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Would you confront your neighbors for speeding?

Total Votes: 361

  • Larry - 7 years ago

    I would not directly confront the neighbor or persons running the stop sign. I would contact the Police and city to lodge a complaint. Based on the number of years and her contact with the Police, this problem continues to persist. I assume she has been logging the license plates. The city or Police should be sending letters to these individuals and following up for additional complaints. It sounds like she is gathering a petition from people in the neighborhood. Additional signage, speed bumps, and video are other options to pursue. Last option would be to get a lawyer.

    If you are physically confronting someone, you are considered the aggressor. The person being confronted may choose to defend themselves in many different ways, depending on how they are confronted. There could be a deadly outcome.

  • Chris G - 7 years ago

    I'd love to do that but would probably get shot or stabbed! Just witnessed the other day a neighbor yelling at someone to slow down; the guys gets out of his car and starts threatening the "slow down" concerned neighbor. So no way I wouldn't confront.

  • michael - 7 years ago

    I would do more than that when it comes to my son's safety and the possibility he could become hurt or killed or any child for that matter. I am the type of person who has no problem with confrontation when it comes to protecting their own or those who can't. This type of person has no respect or family values. If they did, they wouldn't put others in harms way. There is only one way to deal with this type of person - in their face, shock and awe. Confrontation is sometimes the only solution to shake common sense into someone.

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