Should Florida ban greyhound racing?


  • V J Lund - 6 years ago

    Jan Flann

    There are far more horrendous things in the World than the sport of Racing Greyhounds.
    The biggest problem for Greyhound racing is that a very small but very loud minority have become addicted to lying about Greyhound Racing.
    One or two people are even making a really good living out of lying about Greyhound racing.
    The reality is it is far from horrendous Racing Greyhounds are probably the best cared for dogs on Earth.

  • Janet flann - 6 years ago

    Ban greyhound racing worldwide. Horrendous sport.

  • V J Lund - 6 years ago

    Looks like M Mitchell doesn't have any figures to back up the statement made.
    Possibly because the dramatic statement is on the whole not the truth ?

  • steven M Grabarczyk - 6 years ago

    Here is the credibility of your leader of the activist group G2k
    -Grey2k was founded by Christine Dorchak - FACT
    -In 1992 she either purposely or accidentally was hit my a train in Boston FACT - from court docs
    -She subsequently tried to sue the MBTA(operator of the train) in 1994 and the jury found against her - FACT court docs
    -In sworn court testimony, she testifies that she has no memory of that day or the accident - FACT court docs
    -In 2001 She put out a video with graphic details of the accident, a promo piece if you will for Grey2k to get people to donate - FACT
    -If you Google Ms. Dorchaks name, you will find hundreds if interviews about the accident - FACT
    -If she testified UNDER OATH that she had no memory, where do the stories of the accident come from?
    -In court testimony there were no witness mentions, though she says a lady in a nearby building heard the crash and came to check on her, plus she stated she had no memory of that day. FACT
    -She claims there were two speeding trains, court docs show one train at 10-15 MPH and slowing down at the platform where she was hit. FACT from court docs

    -Her and her husband Carey Theil sent an email to their follower base in 2007 pointing once AGAIN to her made up accident story in the Christian Science Monitor, and at the end they write and I quote "Please read Christine’s story, and consider making a contribution to GREY2K USA’s continuing efforts to shut down dog tracks nationwide. Every dollar counts in our fight to end the cruelty of commercial dog racing, so please be as generous as you can. We can’t do it without you!". Seems to me that LYING for donation money especially when those two basically live off of donations is FRAUD.

    Coke/Birth control is steroids doggie roid rage????? DO SOME RESEARCH - GET THE FACTS


  • Linsey Avery - 6 years ago

    Please can ‘Sharon’ tell us where and also when she saw all these supposedly horrific incidents and tell us whether she actually reported these alleged wrongdoings to anyone in authority? These dogs were always kept for hunting and to perform a task long, long before racing started, not -
    as pets-someone really needs to educate themselves on the true history of a breed they claim to be knowledgeable for the ‘lucky few’ finding retirement,this is complete and utter nonsense- I believe there is a 95% adoption rate-and why are there so many hounds living in homes if that’s the case? Where do all these retired greys spring from? Lynette-do you suppose Usain Bolt would have performed as well on a rubbish and unheatlhy diet? They are given flea and worm treatments regularly-after all who will ever get the best performance from an unhealthy dog? Doesn’t make a bit of sense to not ensure the dogs are as healthy as possible! M Mitchell-I’ve never heard such a load of waffle in one comment-straight out of the Grey$k Book of ‘What you should believe about greyhound racing (because we reckon you’re too stupid to go out and find things for yourself)’ Do you suppose all females should stop taking the pill too? It is a welfare issue well documented by vets, plus it prevents accidental litters. Really, you people need to stop swallowing the propaganda-does someone else tell you how to live your life as well as how to think? The propagana groups use arguments and pictures/stories that were pehaps valid 20 (and more) years ago but things have moved on (which they won’t acknowledge because it doesn’t suit their agendas). Why do they use old pictures? Surely if things are as dreadful as they claim, then they’d have a multitude of new ones to use? Why do they instantly ban and block and remove pictures or comments which show exactly the opposite of what they claim? If their arguments were that strong or valid then they wouldn’t fear the people showing an alternative would they? They totally control what their followers see, hear and believe this way, thus ensuring no one is tempted to find out for themselves and perhaps stop donating.....

  • Kim - 6 years ago

    Use some common sense folks - why on earth would greyhounds be treated poorly as you say if we are all about making money? They are canine athletes and as such are treated like kings - with the best of food, veterinary care and exercise not to mention love as a happy hound loves to race. Most of the stories spouted by those who oppose racing are decades old - do yourselves a favour and do some up to date research or better still visit a racing kennel - you will be made very welcome as we have nothing to hide. VOTE NO and let's retain our heritage.

  • V J Lund - 6 years ago

    They possibly do M Mitchell but would you care to give us the actual figures to back up your statement ?

  • M Mitchell - 6 years ago

    Greyhounds test positive for all manner of drugs including cocaine. They are killed for minor injuries. 50% of puppies born are killed because they aren't fast enough. They're fed 4D meat. They're left to languish in their kennels during hurricanes. Females get male hormones to prevent ovulation. Over breeding contributes to osteosarcoma. They love to RUN not race. They're trained on live fur. Racing is greed-based cruelty.

  • Sharon - 6 years ago

    I'm Sorry, and apologize, I read the question wrong, Vote to close the Florida track...Please...

  • Sharon - 6 years ago

    The Majority of You people are delusional,You don't even have a clue as to what goes on at these tracks. I have been to more tracks, not to race but to pick-up dogs for adoption. I have seen and heard things that will give you nightmares for the rest of your life.Don't take my word for it, go to the track, not to watch races, but behind the scenes, then make your decision. Don't let others influence you, they want you to vote their way, and if it's yes, Please don't vote yes, Vote No all the way, Please...

  • Pamela francis - 6 years ago

    Greyhound racing is not cruel at all, they enjoy racing and are better cared for than most pets They know the routine and can’t wait to get into the transport to the track, you can see that if you went to any kennels,bouncing out to the van etc. Any slight ailment is seen to straight away ,best foods etc they have brilliant staff serving them at all times

  • Garry Phillips - 6 years ago

    To ban racing would be foolhardy and only serves a selfish view that these hounds are forced to race and are treated cruelly. The abandonment of racing WILL see the demise of a true breed of dog that will never be replaced as the Sighthound has been bred to hunt and run as nature intended and not for looks like so many breeds that are no longer as they were many years ago due to inbreeding, this has and will not happen to Greyhounds because of racing. The racing community are and will be extremely careful with the bloodlines, hence a true breed of dog. We in racing absolutely adore our hounds.

  • Lynette - 6 years ago

    Oops, my bad. XD Obviously Alabama rot started in Alabama. But still, at a greyhound race track. The H3N8 dog flu started in a Florida track. Those dogs are constantly stressed out, fed garbage, given no pest control, and have terrible teeth. No wonder they get sick so easily.

  • Lynette - 6 years ago

    Alabama rot and the dog flu both started in Florida greyhound race tracks. Just saying.

  • Angie Byrne - 6 years ago

    Greyhounds make wonderful pets because of the wonderful people that handle them from birth. They are fed the best food, they receive the best of care and are very much loved and respected by their owners/trainers. Greyhounds love to run, only a couple of weeks ago I was pulled into my face in the sand at the track by one of my racers eager to get onto the track. This also happened with a retired I took to the track to promote greyhounds as pets. They never loose the need or want to run.

  • Aedamar Nolan - 6 years ago

    Greyhound racing is a fantastic sport for all the family. All ages get involved and the greyhound gets the best care. Greyhounds were born to race.

  • John Scofield - 6 years ago

    These wonderful dogs are the most cared for well exercised and they are treated better than children!! I visit Florida twice a year and believe me if they were to ban Greyhound Racing I would not be revisiting Florida anymore for holidays!!! Hopefully I’m again in Florida this summer coming??

  • Ken mann - 6 years ago

    It is no coincidence that the greyhound is one of the healthiest of all the purebred canines. A greyhound today compared to 100 years ago is virtually the same this unfortunately cannot be said of many canine breeds today. The care and attention given to the welfare of these animals by the racing community is second to none. We see many breeds being bred out of exsistance, we see "designer" dogs with health problems, we see show dogs with hip dysplasia, all because people want to change the way this animals look, the greyhound is as elegant and natural today as he was 100 years ago. Greyhounds not only love to run but they love to race, they love to chase and the greyhound racing community just provide a safe environment in which to do what is instinct for these beautiful dogs.

  • Elaine - 6 years ago

    The dogs may well love to RUN not RACE but it's at the cost to their lives and only because it's fun and jolly good sport for the punters. Have you seen the aftermath and devastation to those that are injured ? A bolt through their head or worse. Only the lucky few find retirement which is a joke at such a young age. Shame on you all for supporting this.

  • Daire Malo e - 6 years ago

    Greyhounds love to race. As a breeder and lover of greyhounds, I can honestly say that I have never forced a greyhound to run. As pups they spend their time chasing each other- something which they automatically.
    Racing greyhounds are often looked after better than humans. Trainers are concerned about their welfare, otherwise they would not run.
    Banning racing will finish the breed.

  • Stefan Wells - 6 years ago

    I had the pleasure to visit a greyhound track in Florida with my family. It was a great day out. The dogs we saw were in great condition, a credit to their owners and trainers. They clearly enjoyed their racing and from speaking to the track staff, they clearly love their dogs. Please do not listen to the anti’s propaganda. You can see from their abusive messages below that this is all they have as the do not work with the dogs day in and day out and see what really goes on. They believe the propaganda spread by a body who just wants to generate donations.

  • Jane - 6 years ago

    The argument that Greyhounds like to run, therefore we should race them, is ridiculous. Many breeds like to run, but are they raced? No, just the poor greyhounds.

    A horrible industry that profits on the suffering of innocent animals, come on Florida, do the right thing.

  • Schember - 6 years ago

    Please end this now. These beautiful beings existed thousands of years as treasured pets. Not until "modern" man found a way to make money by not working were they used. Let them be! They are pets. Never a cheap bet.

  • Joe - 6 years ago

    It's a sick disgusting industry. The sweet dogs are SO abused, I have seen it firsthand.

    Let's end it, and quit believing the lies spread by the rednecks who race the dogs.

  • Lori Bruce - 6 years ago

    I’ve adopted a couple of retired racers. They are the sweetest dogs and make great pets. They are wonderful dogs because of the breeders, trainers, and kennel staff that take such good care of them when they are puppies and during their racing careers. Vote No on prop 67.

  • Theresa Stafford - 6 years ago

    Greyhound racing has been around for centuries and why because Greyhounds love to chase that is their nature. Look if I bring a greyhound and a Red Setter (example) out into a field the Greyhound will run but the Setter will hunt that is their nature. To ban Greyhound racing is to kill off a breed of a beautiful animal all because a section of society have this mind set that Greyhound racing is cruel, it would be a lot more cruel to ban what these dog's love doing most RACE. Greyhound owners are very responsible people and love their dogs and if anyone have any doubt about that they should visit a kennel I'm sure they would be very welcome. So Florida please consider the harm you will be doing to these beautiful animals if you vote yes

  • Linsey Avery - 6 years ago

    Ms Fisher, please firstly post something that’s maybe readable and makes sense to the rest of us.Then answer us this:Have you ever visited a track or kennel? Or is your ‘experience’ what someone else tells you to think? The majority of people I know personally who trained greyhounds did so as well as having a full time job, this was the only way they could afford to keep their dogs. It is impossible to ‘force’ a greyhound to chase-if anyone believes different then please could they illustrate how this is achieved! If we could ‘force’ them to chase then why do we have ‘non-chasers’ who aren’t interested? If we could ‘force’ them then EVERY dog would chase! Think about it logically using common sense! Incidentlally these dogs are much in demand as pets because they are very likely to be cat friendly (there is usually a waiting list for those dogs who can live with cats in retirement). The trainer and owner want their dog to perform to the best of his or her ability-so how do you think the best way to treat them would be to achieve that aim? Good food, care, attention and exercise or abuse and neglect? Use some of that common sense again and THINK for yourself. I would ask ‘Judy’ exactly when and where she has seen ‘behind the scenes’ and if she did genuinely see something bad, did she report it to the relevant authority? Bad people sometimes have greyhounds. Bad people sometimes have pets and other animals. They also sometimes even have children. Bad people are a fact of life -they can be everywhere you care to look. Are these people in the majority of the world? Again, use common sense and have a think. Why do these dogs integrate seamlessly in the majority of cases to a pet life after racing? Would a previously ‘abused’ dog make the transition like the majority do, with the minimum of fuss into homes with complete strangers? Time to wheel out the old common sense again folks-if you’re in doubt then go out and see for yourself-don’t be a sheep, go and see the reality for yourself-only when you are in posession of ALL the facts from ALL the people involved can you then make an informed, common sense decision. Keep racing Florida.

  • Vivien Clements - 6 years ago

    Greyhounds love to race - you cannot ‘make them’. Go and visit a kennel and see the dogs for yourself - they are happy, well fed, loved and live a varied life with lots of exercise. A greyhound could not give of its best unless it was fit and healthy. They make wonderful pets and ask yourself how this would be possible if they were cruelty treated - 95% of racers are adopted as pets in the USA.

  • Judy - 6 years ago

    I have witnessed behind the scenes, and it is not what this young man is saying it is. Other than the fact, it is all about the money. Please stop the cruelty and end Greyhound racing.

  • Mary Beth Constante - 6 years ago

    The dogs you see on the track are the dogs that love to run. You can't force them. Those who don't get adopted via the track adoption groups throughout the state. As of now, none of these dogs are euthanized after retirement but ban racing and 8,000+ greyhounds will be.

  • Ruth - 6 years ago

    Shirley Fisher really? Seriously? Have you ever been to any kennels? Greyhounds love to race, they are well cared for, spoiled and loved. Don't believe me? Go to a kennel, any kennel and you will see for yourself. Do NOT ban racing.

  • Shirley Fisher - 6 years ago

    Family fun???? Really??? Gobtiba base
    Ball game!! Get your kids involved in sports!!!
    Lost jobs??!? Really ??? Go get a real job!! Ya know where actually go to work! Instead of killing these dogs to earn $ for your pleasure!!!!! Go to school!!! Get an education! Getva real job!

  • Shirley Fisher - 6 years ago

    Please vote stop this crule spire

    Race caress

    Please stop this cruel so

    Please stop this crule sport!!!!!!!
    Get a Real Job!!!¡!

    Get a real job and stop using these beautiful jobs to do your work for you !!! You people want tonrac

    RACE CARS NOT DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Monica. Smith - 6 years ago

    The greyhound Industry its a great option for family fun

  • John Gatt - 6 years ago

    The dogs love racing - 3,000 people full time employed 10,000 indirectly. Let the dogs run

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