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Looking at your hometown and others like it in the Lower Hudson Valley, what do you think of Mahopac in the wake of a recent, racially charged controversy?

Total Votes: 180

  • Bill Galligan - 10 years ago

    The very biased so-called journalism, of our local and national news media seems to perpetuate and exasperate in order to sensationalize racial incidents, for their own benefit of selling papers.
    A recent associated press article, and reprinted locally, regarding a Detroit mobs brutal beating of a suburbanite, is a perfect example. Race was not mentioned, so we can safely assume it was not a white on black crime. If it was white on black, it would have been front page news.
    High School sporting events incidents should not be used to sell newspapers. There is nothing wrong in Mahopac, that hasn't happened in other schools, ie: Peekskill vs Kennedy in the 90s. The Peekskill students and other Peekskill fans were racially brutal towards the Kennedy basketball team and fans, year after year. I feel the games, foolishly became racially charged to insure their respective teams success, not due to actual racial hatred. Mahopac vs Mount Vernon is just a repeat and should not be used by the news to essentially polarize races in order to sell papers.
    The towns of Mahopac and Mt Vernon have mostly good hard working people that do not need to have their respective towns beaten up by the news media.
    If The Journal News wants to avoid bankruptcy in the future, they better get a new colorblind editor, as the present boss is more for selling racially manipulated articles, than reporting the news.

  • Joanne Salch - 10 years ago

    Choices 1 and 3 should be combined. Number 1 names a problem (even if it is with only a small number of people, the incident occurred) and Number 3 is a solution. The two fit well together and I wish I could have voted for both. Mahopac is an incredible place to grow up - I lived there for 19 years. Some of my family is still there and I love that I still have the close connection. Even in this unfortunate situation, Mahopac has shown it's true colors - they acted immediately on the school level to reprimand but at the same time educate. The choice of play production on the students' parts also shows a sensitivity to the recent events and an effort to show the support of the vast majority in accepting and celebrating diversity. Varying types of prejudice exists in all communities - many cover it up, but it's there. In light of recent events, Mahopac has been left exposed to the masses in how they are dealing with the challenges all communities face. Given the nature of some of the public criticism they've received, they are rising above it and showing what a truly wonderful community it is.

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