Should public school students in Florida be required to get an HPV vaccination?


  • Angel - 6 years ago

    Vaccine Mandates violate basic human rights to Informed Consent to medical treatment. Teenagers are being permanently neurologically harmed by this vaccine. This vaccine is not safe.

  • Joris - 6 years ago

    In short time, to mandate any intervention is not even possible within US law

  • Jeni - 6 years ago

    No it shouldn't. A vaccine for an STD should not be necessary for school. This is ridiculous!

  • Goran Cedevski - 6 years ago

    Please don’t please

  • Bella - 6 years ago

    Watch the #truthaboutvaccine and you will understand what's the mandatory vaccination about, mandating them it's a violation of constitution and human rights- wake up ppl! Read the vaccine inserts and the side effects

  • Cathy Day - 6 years ago

    RIP Colton Berrett. Everyone needs to hear his story. You can start here

  • Anne - 6 years ago

    Vaccines should not be mandatory. Most HPV clears up on its own, and they never followed this one through to see if it reduced cervical cancer. This vaccine has the second highest adverse event reports to VAERS. It should be withdrawn from the market. Too many girls and now boys have died, or been permanently injured because of this scam of a vaccine.

  • CJ - 6 years ago

    RIP and fly high with the angels Colton Barrett, victim of the Gardakil vaccine. ABSOLUTELY NOT EVER SHOULD ANY VACCINE BE MANDATORY.

    If you are pro vaccine, you just haven't done much research on the amount of death and destruction that accompany vaccines, most of which are for easily resolvable illnesses by the immune system.

    And if you are one of those CRETINS, A PROFIT MONGERING BIG PHARMA EXECUTIVE, you deserve to be prosecuted for this scam. Same with corrupt politicians that take kickbacks from the companies to pass these laws.

  • Joris - 6 years ago

    1. Remember the Hippocratic oath: first do no harm.
    This is what doctors promised since 2400 years to their patients.

    2. Then go to type Gardasil and see that 83K patients has adverse reactions to this vaccine. Some very grave.

    3. That are numbers. Then see how it feels for a real person and their parents:
    Danish docu from 2015
    Irisch docu:

    4. Then think of the concept of Informed consent, born after the horrible experiments of dr. Mengele in WW

    Article 7 of the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as put forth by The Geneva Convention states:

    No one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.


  • Terri - 6 years ago

    Cervical cancer isn't even caused by HPV for starters. A book could be written about the horrendous debilitating side effects (including permanent paralyisis and death) of this utterly useless vaccine. It doesn't prevent cervical cancer, but it does cause ovarian failure. If you hope to have children some day, better just say, "No!"

  • Walter - 6 years ago

    To those who voted YES... You obviously haven't done any research on the HPV vaccine.

    VACCINE FACT: Vaccine Manufacturers and FDA Regulators Used Statistical Gimmicks to Hide Risks of HPV Vaccines

    A new study published in Clinical Rheumatology exposes how vaccine manufacturers used phony placebos in clinical trials to conceal a wide range of devastating risks associated with HPV vaccines. Instead of using genuine inert placebos and comparing health impacts over a number of years, as is required for most new drug approvals, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline spiked their placebos with a neurotoxic aluminum adjuvant and cut observation periods to a matter of months.

  • Carina Sea - 6 years ago

    Being free means nothing is forced on us. Choice! Give me liberty or give me death!

  • Alex - 6 years ago

    Gardakil (sorry, Gardasil) should be illegal. 500mcg of aluminium per shot ( x 3 shots) mixed with Polysorbate 80?! 90% of HPV viruses actually disappear on their own within 2 years. You can have cervical cancer and have NO HPV so its not guaranteed to cause cancer by any means! It is a very, very slow growing cancer, if you have regular pap smears, you will catch anything risky in time and it is removable and treatable if caught in time. Girls and boys too have died and have suffered terribly from this horrible vaccine. Please go to "vaxxedtv" channel on YouTube for many sad stories of the poor victims of this horrible vaccine.

  • Jen - 6 years ago

    This shot is the most dangerous shot next to the flu. No shots should be mandated! It's our body our choice! Stop mandatory vaccines!

  • Elizabeth Brink - 6 years ago

    NO vaccine should be MANDATED !!!!!! It should be your body your choice !!!!

  • R. Day - 6 years ago

    If people did their research they would learn this vaccine is extremely dangerous, causing much death, paralysis, immune disorders and even destroying young girl's ovaries, and their ability to have children later in life. I urge people to stand up and say NO!!! Where there is RISK there must be CHOICE!!! Anyone can opt for this vaccine, it should NOT BE MANDATED!!! It has also been proven to not even be affective for the prevention of cervical cancers. Please do your homework. All risk, no benefit.

  • Susan Carlson - 6 years ago

    I wish there was an ABSOLUTELY NOT choice.

  • Brenda B. - 6 years ago

    My stepdaughter got that shot. I don't know how many since the sequence is supposed to be 3 shots. She developed migraines after getting that shot. Nope nope nope!!

  • Renee - 6 years ago

    Absolutely not. Japan just dropped this vaccine from their schedule. Why? Too many bad side effect and too little protection. This vaccine has had the most injuries, sterility, paralysis, ovarian failure... Parent should be in charge of medical decisions for their children. 9 yo mandate this??? The vaccine, if it works, is only good for 2 years- how many sexually active 9 years olds??!!!

  • Bob - 6 years ago

    We have too much govt trying to run our life.

  • Ryan Pence - 6 years ago

    It should not be required it should be of choice

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