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SPEAK UP: Should more tax dollars be used to maintain national parks? YESTERDAY: Will prices drop if electric & gas systems are upgraded? 229 Yes, 190 No

Total Votes: 139

  • Betsy Brockway - 9 years ago

    National Parks are our heritage and our legacy for our children, grandchildren and future generations. The beauty of the wildness is breathtaking and inspirational when personally experienced. Historical site makes history come alive and helps one to understand the various political, social, institutional and environmental forces that impact our lives and who we are. As a country, the parks rank very high to our quality of live and are a great draw to bring tourists both domestic and foreign to experience their uniqueness. I am strongly in favor of maintaining our national parks and support financially groups that have this mission. However, they can't do it alone, they need our federal government investment too.

  • J - 9 years ago

    If we lose nature, we lose our souls. But I do specify nature--the animals, the forests, clean lakes ---and I'll gladly pay for their upkeep. Architecture is also a precious commodity but who pays for its upkeep is more problematic. All I know is that I can't yet afford to get my own house the thought that my hard earned money will be ripped away to paint Eleanor's leaves me in a bit of a quandry. People are paying $95 million dollars for apartments in New York City. Can't someone tap them?

  • Kevin J - 9 years ago

    This article had a big story about the FDR estate and its maintenance. When FDR "donated" his Hudson River estate in 1943 he did it under a condition that his family maintained a life-time right to usage of the property.

    So, one of the riches family's in America has one of their estates maintained by the federal park service and are able to use it at any time.

    I don't get why tax dollars are paying for this estate and not the Roosevelt family if they are so generous.

    We also just spent millions of dollars restoring the library and visitor center. I doubt the Roosevelt family gave any money towards this investment in the property.

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