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Who Won Wednesday Night's Final Presidential Debate? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 7,350

  • Proserpina - 16 years ago

    You want the bible or freedom? If you want Freedom vote for Obama!

  • Ernie - 16 years ago

    You want a leader or a preacher? I will take Mc Cain thank you very much...

  • pat mckenzie - 16 years ago

    MN your still a young man in high school so you dont have the same burden as most of us do and im talking about the economy not only that but to agree with K.M. is crazy that guy is a total dushbag

  • MN - 16 years ago

    K.M I agree with your words. I am 17 and although I respect Obama.I plan to major in history. I do not think he is ready to become president. He is too much of a risk taker. We do not need this type of person at a time like this. If he messes up then it would put our country more at risk, but in reality. The person who is elected has no real power. He is just a leadership figure. Who can suggest laws,but Congress is the one who has the real power. The thing that bothers me most. Is how Obama could just have the wrong relationships. He did not take any responsibility for them either. If he got into this mess who knows what other stuff he will get into the future, he already planned to deal with countries who hates the U.S anyway. He introduced plans that do not reveal where he will get the money from. Sure McCain has his faultsbut he will help the economy more than Obama.

  • Dan de Lion - 16 years ago

    Hey Colette,
    I have to agree with your initial statement, "Unfortunately, the majority of Americans have been led to the slaughterhouse.", but obviously we have a quite different idea of what the slaughterhouse is. My slaughterhouse was created when the republican party decided that the tactics of winning an election were more important than actually offering the public a platform that they could support.
    I could almost respect some parts of the party were it not that they are invested solely in power as opposed to all the "planks" they mouth every
    four years. I consider their mouthing of the anti-choice plank as very much a prime example. Why is it do you suppose that while the republicans controlled the house, senate and executive branch from 2000 through 2006, they made no attempt to legislate against the Roe V Wade decision? I somehow cannot imagine that were this issue as near and dear to their hearts as they like to campaign every four years, that they could not have forced some legislation through for the eagerly awaiting pen of George W. Lawd knows that they managed to set aside numerous premises that have been cornerstones of this country for over two hundred years in that period, why could they not do it for the "abortion" issue?
    Here is an answer that you will gladly ignore: Republicans do not want the issue of Roe V Wade to go away, it gives them roughly 25% of the vote every election, whatever the rest of the package they have to sell to the voting populace. If that issue is ever settled, the republican party is done, since without their morality voting minions, even the majority of registered republicans would have to consider just how little this party cares for and does for the common voter.
    There is a part of me that would almost believe that you are some kind of shill raising the analogy of a "mistress" in this campaign? First off, the analogy does not work, and more so even than that, since you are expressing sentiments about how "morally lacking" having a mistress and the rationalizations that go with it are, maybe you should consider the personal histories of both candidates. In terms of this discussion, too bad for you that John McCain began his relationship with Cindy while still married to his first wife. Too bad for you that John McCain, left a wife who had been crippled for the young heiress. Kind of weakens your rhetoric about moral leadership, don't you think?
    You call yourself "a pragmatic observer", and I wonder if you intend to establish yourself as somehow an "unbiased" observer, or if you chose the word "pragmatic" for the purpose of avoiding the responsibility of approaching these candidates without your own already made decision as delivered to you from whatever pulpit you sit in front of on Sundays. If you actually considered these candidates and still support McCain, more power to you, but I fear that you like what undoubtedly is a large percentage of those supporting him are responding to is the emotional aspects of your life which are quite simply being exploited by the Rove-ian policies of the republican machine. Maybe I am wrong, but by the percentages, rational assessment of Obama and McCain suggests to me that I not only like but for the sake of my family need Obama to win this election.
    "thorough background checks", "proven track record", and most of all "the person’s moral character", all argue my point, not yours. Had you looked McCain in these frames at all, I doubt very much that you would be supporting him in the first place, and I very much doubt that you would be mentioning any of them in your posting supporting him.
    "feel that the barbarians are knocking at the gates of America" is sadly true, but probably has little to do with your perception of who the barbarians are, and the fact is that the barbarians have been within the gates for many many years now.

  • theresa Ranieri - 16 years ago

    Saw the debate after seeing new movie "The Express"-the Ernie Davis story as it shows how far US has come (ie Presidential candidate Obama)-I think the young people in this country have it right and are issues oriented and want to see progress which Obama clearly defines. Last nite's debate didn't change the situation.

    I think the racial, hate-mongers who continue to believe that US needs more of the same policies that have driven US from a 1st rate country to its current state, need to learn tolerance and respect for those with whom they differ, We all had to hold our noses, & endure the past 8 yrs of all of the failed policies, you continue to support.

    Let us try now to go beyond and try new policies/approaches with energy, health policy and see what happens...if we are not allowed to try we will never know...that is what life is all about...learning, discovery!! Hopefully regain our status as a world power with our new ideas!!

  • Winlowe - 16 years ago

    As an American citizen living abroad for 2 years now, I have heard my fair share of intelligent and some unintelligent comments regarding the US and our current administration. I think what most Americans fail to understand is the disastrous effect the Bush administration has had on the entire world, not only due to the war but coupled with economic ramifications that are historically unprecedented. McCain has supported this very administration and his republician cronies for far too long and is not fooling anyone. I have followed politics all my life and most certainly the recent presidential debates as there will nothing more important than this particular election during my lifetime. I plan to vote via absentee ballot. We need a fresh, intelligent voice who is in touch with the generation of today, not only in the US but abroad. Someone who is forthright and consistent with a plan that can be clearly articulated. Leave no doubt, that is and has been OBAMA. And for the hate mongering person spewing garbage about terrorists - please try not to speak unless you have intelligent facts. You are why most people think Americans are as unintelligent as you appear to be.

  • jahzara - 16 years ago

    Senator Obama clearly won the debate.
    McCain is grasping into the air looking for a way to make Barack look bad. Listen its politics people, nobody is straight as an arrow. Yes I am an Obama supporter that does not mean I am foolish enough to thing he is a saint, messiah, or whatever. He is the right man for the job.
    And, i thought you had to retire after 65......McCain needs to live his years in all of the homes he owns and let a young man with fresh ideas run this country!!

  • MDP - 16 years ago

    Hands down McCain won the debate. So many people want to place the race card on McCain, but if you look at it it Obama and the people who support him who are racest. Anyone who looks at the issues and not the man would vote for McCain. All we are doing is looking at the fact we have a black man and a white man running. Look at where they stand! I don't care the Obama is black. I would vote for a black man, white man, or any other race (to include women) if the have the right record and stances. If Obama wins the USA will suffer more than ever before.

  • hb - 16 years ago

    Obama is a liar. I would never vote for anyone who would support aborting our future our children. Obama is not even his real name. All of you are morons who would vote for such an idiot.

  • JK - 16 years ago

    If we can avoid the fear mongering and vitriol for just a minute and talk about the debate, it is clear that Obama won. Every poll is showing that Obama won the debate hands down. He again showed how cool-headed and articulate he can be, while McCain was irritated and incoherent. Obama clearly explained his proposals on issues important to the American people while McCain was attacking Obama on meaningless associations. Obama didn’t go there, but easily could have (does Keating ring any bells?)

    Obama clearly showed himself as competent and presidential while McCain showed himself as angry and annoyed. This election should be no contest, but I’m sure the Republican smear machine isn’t finished yet trying to spread lies and distortions - anything to change the subject from the economy and the disastrous last eight years.

  • Chris - 16 years ago

    If you're not going to let people outside of the USA vote in your poll, at least try to avoid throwing an exception all over :p

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    Index was outside the bounds of the array.
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

    Exception Details: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

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  • mc - 16 years ago

    Marcus, thanks for confirming what many have feared. He'll be voted in by a lot of people just because he's black. That's really intelligent. Sure couldn't be for his accomplishments though, so I can't blame you.

  • Tired of it - 16 years ago

    Geez Repubs, we had your 8 years of Bush already, and it just screwed everything up (according to 75% of the country). Chill out and try something different for once.

  • kim - 16 years ago

    racist people make me sick...

  • Åsa - 16 years ago

    I'm from Sweden and was just looking at poll results online. I then read some comments here as well and am a little shocked by how american voters talk about these people you will vote for. Almost all of your comments are about personality. And many people post crazy conspiracy ideas and so many posts are just angry. Has your media brainwashed you all so much that these are the terms in which you think or are you just so sick of your leaders that the choice between bad and worse is making you crazy?

  • Colette - 16 years ago

    Unfortunately, the majority of Americans have been led to the slaughterhouse. It’s very probable that Obama will win this election because they have been seduced by this man’s charisma. Have you ever heard a married man in love with his mistress complain and find flaws galore in his spouse? He has every “logical and coherent” argument to prove his case and dump his wife. And dump her he will as he feels totally justified and can only see through his mistress’s eyes. Never mind the implications his action will bring about with his family and friends. He has a right to live in a free society. This is frighteningly similar to what’s happening with Obama supporters.
    I’ve read the pejorative comments hurled at McCain, Palin, and those who dare to support them are called ignorant and arrogant. I’ve read the all the logical arguments against McCain’s policies, protests against his prejudice, his preference to protect the elite, his lack of “charisma” as opposed to his contender (I didn’t know Hollywood was a requisite for a Presidential candidate), his refusal to disclose his medical records (when it’s widely known that he’s had skin cancer), ad infinitum. At the end of the day, doesn’t this sound like the married man who’s bent on dumping the wife and keeping the mistress NO MATTER WHAT?
    All kidding aside, to determine who won today’s debate is subjective; obviously, McCain supporters and Obama’s supporters will to just that: support their respective candidate because their minds are already made up.
    As a pragmatic observer, I can assure you that passion blinds people’s reasoning. Personally, I would always be inclined to favor an experienced candidate over an inexperienced one, having first done thorough background checks that, besides a proven track record, include the person’s moral character. A novice who can talk a good game but has no substance to support his claims (even with charisma), doesn’t rock my boat! But then, I’m not consumed with passion but with reason and a sense of justice that weights good and evil.
    I feel that the barbarians are knocking at the gates of America and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. God bless America.

  • Marcus - 16 years ago

    I'm going to say what so many of my brothers and sisters are afraid to say. I'm voting for Barack Obama because he's black. I do see it as a victory over the whites and I'm not ashamed of that. The entire black population is taking a stand against you by voting for Barack Obama. It's our time.

  • James - 16 years ago

    To KM, Joe Merica, and Joe Meric: take some Exlax.

  • Eric Westphal - 16 years ago

    I think the Fear Mongering Tactics of Conservatives have pretty much played out at this stage. It is what was used to have us invade Iraq and has been used to take away a certain amount of Liberty and Privacy of Americans.
    Fear Mongering has been a great tactic for Neo-Conservatives but with the Economy in the toilet, and an unfinished war in Iraq, people actually want to hear about the issues; not fear and hate. There is hope after all for my country.

  • Excellent - 16 years ago

    Wait, I've got it! Everyone can relax now. Because there really *are* no stupid, racist, hate-spouting McCain supporters! They are all clever Obama supporters, just pretending to keep the game going. Whew! And what I thought we were all up against! We can all relax and go to bed now, nothing to see here. . . .

  • Joe Louis - 16 years ago

    This election is over. Obama leads in the polls and there are no more major planned media events. Current scientifc polls show that Obama won the last debate. More democrats watched the debate. More democrats care. More democrats are registered to vote. So all the hate spewing aside, I doesn't matter what you fucking think one way or the other. Obama will win this election and you shitbags can feel like we did when GWB got his second term. It is over. And the best part about it besides that we get a great president is that prejudice pricks like KM can eat shit as they come to grips with reality that no matter what they say they are LOOOOOSING.

  • Obama - 16 years ago

    Joe McMerica - Don't get angry, get a grip, you sound somewhat erratic.

    You are a minority now, just like all those nasty black folks that you hate so dearly, maybe it's time you sat back and got used to the idea of an intelligent man running the country, rather than some backwater hick.

    Obama will be sworn in, and America WILL redeem itself under his rule.

  • Jon Turner - 16 years ago

    Joe Merica - Ha ha, another ill educated American - OUR healthcare system is broken? That's funny cos last time I checked we all get free healthcare and we all get it when we need it.

    Yeah we have our immigration problems, but then a lot of our 'new citizens' do bring something to the country, and if that's the case then we welcome them, no matter what race.

    Our economy may be broken, but there's one big reason for that.....Having the wrong people in power, and palling around with Mr Bush. The same man that failed you, failed us too....Yet you want to vote for his twin brother, McSame? Nice one, brains.

    Your response only highlights what sort of people back McCain...Angry little racist rednecks.

  • Joe the plumber - 16 years ago

    Half of you morons are stuck in past, listen to yourselves shouting 'traitor', and 'terrorist' just because of the color of a man's skin, or what his parents gave him for a middle name. How pathetic you are.

    If McCain gets voted in then America should hang it's head in shame, because there is only one reason for Obama not to win......RACISM.

    It is clear that he is the better man. He is more composed, he is more calm, he is more rational, more controlled, more intelligent, more people-focused, more in-touch, less erratic, younger, the list goes on.

    You only have to watch the videos to see what sort of people back McCain/Palin.....Unintelligent, backward, arrogant, racists.

    Racism is still a widespread disease that the US suffers greatly from.

    Vote Obama and make your once great country great once more.

  • Joe Merica - 16 years ago

    Jon Turner: "To us, the rest of the world, it is an obvious choice and there should be no question of Obama winning,"

    Yeah, so our country can turn into the welfare, sharia law wasteland that the UK has become? No thanks. PS: you know what UK stands for? "Under Koranus".

    Your medical system is broken, people who defend themselves from criminals get arrested, and your jihadis are taking over your country. Thanks for reminding Americans another reason we don't need Barack Hussein Obama and his WIlliam Ayers and Rev. Wright friends: IF EUROPE LIKES HIM, HE WILL DESTROY AMERICA.

  • Excellent - 16 years ago

    Thanks, you guys, I like this discussion, because I see the proportion of level headed Obama supporters is the highest percentage by a large margin. I appreciate the comments on taxing the rich--it's absurd, the way the government has coddled the elite.
    We are just cattle to the ultra rich, and McCain made himself clear about that. "Whatever you do, don't tax the rich!!! That's ME!!! And, I mean, you too, probably, hopefully . . . someday. So don't increase those taxes--when you get rich yourself, you'll be glad you didn't!" Only he doesn't tell us how difficult he plans to make it for us to actually do that. He tried to make it sound like his policies affect Joe the plumber favorably and create jobs, but whom he is really trying to protect are those *very* rich--the ones who own the rest of us, and do what they please with us, whenever we aren't watching *very* closely. It's exhausting! I'm sick of having to sign petitions constantly just to try to keep the MotherEarth-destroying, human-rights-thieving elite barely in check.
    He kept saying "The American Dream," meaning owning a home! Is that the extent of his plans for us? Every cow should have a stall to watch TV in, so they can be comfortably entertained (distracted, disempowered). While the elite literally do *whatever they want*.
    I believe in Obama. I believe he is not part of that crowd, and is not lying to us about his intentions. If anyone can do it, he can.
    I just hope the polls are fair this time, then Obama will surely win. Well, who knows--anything is possible!

  • Jon Turner - 16 years ago

    UK here...

    Its sends a chill down my spine to read the kind of comments that 'KM' posted. This really does highlight the kind of hatred that Palin has whipped up on their trail. It's been said many times, but are these people really the kind of people that should even get a say in your country's future?

    It's apparent that the US has lost face over the last few years, which is a great shame, but if McAngry and Palin get voted in then you're in for a really rough ride. I really hope that you have enough intelligent voters to get Obama into power, your country needs him, badly.

    My only fear is the size of the redneck population that you have in the US, the ill-educated masses that still keep the fires of ignorance burning. To us, the rest of the world, it is an obvious choice and there should be no question of Obama winning, but I fear that when the day comes McCain will be sworn in.

    Keep fighting the good fight, your great country needs Obama without question.

  • Joe Meric - 16 years ago

    "K.M. seems to be spewing some serious hate here. Please learn more about Barack from reliable sources before believing all those lies you just regurgitated."

    Why don't you search on "CNN Obama Ayers"? Or is CNN in the tank for McCain? Obama just admitted in the NY Times that all of the media except Fox is in the tank for Obama: "if it wasn't for Fox I would be points higher in the polls!"

    Would any of you hire someone who worshipped for 20 years in a church that screamed "Goddamn America", and worked for years with a man who not only bombed and killed Americans but said (WHILE YOU WERE STILL WORKING WITH HIM) that "we didn't bomb enough"?

    Obama is either an idiot or OBAMA SHARES WRIGHT'S AND AYERS VALUES and you sheeple are handing the country over to socialists and traitors.

  • VCubed - 16 years ago

    Canales, as an Obama-supporter, I take serious issue with your violent hate-filled language. I've been sick and disgusted with the hatred spewing out of some McCain/Palin supporters, but I'm glad to say that at our Obama/Biden rallies, we don't repay them in-kind. I'm no saint, but the retaliation that used to rule my reactions is pretty much gone, thanks to Obama's example.

    Listen to Obama's books if you don't want to read them, Canales. If a man can live through what he has, and come out so compassionate, and tough and rational, so can we all.

    k.m., Bill Bourdeaux and IHateObama are pathetic and filled with irrational fear and hate. Matching their vitriol is pointless. Rolling in the mud gets both sides dirty, but your assaulter likes it.

  • VCubed - 16 years ago

    David, your boss won't pay higher taxes under Obama and then fire you. Small businesses (and corporations) have deductions galore and pay little or no taxes, see Washington Post Fact Check on the debate:

    94% US Corps paid less than 5% taxes on their total income in 2000, that's before the Bush tax cuts! 61% paid no fed tax from 96 thru 2000.

    We're in two wars and a recession about to become a Depression, and McCain will increase and make permanent those tax cuts - which primarily fall to corporations shipping jobs, profits and our tax money (we subsidize them with public education, infrastructure, and our military protection and defense) overseas!

    The US Chamber of Commerce said Obama's health plan is better for small business especially, and that McCain's health plan will leave millions uninsured and worse, uninsurable for preexisting conditions - that most definitely includes and impacts small business owners!

    Those preexisting conditions include high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety, even pregnancy! Think of what it will add to the premiums for those who are insured, since emergency rooms will have to save, but can never rehabilitate, people who couldn't get simple preventative care.

    High health care expenses and health insurance premiums and deductibles will definitely make your employer broke and force him to fire you. He'll at least cut off your health insurance once McCain removes the tax break for employers for providing employee health insurance.

    If your boss still gives you health insurance, it will probably cost you more for less care, and you'll be taxed on it for the first time ever - all for a bureaucratic mess run by insurance corporation profiteers!

    Government bureaucrats making health service decisions is no good either, if they have no competition from private providers, so I really like Obama's health plan better than any I've heard. The most streamlined providers with the best service with the lowest cost will win out, whether public or private. State laws and federal law will prohibit discrimination for preexisting conditions. Let the competition truly begin!

    Bottom line though: no sales, no health care = no work, no jobs.

    A poor man might never have hired you, but his spending his every last dime every month kept you employed, housed and fed. How is the rich man's tax-sheltered millions in the Cayman Islands helping any of us?

    McCain supported every single deregulation proposal for Wall St, wants more deregulation in health insurance, wants to make the immense tax cuts for off-shore corporations bigger and permanent, and cover our country with 45 government-subsidized new nuclear plants. What if the nuclear waste ends up in your neighborhood?

    Add McCain's belligerent nature, his inability to hide his anger even in something as benign as a debate, paired up with Palin I-can-see-Russia, I'm convinced they would be a disaster in foreign affairs. The man looked like a spoiled Admiral's son who grew up to pout, sputter and fume when things don't go his way. On his best behavior, McCain looks like he can barely contain his anger. He gets my vote of No Confidence.

  • Canales - 16 years ago

    Dear KM and other crazy McCain-Pain(fully stupid cunt) supporters
    If you actually bothered to look into facts, instead of sitting there dumbly waving US flags out of your cousin-fucking farms, you might have had a clue why America has long considered your worthless obese trailer park trash opinions about as useful as your other favorite pastime: sucking cum out of your daddy and big brother's incest-induced shrunken cocks. Get a fucking clue, or better yet, get the fucking internet you worthless white trash hillbilly scum and stop watching Dog the Bounty Hunter and the "Look Ma, I Shot A Moose" channel for like a fucking minute. When change finally gets here in the form of President Barack Obama, hopefully some sort of program can be made to sterilize your fucking white inbred bumpkin asses so you just stop existing in short order. Either that or if you start a civil war again like you braindead idiot numbfucks did last time you had a problem with things like civil rights and *not* being mentally ill Southern unclefuckers, I hope we put every single one of your sorry white "mah daddy fought fer this country in dubya-dubya-two" hayseed asses in flesh melting acid or quicklime. The best thing for America would be to exterminate in the most painful way possible all the white trash with their fucking trailer parks, waving US flags, Christianisms, churches, pro-life fuck-uppery, and sniveling WASPy conservative sleaze. That's real change! The hope -no, the great awe-inspiring dream- of a future like that is why my vote is so important in this election. Every dilapidated-brain, barnyard-animal humping, little sister molesting, eating-out your ma's ass, McCain-Pain(fully stupid cunt) voter deserves to die.

  • Aces R High - 16 years ago

    Another thing I failed to bring up, that I think was an issue that no candidate really wants to get into, is McCain's "spread the wealth" comment... To hell with anyone who thinks we, as Americans, shouldn't "spread the wealth." We have no problem spreading the wealth to Iraq by sending billions over there rebuilding their country, even with their 79 billion dollar surplus. We have no problem "spreading the wealth" to those third world countries, or their children in Ethiopia and Somalia. Spread that wealth to people who need it right here in America. Use that damn money to make universal health care available to EVERYONE. Give a free college education to those who aren't fortunate enough to have parents who can send them there, or trust funds to pay their way through. You can claim that financial aide is there for that, but financial aide doesn't help enough, I've been there and done that. It's a flawed system where you need money to start, and coming straight out of high school, you need to go to work first, which kind of throws you off the course of education. Call it socialism if you want, it's worked in other countries and I believe if every American is willing to work to secure their futures, as well as their children's futures, spreading the wealth is a small price to pay.

  • Heffner J. - 16 years ago

    I think McCain is leaving in the past and he is good at pointing fingers to others. In second debate, he lived in the past. In third debate, He pointed fingers towards Obama. He seems like a person who loves to benefit from pointing out others bad and take advantage of it rather then getting elected on his own merits. He is full of negativity. His body language in tonight's debate showed rudeness and anger. If John McCain becomes president, he will make "little george" look like a hero within first 6 months of his presidency. Obama on other hand seems like a more reasonable, mature and level headed person who would be a better choice for president. In my opinion, he thrives on his own merits rather then others mistakes. McCain should just drop out of the race and save himself an embossment. He stands no chance. He is just irritating, in whole as a package. I am not a democrate nor arepublican. I just think Obama is a young mature person and he wold be a better president then the "OLD FAR"

  • Dan de Lion - 16 years ago

    1st: Dave - I pretty much feel that the arguments you make are sad for you. Mostly I hear the Reagan theory of "trickle down economics" behind what you are saying, and I am sure that you and many are going to take this badly, but Ronnie was most of all a liar, and worse than that absolutely a tool for the 2% living on the cream. His brilliance, if you want to call it that, was that he convinced the vast majority that they could be in that 2% and that they were actually doing far better than the real number said they were. Anyone remember the self-perception poll during his presidency wherein respondent fitting in the 20% bracket for income reported that they thought themselves in the 80% bracket? Now undoubtedly, from what you have said, you were probably "doing better than average" (at least in your own perception), but if you are voting McCain because your poor boss (who apparently is some sort of really nasty vindictive piece of work) will undoubtedly cut more and more staff on Obama's tax raises/cuts, I suggest that you get real serious about finding some other employment in any case. Do you think that Keeping forces in Iraq for "a hundred years" as McCain has stated is going to come cheaply? If you think that taxes going up for the rich as proposed by Obama is going to be tough on your job, what do you think is going to happen when McCain continues Iraq? What do you think is going to happen when the tax bill comes home for the Wall Street Bail out? If your job is so close to termination that a fairly based tax schedule based on the capability to pay is going to be the end of it, "My Friend" you are already unemployed, and it would behoove you to start thinking like the rest of the working class.

    2cnd - Andy, please understand that the "pillow-biters" here, are not representative of this country in mass. Unfortunately, a lot of us have been so busy enjoying out lives that we have let a full generation of hate-mongers like Rushbaugh, Hannity, Cheney, and Rove play without the supervision they needed to have. The saddest part of that is that now many think that this is reality because they have not lived outside the shroud of that hate. Really it is a global problem, but it has risen to a new height in this country in the last 4 decades.

    3rd - Pillow-biters, Just Chill, don't you know that all that venom does no one but yourselves the most damage? All your hate and fear hurts you most of all. I don't know, try a little meditation, maybe a couple thousand downers, several ounces of tranquilizers? I am really at a loss as to what to recommend to you, but as you spew, you turn up the flame beneath yourselves and it is really you that is taking the damage. Not to leave myself unclear, it is not my intent to let the theft of my country continue if I can help it, I will maintain a presence, interfering with your campaigns of hate and fear as long as I can. So, hit the cap locks key, and think (and holy terror actually research) before you continue you spew.

  • Aces High - 16 years ago

    Bill Bordeaux: How many times are you going to comment, shouting your anger and hatred, nonsense and lies like one of those evangelical twits you see on Sunday morning television? You claim this is true, but you obviously have no way to back this up. I've done research on this "left his mother to die" crap, it is a lie. Please feel free to respond with a URL, a news clip, a news article, anything that has factual evidence regarding these allegations. It's like the "Obama isn't really american" bit that was running around everyone's emails that was proven to be a false statement with photos and statements released by third party independent sites. If you base your vote based on "chain letters," you really need a reality check. The real vote should be in the hands of the average American, not the evangelical right-wings who's only strategy, it seems, is to find ANYTHING and everything that they can to get a bad public opinion about Obama. People do attack McCain, but they attack him on the issues. What I see from the McBush crowd is the attack on Obama for religion, background, and affiliations. Seriously man, bring up an issue that matters, stop mudslinging and give me a reason I, an independent, non-religious, multicultural American should vote for McCain.

  • Jeff - 16 years ago

    Obama is likely to win and as a 65 year old high income earner (key word = earner) I don't see lower taxes as tax cuts, it sounds as though the money somehow already belongs to the government. The government produces nothing. We need order but not the government deciding who gets the money I earn.

    Obama stopped just short of saying he wants to socialize health care, which is evident. I can understand McCain's discomfort having to set and listen to that same stuff over and over that has been pounded into Obama's head. As to the race issue, I could care less if he was a purple transvestite, just give me someone that sees the world clearly and has "been there". I would be saddened if the election was influenced by race, either way.

    McCain is a far better choice given the choices. I will certainly give you there are better, but this is who has been selected.

  • Carol - 16 years ago

    I am a small business owner - I have never had a positive year after deprecitation, since i opened 5 years ago. If I made $250,000 I would be estatic to pay taxes. If I made $100,000 I would be happy to pay more int taxes. If you want to read a good article on John McCain please read the Maverick piece in the recent Rolling Stone. Very informative.

  • Mark - 16 years ago

    Here's a news flash - someone has to pay for the government we have now. Someone has to pay for the war in Iraq, someone has to pay for the financial sector bailout, someone has to pay for the deficits that the current administration has orchestrated. How do you want to do that? I can't think of any tax that I enjoy paying but we don't really have any choice but to pay some kind of tax to cover all these expenses. Current themes seem to stress not taxing employers or small businesses but they don't offer any alternative to raise revenues other than to reduce government. I can appreciate that but I don't have a problem making sure that those individuals and companies that get the most from belonging to our society should have to foot the highest part of the bill.

  • Bob - 16 years ago

    We need criteria to measure "who won"?

    1. Veracity of offense: McCain - Joe the plumber
    2. Veracity of defense: Obama - answered advert slurs
    3. Depth of insight: McCain - better details
    4. Breadth of vision: Obama - sees both big and little
    5. Ability to create change: Obama - why? Democratic-led Congress.

    It's close but Obama 3, McCain 2.

    BEST QUOTE: Schieffer: "Wanna feel big? Vote."

  • JDq - 16 years ago

    KM - you are drunk on the Kool-Aid. Try reading more than what shows up in your email inbox.
    Sorry, but which public school did John McCain attend?
    Oh...and when did he work for a paycheck? No, you can't count the Navy.The was required in order to be a McCain.

  • Libby - 16 years ago

    H.R Global Poverty Act of 2007 - Directs the President, through the Secretary of State, to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the U.S. foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide who live on less than $1 per day.

    The legislation would commit the U.S. to spending 0.7 percent of gross national product on foreign aid, which amounts to a phenomenal 13-year total of $845 billion over and above what the U.S. already spends.

    More foreign aid through passage of the Global Poverty Act was identified as one of the strategic goals of InterAction, the alliance of U.S-based international non-governmental organizations that lobbies for more foreign aid. The group is heavily financed by the U.S. Government, having received $1.4 million from taxpayers in fiscal year 2005 and $1.7 million in 2006.

    This is all fine and good, but rectifying Poverty should begin @ home. Millions of Americans, especially elderly Americans who have devoted most of their lives to the US Labor Force and paid Taxes, deserve to spend their later years living comfortably (not meaning, living in the lap of luxury.)

  • Monique - 16 years ago


    My family of four pays $1056 per month for health care with Pacificare (California based, but still!). $340 per month for each my husband and myself (40+, good health) plus we have two kids under 12. As far as I'm concerned...Obama was right on.

    I looked to this final debate as the tie breaker, but I'd like to thank the the conservative leaners on this site for helping me do what I've been struggling to do for weeks and that's get off the fence with my vote. I gotta go Obama.

  • pat mckenzie - 16 years ago

    david you make some good points but i cant stand to see a company make billions in profit and then get a cut due to loop holes and lets be honest this country is in big trouble financially we need serious help well i hope you still have a job in the end good luck

  • andy - 16 years ago

    thank you VACatholic for proving my point. I have never talked down on someone else's religious beliefs, even if I don't believe them because I don't like when people talk down on mine. How would you feel if I told you that your whole life is a lie and what you believe in is false? What you believe in is evil. thats what you are telling muslims right now. that is so wrong. I am not disrespectful, nor should you be.

  • nobody - 16 years ago

    VACatholic: speak for yourself. I think religious people are just as delusional as Obama supporters.

    But you are right, killing babies is despicable. How anyone can accept that is perverted beyond imagination.

  • David - 16 years ago

    Pat, I do think tax cuts for the rich - which includes large business owners - could be a good solution with so many people losing their jobs. I pay a ton of taxes, too, and according to Obama's plan, I won't really see a tax break at all. I'd be better off with a higher paying job. My company is struggling and no raise is in my future and a new job would be impossible to find at my wage. I don't even know if I'll have a job this time next month. Hitting my boss with a tax hike will seal my fate along with the other 900 people who work with me. If oil companies get some kind of break which could result in lower prices, I'm all for it. My company uses oil to produce parts, uses oil to deliver them, uses oil to receive parts. My company would save a fortune and there again, it could keep them open. They need a break worse than I do. I'm getting by okay. My bills are paid and a tax break won't make me rich. I could stop eating pizza, get rid of my satellite, keep my car a few more years and save more than a tax break would give me. I just don't want to.

  • VACatholic - 16 years ago

    Essentially this is a long-running ancient war between Infanticide-loving Obama (representing Hell,Islam and other demonic entities) and the *growing*traditional Roman Catholic church ("and the gates of Hell will never prevail against it") Pray your rosary and become a soldier on the winning side

  • nobody - 16 years ago

    Somebody, you are so enlightened. Like a blissfully fresh breath of cold, cold winter air you share your deepest and most thought provoking insights with elegance and peace. The people at polldaddy just adore you.

    Senator Government will fix everything and the world will adore us! Wonderful I tell you WONDERFUL!

    By the way, do any of you Obama supporters know what the Global Poverty Act is? This is a great idea isn't it?

  • Pat mckenzie - 16 years ago

    david i feel your concerns but do you think tax cuts for the rich is the anwser i have a good solid income i pay a ton of taxes each year and im going broke i need a break not the oil companies

  • Ian Rhett - 16 years ago

    Remember that we need change, and we need it bad. And remember that change starts with you. Calling people names and deriding them is not change. Being patient with people, being generous with your listening, arriving at compromise... THAT is the kind of change we need. Pass it on.

  • Handouts - 16 years ago

    After Senator Government is elected where to I go to stick out my hand?

  • sickoftheracecard - 16 years ago

    I really don't see where an added name could be considered a racist attack, even from Mr. overly excitable moron here. Weak. Real weak.

    I myself would substitute "Marx" instead of "Mohommad". Much better fit.

    You can feel free to substitute "Stalin" for Mccain's middle name.

    Won't bother me a bit.

    Look at their policies, in all seriousness. They both lead to bigger government, more taxes, and the continued fleecing of the American public.

    Some "change".

  • somebody - 16 years ago

    It's tough to believe anything that you hear from either side. The one thing I notice is that Obama is a calm force that promotes peace. I want a President that will inspire the country to come together and work WITH the rest of the world. We must come together as citizens of the world, despite our differences in race, religion, etc. We will destroy each other one by one if we don't promote peace and acceptance throughout the world. That is why I choose Obama.

  • Rob - 16 years ago

    re: obama has ACORN the brain child of the democratic party as a proxy to steal votes. Hitler did the same thing. obama has a past worst than many real criminals in the USA. It will come out and Justice will be served.

    Is this a generational thing? Comparing Obama to Hitler... Really?

    And can Tina or someone else confirm that Barack has two middle names? Without just saying "Yes he does have two middle names. YOU moron." Just a reliable URL. Thanks.

    Frothing at the mouth mad, I'll tell ya. Old, crazy, paranoid, delusional, provincial, shills. And again... Sarah Palin?!? For real?!?

  • pat mckenzie - 16 years ago

    MCcain 08 DEPRESSION 09

  • nobody - 16 years ago

    Somebody, you go right ahead and vote for Senator Government. He's going to fix everything. You've been successfully HOPE-nitized. Tell your pop culture buddies on MySpace that I said hi.

  • Libby - 16 years ago

    LOL at nobody's comment on Madonna. ( Not to be taken badly). After all she is Madonna (Sarcasm intended).

  • David - 16 years ago

    All I can say is that people are being laid off daily in my part of the world and my own job is starting to look uncertain. I don't like the idea that Obama wants to raise taxes on people earning more than $250,000 a year because that does include my boss and impacts my life more than anything else. If you hurt the employers, the rest doesn't matter. Your taxes might not go up, but your pay can definitely go down. You could end up with none at all. By Christmas, two million people are predicted to be unemployed. I think that number is conservative. Now imagine the business owners have their taxes increased when they're paying the most taxes already. How will they survive and how could they dream of expanding or hiring more people or raising their employee's wages? Obama has good ideas, but after reading his plans on his website, I can see how his tax plan will wipe out many more jobs and I can no longer vote for him. I have to side with the people earning the top wages in this country because a poor person has never offered me a job and I don't think giving them a tax cut will change that. You can't fix the economy from the bottom up because you can't make the people on the bottom wealthy enough to open factories and hire hundreds or thousands of people and give them a dependable, decent paycheck. If you help the businesses - which have been paying incredibly higher taxes than the rest of us for a LONG time now - they can turn around and give us better and more jobs. I also have to say that I don't know a single person who could afford to pay $12,000 a year for health insurance. A thousand a month? Where does Obama get this figure that he says most people pay per year? Does anyone know? I'd like to research it. I could NEVER afford to pay that, ever, and I thought I had a decent job.

  • pat mckenzie - 16 years ago

    S.O.T.R.C how can you not see that K.M. is a hate monger it might not have racist words in the post but the message sure sounds racist and just like white america

  • Kaempfen wie verruekt - 16 years ago

    Amazing how the right wing of every country hates the "other". Hopefully this country will separate itself from its right wing hate mongers before irreparable damage has occurred.

  • George Washington - 16 years ago

    Neither of this candidates is worth spit. One doesn't have a message and the other won't tell you what he really believes.

  • somebody - 16 years ago

    nobody, weren't we an idiot to elect our current president. passion, what you call arrogance, is called for.

  • Monique - 16 years ago

    I am struck by how Senator McCain references transparency yet refuses to release his complete medical records. After mulitple bouts with cancer...don't we have a right to know? Makes me wonder if he would withhold other information.

  • andy - 16 years ago


    1) false middle name to invoke more fear

    2) Why do conservatists always use his full name?? I never hear anyone say "John Sidney McCain"... coincidence? i think not.

  • comingtogether - 16 years ago

    something both sides can agree on . . .

    . . . the undecided vote!

  • pat mckenzie - 16 years ago

    It shouldn't matter but the person who does get the job should be tolerant of issues that are in todays world mccain reminds me of my dad and you cant teach an old dog new tricks

  • Starboy28 - 16 years ago

    I bet K.M. has the audacity to call herself a disciple of Christ too. In reality K.M. you are just another fear monger and spewer of lies. This country will be so much stronger when we get the weight of you and yours off our backs.

  • nobody - 16 years ago

    Every other comment is about how you are so smart for voting for Obama and you must be an idiot if you don't do what Madonna tells you and vote for Senator Government. The arrogance is thick in here.

  • andy - 16 years ago

    I agree Libby, when did politics stop being about what is best for the economy, foreign policy, healthcare, education. Why must it be about religion, associations, and all this other nonsense. I don't care about this, it upsets me when people ridicule a religion, but religion doesn't change a thing on wall street, or on healtcare, or any other important issue

  • sickoftheracecard - 16 years ago

    Andy, that person may be a overly excitable moron, but I cannot see any racist words, slang, etc in that post.

    Care to point these racist slang/terms/words out to me?

    Thanks, I appreciate it.

  • Libby - 16 years ago

    Could we just write in on the ballot-- Mickey Mouse for President?

    Race, Religion,or Sex should not factor in to who is most qualified to be given the HONOR of Leading and Representing the American People.

  • andy - 16 years ago

    sickoftheracecard, did you read KM's post??? pretty sure that psycho McCain supporter opened the racism of this campaign right up

  • Mass-debater - 16 years ago

    The best part (which has happened in all three debates) is when Obama points out that McCain has fully supported Bush's economic policies, and McCain comes back with a whole list of things he disagrees with Bush about... none of which are the economy. If you don't pay attention, you forget what he was responding to, because it goes on for so long. But if you listen, you realize that it's all off-topic and he's really just confirmed what Obama said.

  • sick of the race card - 16 years ago

    Typical Obama supporters, can't stay on any issue without pulling the race card out from under their sleeves.

    BTW, if you vote for either of these socialist hacks, you'll get your just desserts, and the 700 billion bailout debacle is only the beginning.

    Enjoy, mindless sheeple party hacks!!

  • pat mckenzie - 16 years ago

    anyone looking to mr mccain for help is going to be sorry when this country is in shambles even more then it is now just say no to the right wing out of touch racist, homophobic, middle class stompers

  • Libby - 16 years ago

    I do agree with Pink, that the Distribution of Wealth that OBama is proprosing has a huge impact on those Hardworking Americans. It infuriates me to no end to see some woman on Medicaid keep having children in order to get more money, when the elderly gentleman or woman who has worked hard for the majority of their life get squat.

    We will all have to decide which candidate is the lesser of two evils.

  • Chuk - 16 years ago

    How come everytime someone brings up Obama's association with Ayers, the domestic terrorist who killed Americans wife his wife, a liberal has to call them "hateful" and a racist. Disgusting. Obama's party is the party of hate and racism.

  • Michele - 16 years ago

    KM scares me.................................... Obama did a good job!! I can not imagin McCain dealing with other world leader his so angry and mean. Would he make faces at them when they disagreed?

  • Yup - 16 years ago

    "used to be republican" has hit the nail on the head. Every moron spouting "terrorist" and adding "mohammad" when Obama's name is mentioned is helping McCain lose. Keep it up, idiots, and soon nobody will want to be associated with your party of ignorant racists who can't even get the most basic facts straight.

  • Michele - 16 years ago

    KM scares me.................................... Obama did a good job!! I can not imagin McCain dealing with other world leader his so angry and mean. Would he make faces at them when they disagreed?

  • used to be republican - 16 years ago

    andy, thank you for that. don't we need to be uniting the world, despite our differences? i am not muslim, and i was raised to fear religions that were not my own. but now that i am older and wiser, i see that fear mongering is what divides the world. i will not stand for such hate anymore!!

  • Leslie N Downs - 16 years ago

    Obama won hands down in that
    *he was more professional
    *He was calmer and more poised
    *Those 2 traits lend themselves to strong leadership
    *He tried to keep debate on issues and McCain kept up the Joe Plumber and was argumentive over and over.
    * Yes, Obama was far positive and on point.

  • Bill Bordeaux - 16 years ago

    Joe the plumber will be the down fall of obama, obama wants gov, to control your life and your money, Joe the plumber does not need obama or the government.
    obama wants joe the plumber to pay his hard earned money for the free ride of the ones that would not work in a pie factory.
    obama is not better at communism than Stalin! obama is no better at communism than fidel castro. if you are a communist you will love obama but, your liberty is shot in the ass.

  • andy - 16 years ago

    TINA. WHERE IS YOUR PROOF??? show me a birth cerificate. why do you fear obama?? i don't understand. He is a human being, he has a wife, kids, family. he is a good man.

    I am of the muslim religion myself and find it extremely offensive that these McCain supporters try to use MY religion as an attack. We are not violent people, those who are do not follow the religion correctly and are using it for their own political agenda.


  • used to be republican - 16 years ago

    used to like McCain . . . until I realized that his true followers liken Obama to a terrorist & Hitler like Bill Bordeaux up there. I will not associate myself with a bunch of racists.

  • Pink Elephant - 16 years ago

    As a young (mostly Libertarian) voter, I see no other way to vote except for John McCain. I do not agree with redistributing wealth and I think it will only further damage our economy. With wealth redistribution, people who are successful no longer have incentives to continue working hard. All they see is their hard earned money going to people who do nothing and accept free government hand outs. I think everyone has an equal opportunity to earn their own keep. There are people who will get out there and make a living for themselves, and people who for unknown reasons just won't. I don't think those people deserve the hard earned money of the American worker.

  • Bill Bordeaux - 16 years ago

    Gerry Rhoades, you are a very sad person, McCain had many chances to show rev. wright ranting about his racist remarks and John took the high road but, this election is not over yet! I think John McCain should provide the American public with an add showing the black racist (rev. Wright) spewing his hate for the white people. I also think John McCain should run an add in Pa, showing that low life Murtha telling the media he thinks eastern Pa. is white racist! this election is far from over. obama has ACORN the brain child of the democratic party as a proxy to steal votes. Hitler did the same thing.
    obama has a past worst than many real criminals in the USA. It will come out and Justice will be served.

  • Undecided - 16 years ago

    McCain looked crazy.

  • Bill Bordeaux - 16 years ago

    Gerry Rhoades, you are a very sad person, McCain had many chances to show rev. wright ranting about his racist remarks and John took the high road but, this election is not over yet! I think John McCain should provide the American public with an add showing the black racist (rev. Wright) spewing his hate for the white people. I also think John McCain should run an add in Pa, showing that low life Murtha telling the media he thinks eastern Pa. is white racist! this election is far from over. obama has ACORN the brain child of the democratic party as a proxy to steal votes. Hitler did the same thing.
    obama has a past worst than many real criminals in the USA. It will come out and Justice will be served.

  • Wisdom Quest - 16 years ago

    John McCain gets points for presenting more substance (concerning his policies) than just rhetoric (as I've seen in the past two debates). But, once again, John McCain played fast and loose with the facts concerning Barack Obama's voting record. Barack Obama, once again, presented himself in a calm and clear manner as he explained his positions. He looked Presidential. John McCain seemed frustrated and irritated. Senator Obama clearly won tonight's debate.

  • Steve Jones - 16 years ago

    Obama looked high.

  • IHATEOBAMA - 16 years ago

    Obama looked like an ass. He was a royal wonk. Hell, he could not figure out who he was running against. Besides he smacked by Joe the Plumber. Obama crackheads don't employ people Joe the plumber does.

  • McBama - 16 years ago

    Both candidates lie when they say they'll cut taxes and not cut programs. The $700 billion bailout is taxpayer money. Where does taxpayer money come from? Taxpayers! The bailout is a tax increase, we're just not directly paying for it yet.

    Money doesn't grow on trees. Either they raise taxes, or print more money (driving the value of the dollar down), or they borrow more from countries like China (giving them more leverage to pressure us financially and politically). What's worse in the long run? Lower taxes sound good to most Americans (who have trouble thinking beyond their own wallet), so that's what both candidates are selling - and if you buy it from either of them, you're a sucker.

    I'm surprised McCain brought up South America - it doesn't matter that Obama hasn't been there, because he's already like a hero to people down there. Obama may not have a lot of foreign policy experience, but by merely electing him, the US will regain an amazing amount of respect from the world, after having been squandered by Bush.

    I'm glad Ayers came up, because it's been nothing but a ridiculous distraction, and I think Obama finally established that for the people watching. McCain actually showed a lot more confidence, although while Obama spoke, McCain was really blinky/twitchy - maybe he had some caffeine to look more lively and less sickly than the last debate.

    Overall, way too much spin on both sides. They both showed themselves to be typical politicians. The most important question of the night was about the VP, and we all know (even those who won't admit it) that Palin isn't ready. But hey, anything's possible... Bush was never qualified, and still can't handle the job, and half this country was ignorant enough to vote for him... twice!

  • Rachelle - 16 years ago

    As one who has been undecided, I was very disheartened by McCain's performance this evening. Above all things, a presidential candidate should have the ability to remain calm and composed under pressure, particularly in somehting as benign as a presidential debate. His inability to do that, clearly exemplifies the fact that he should not be president. That kind of hair trigger temper belongs in the boxing ring, not in the political arena. My vote goes to Obama, a man who has a plan and has the ability to stay calm and composed under pressure.

  • flexx - 16 years ago

    OBAMA WON EASILY! MCCAIN is an angry man, no place in white house for you sir! BUSH was just like you tough guy, look where it got us! mr McCain this song is for you>>..Who's to know if your soul will fade at all
    The one you sold to fool the world
    You lost your self-esteem along the way

    Good god you're coming up with reasons
    Good god you're dragging it out
    Good god it's the changing of the seasons
    I feel so raped
    So follow me down
    And just fake it if you're out of direction
    Fake it if you don't belong here
    Fake it if you feel like affection
    Woah you're such a f***ing hypocrite

  • C.M. - 16 years ago

    Notice that the ones talking crazy on here are voting for McCain? Funk, K.M. . . . case in point.

  • Ya - 16 years ago

    The bottom line in this elections is that too many Americans are RACISTS. If Obama would be 100% white McCain wouldn't have even the slightest chance.

  • Funk - 16 years ago

    John smoked his fucking ass - end of story. You stupid Dems need to go the fuck home and stop supporting someone who obviously does NOT have America's best interests at heart.

  • VC3 - 16 years ago


    Thank you so much. You made me see the light. Why would anyone in their right mind vote for that man. I guess he must be the antichrist!

    My Goodness, I guess thats the kind of person the McCain Palin campaign wants to vote for them. Why talk about the facts just scare the hell out of people with "poo poo". For these are obviously the people who have brought down our nations scores when it comes to educational testing. No wonder why the rest of the world is doing better on testing!

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