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Do you feel safe using crosswalks in Edmonton?

Total Votes: 1,328

  • Gordon Bellerose - 6 years ago

    I drive in and around the City of Edmonton for work, on a daily basis. I see a growing number of people who walk out into the street, looking at their phone, without checking for traffic. These people are going to get hurt.
    If you stop, look both ways and proceed when safe, you will most likely cross the street for the rest of your life and never have a problem

  • Darryll Newsham - 6 years ago

    I drive down 107 Ave from 101 St to 149 St. daily. Pedestrians have a crosswalk at 90% of the intersections along that route. Sometimes they will stop and look both ways before crossing but it is very rare that they will walk the extra block to get to a marked crosswalk. I am not sure if there is a language barrier or just ignorance but I am very surprised that there are not more injuries. Stupidity and entitlement on the pedestrians part will get them killed every time. USE THE MARKED CROSSWALKS, LOOK BOTH WAYS, LOOK THE DRIVER IN THE EYES.

  • Amanda Chouinard - 6 years ago

    I've taught my kids to ALWAYS watch the drivers and never trust them when crossing(regardless bus or vehicle). In the last five years, I've almost been hit three times due to drivers distracted on their phones(once with my daughter in the stroller).

    This city was build for vehicles to get around as quickly as possible. Waiting at lights for 10+ minutes(in the blistering cold), JUST so drivers can have a less stressful quicker ride through the city!

    If the city itself wants to reduce the traffic woes, pot holes and pollution, stop catering to drivers and start charging bridge toll fees around town LOL

  • Austin Richards - 6 years ago

    No one stops. 3 way or 4 way Stops are races...1st one there doesn't need to stop so they don't check for pedestrians or cyclists. Me and my wife come close to getting hit walking to/from the store several times per week. Edmonton drivers are some of the biggest jerks I've ever dealt with in my life.

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