'Reaper': Keep it or kill it?


  • David - 15 years ago

    I love Reaper, please donĀ“t kill it.

  • Jennifer From Argentina - 15 years ago

    I write from Argentina, I am a fan of REAPER. Please keep it on air!!! Make a third season an even more!!
    Believe there are millions of fans all over the world, like myself.
    Thank you!!!

  • Shannon - 15 years ago

    I love Reaper, and it seriously needs to keep airing! I love the characters, I love the plots and it's just really cool!
    So many other shows are really either just plain stupid, or those air-headed, spoiled California brat things. I can't stand those!
    I would be seriously sad to see Reaper go, seeing as it's one of the most awesome and not stupid-blond-spoiled-brat shows.

  • cathy - 15 years ago

    Voting to keep Reaper, and writing the CW to tell them so!

  • Nancy - 15 years ago

    I love this show, it is refreshing not just another cop show. Please Please keep this show CW!!!!!!!!!

  • Bec - 15 years ago

    While I do watch Gossip Girl, mostly to gawk at all the pretty stuff I can't afford, Reaper is a much needed breath of fresh air on TV. One Gossip Girl is all I need, thanks. I don't need more shows like it or shows that try to be like it (*cough* 90210 *cough*). I wonder who watches One Tree Hill to keep it on the air so long? Nobody I know.

    Reaper doesn't take itself too seriously, and it doesn't keep hitting you with angst, which I love, because watching TV should be fun, and this show gives me at least one good hearty laugh every week. It can also grab you with its interesting take on theology and the concepts of good and evil, which adds another level of enjoyment to it. This is the kind of stuff that builds an obsessed fandom. At the same time, it's still wonderfully entertaining even if you don't want to think about the deeper stuff it presents sometimes.

    And think of all the product placement this show could do. Stuff I can actually afford to buy regularly. Burgers, beer, string cheese, cereal, hardware. This show has the potential to be a great moneymaker, CW, don't let it go to waste.

  • DeathzAngel2 - 15 years ago

    Sorry, people, but this is probably my fault. It seems every show I like gets canceled, & I love Reaper. I hate when that happens. I can't stand 90210, One Tree Hill, Privileged...they're tired formula teeny-bopper genre...yet they continue. Crap & nonsense.

  • Jacob Adlon - 15 years ago

    I love Reaper I hope it gets Picked Up.

  • James Lee - 15 years ago

    LOVE THIS SHOW. I'm from the UK so download the latest eps, but will sure be rewatching them when aired here :)

    They gott renew this, esp after this is such a short season.

    Oh and BTW sock is awesome!

  • Kyle - 15 years ago

    Keep Reaper!!!!!!!! Funny as hell.

  • benny - 15 years ago

    Reaper is the best show on television. If CW cancels it I'm dropping all my other shows on that network as well, and I won't be purchasing the s2 DVD or any other CW show DVDs either.

  • Megan - 15 years ago

    Reaper is the best show on television. If CW cancels it I'm dropping all my other shows on that network as well, and I won't be purchasing the s2 DVD or any other CW show DVDs either.

  • Kwyjibo - 15 years ago

    Reaper is great! I hope the folks at The CW aren't stupid enough to let it go!

  • Kosh - 15 years ago

    Not a bad show (especially if they get rid of Sock.), but I'd rather have "Brimstone" back.

  • Dee - 15 years ago

    I hope it comes back for another season.

  • Jean Youngberg - 15 years ago

    I really love this show. I wish more people would give this show a chance.

  • Michael Hilton - 15 years ago

    I love this show and it's premise. The characters are really funny too and the storyline is intriguing. My only complaint is that I can't watch the CW in high def in my area.

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