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Would you purchase a "premium" genetics testing service from at-home kit companies like 23andMe? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 220

  • CS - 6 years ago

    As these types of sites are not covered under HIPPA, and the data becomes the organization's data to use/ sell/ cross-reference as desired, one wonders why HIPPA requirements for hc organizations are relevant any more.

  • Art_Vandelay - 6 years ago

    Spot-on comments about privacy as long-term care insurers can require the provision of this information if you've taken the tests.

  • Rocketrobo - 6 years ago

    I don't know if I would do this at all if I were younger, the future holds too much opportunity for the information to get into the wild (hacked) or into the hands of an insurer. However, it was of value to see some of the specific results (i.e. my father had Parkinson's, which has both environmental and genetic triggers - the result of that test does inform some life decisions). It was also interesting to see the ancestral information. The possibility of information theft is legitimate, so consider carefully what could actually result from the information being released. Overall, I found the value exceeded the risk.

  • furydelabongo - 6 years ago

    While I appreciate the underlying science associated with genetic testing I do believe these are too broad to be effective. Targeted genetic testing and associated counseling (as needed) is a bit more clear to me. Until I need to pursue that targeted process for genetic markers I'm thinking I'll stick with astrology for the more global perspective. To date I don't think anyone has sold my astrological data for profit.

  • BH - 6 years ago

    No, there is no confidentiality in their data, if they can make money in selling your data they will, it is public information.

  • JT - 6 years ago

    Don't trust whose hands those results might fall into. Seems like organizations are all too willing to sell your name and data for a dime.

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