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Do you support Joe Biden's decision to officiate the marriage of two men?

Total Votes: 1,299

  • Philipsantoro - 8 years ago

    You guys are missing the point, we were not making a statement regarding gay folks wanting to live together. We were following Christs statement that Gid made man male and female and that once married the two become one. The church interpreted Christ as stating that this marriage was a sign from God and called it a sacrament. Joe Biden can do what he wants but marriage according to the Church was defined by Christ and the Bishop is obligated to defend it. This does not mean anything else we were there because the bishop did not defend Christs teaching

  • Susan Nogan - 8 years ago

    Of course I support VP Biden - he is upholding the law, the Constitution, and the biblical mandate that we do unto others as we would have done unto ourselves. Haters beware, your glass houses are about to shatter.

  • Lee S - 8 years ago

    I believe if Joe Biden wants to openly and willing defy what the Catholic church teaches (on the subject of abortion, marriage etc.) Then he should denounce being a Catholic and join another religion which supports his beliefs. I am not against two people of the same sex to be in a loving relationship as they have the right to choose to be with as they have a free will but , I don't believe it should be called a marriage .... perhaps a "Bonded Unity" A marriage should stay as it has always been taught to be between a husband and wife and joined together in the blessed sacrament it is.

  • Christopher Thomas - 8 years ago

    Marriage is a contract with two people.!
    (God was. Maid up !)

  • Debbie G - 8 years ago

    Joe Biden is a good and compassionate man. He understands that when you truly love someone and want to make a long lasting commitment to your partner straight or homosexual it should be allowed to happen. I will never understand why some people just don't mind their own business and are so judgmental.

  • Bob - 8 years ago

    Joe Biden, Is a traitor to God, his Faith, the Bible. And all principles that define right from wrong!

  • Erin Doordan - 8 years ago

    I applaud VP Joe Biden's decision to officiate the marriage of two men! Who am I to tell another how to live their life? I would never want someone else telling me. Treat others they way you expect to be treated!

    Anyone who bitches about this particular piece of non news needs to find a new damn hobby! Because it ain't no body's business but the groom, the groom, and those who they invited to celebrate with them.

    Congrats to the happily married couple!

  • Scc - 8 years ago

    Our Pope said "who am I to judge". Aparently these folks think they are a higher power. Sad. I am hoping my Church will catch up with with Pope Francis.

  • conservative diva - 8 years ago

    If Mr. Biden were really a Catholic (follow the teachings of Christ, read St. Jude v7 & 8) he wouldn't have officiated . Long ago the Truth should have been proclaimed. Now everyone is confused.

  • Denise Sopa - 8 years ago

    The Catholic Church would be better off if everyone spent more time worrying about punishment for priests who abuse children and less time worrying about two consenting adults who want to spend the rest of their lives together.

  • gsa - 8 years ago

    Joe Biden wasn't acting as an official for the Catholic Church. The Church has no right to censure him.

    BTW children of LGBTQ parents tell their kids the truth about "how and where they came from" from the day they are born: How: planning that goes far beyond what a straight couple needs to do; Where: from GREAT LOVE. Our kids ARE comfortable with their families.

  • Mike Dumford - 8 years ago

    Just because something is right, doesn't make it legal. Steve.

  • Mike Dumford - 8 years ago

    Just because something is right, doesn't make it legal.

  • Jackie - 8 years ago

    In this country, if you don't support something, you are a bigot or at the very least narrow-minded. Your opinions are not supported and in fact condemned. In other democratic countries like Canada, when something comes up that is so controversial as gay marriage, it goes to a referendum where the people actually get a say in what happens in their country. What a concept!

  • Lynne Bonfiglio - 8 years ago

    Joe Biden needs to be excommunicated from the catholic church if he does this. He should have already been kicked out for supporting Abortion and gay marriage - hope he gets his just desserts!

  • Tom P - 8 years ago

    It is the perfect representation of the separation of church and state that is the basis of our country. I would hardly call four religious extremists a "Catholic group."

  • Steve Deery - 8 years ago

    Just because something is legal doesn't make it right.

  • Sam Wolhar - 8 years ago

    It is a matter of nomenclature. I think few deny the right of any people to become devoted to one another. Marriage historically has been between a man and woman who often bore children. Since same sex couples need assistance with child bearing many see this as a different set of circumstances . I'm sure that as children of these couples age they and their friends will be explained as to how and where they came from. If an acceptable term could be created I would hope all sides would be happy and that children from same sex couples would feel as comfortable as those from traditional families.

  • Libby Stiff - 8 years ago

    Joe's a really good man.

  • Bryan Bristow - 8 years ago

    Of course I agree with it. Why wouldn't i? It's the law of the land after all.
    Here's my real point. I am happily married to the person I truly love and respect. Who and I to deny others the same peace and happiness regardless of who they are.

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