened with AI. I also believe Predictive analytics has a strong potential to help streamline and simplify healthcare; however with great power (and big data) comes great responsibility!

  • IBMWatsonHealth - 7 years ago

    I am interested in AI and the impact it could have in healthcare. So far, it seems Google may have exaggerated the ability of DeepMind Health.

  • Shubir Kapoor - 7 years ago

    No doubt. The domain is large and we are addressing a broad spectrum of areas across the full cloud stack. Competition is playing catch up.

  • Shankara Sudarsanam - 7 years ago

    Compared to any other sector, health care endures so much waste attributed to numerous factors including lack of sharing, proprietary systems, fraud, convoluted processes, complicated regional, local and federal regulations, lack of skills and resources, escalating drug costs, unfair and uneven billing practices, opaque pricing, uncoordinated hand offs, redundant but mismatching paper forms and clerical errors, hacking .... you name it. All the EMR systems that dominate the industry were primarily built around the notion of billing - was never intended for aiding care. Therefore I strongly believe that this is the right challenge for Artifical Intelligence to take a crack at it and in my opinion Watson Health is a lead contender.

  • DeepMind - 7 years ago

    I am interested in AI and the impact it could have in healthcare. So far, it seems IBM may have exaggerated the ability of Watson.

  • Bruce Slater - 7 years ago

    Answering generically that a supercomputer or distributed computing network will eventually sort out much of the uncertainty in medical practice, after everyone uses the same standards for representing health date, sharing PHI issues resolved or worked around ... granted - a long time from now!

  • Ivan Durbak - 7 years ago

    Especially on IoT devices

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