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Would you sell your backyard as part of the city’s ‘flag lots’ pilot project?

Total Votes: 1,379

  • Just me - 6 years ago

    Flag lots, yes they been around a long time. However the city is not thinking about the real issues. Our infurstruture roads and access to them. The population densities is another problem , disputes over parking and domestic issues.
    Perhaps there are a few areas that could be used, but that will get all situational confused as time progresses.
    We all know what row housing does, a parking nightmare. Arguments and squabbles over just about everything.
    Who’s to gain here is the true view, city taxes and parking revenue. This is a slippery slop of social design at its best.more traffic more congestion and domestic issues.
    I don’t get this line of thinking,
    We’re living to exist, just about now with the cost of per square foot, theirs a cost to be paid here. Sooner or later but it will happen the economy like our last failure will fail, careful for what you ask for, because if you as a land owner and don’t want to make your property a flag property and is recommended as such ,,,, you will be taxed accordingly,,,,

  • kevin keller - 6 years ago

    What a stupid idea.
    Why not just design new development areas with high density.
    This infill thing is a joke and deteriorate the quality of life of our city, and now its infesting backyards. This is getting our of control

  • Richard - 6 years ago

    it totally amazes me that Edmonton is trying to start ghetto's. The only thing you get from dense population is a ghetto, more crime and more killing. Thank goodness that's not happening, not.

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