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Do you support B.C.'s legal challenge over Alberta pipeline legislation?

Total Votes: 5,843

  • Kelly Rowe - 6 years ago

    I really think that we need to let the will of the people move the decision of government. Not a handful of unemployed protesters, people of all ages that have nothing better to do with their time then boycott an industry that supports our economy from the core. People for Generations have been earning their income in our natural resource sector. It boggles my mind how two parties can cajoin and overtake the will of the population of this province. There needs to be reformed in voting outcomes. I may on occasion sound like a bit of a broken record but I cannot wait for the next election and my sincere hope is that every Able Body British Columbian goes out and votes. That they educate themselves and go out and vote.

  • David SmithHorgan - 6 years ago

    Horgan knows Weaver will probably bail if he behaves rationally on the pipeline and Eby is little more than a lackey. This is all about remaining in government and has little to do with reality, environment etc. This government's behavior is nothing short of criminal especially when it appears 70% don't support their actions. Typical NDP convoluted reasoning and we have to pay for it.

  • Jay Straith - 6 years ago

    The depressing reality is that most of the country thanks British Columbia is a bunch of left-wing whack jobs. Now we’re going to court to confirm in a court of law that we are nothing but a bunch of left-wing wack jobs. I had so hoped the NDP had a grown the Glenn Clark approach to British Columbia politics and economics. We needed a break after Christie Clark. Unfortunately in record time they have completely lost all economic credibility and are on the way to losing political credibility with the adult wing of the problem Glenn Clark approach to British Columbia politics and economics. We needed a break after Christie Clark. Unfortunately in record time they have completely lost all economic credibility and are on the way to losing political credibility with the adult wing of the province.

  • OMG - 6 years ago

    When did China agree to buy any of this crude?
    I haven't seen any verification. Its the oil addiction of the U.S. that is driving this greed.
    Deliver the tar directly from Alberta into the states.

  • Wayne Martineau - 6 years ago

    I do not know how Horgan and Eby keep straight faces when they claim they have done nothing to stop the Kinder Morgan expansion.
    Horgan praises brave protesters for getting arrested at the Kinder Morgan Burnaby work site for violating B.C. Supreme court injunctions on limiting protest activities. Then with total hypocrisy runs to the same B.C. Supreme Court and joins lawsuits and starts new lawsuits that are designed to kill Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion.
    Watching Horgan launch the restrict volumes of crude oil lawsuit last month, I was amused when Horgan had to wave at Eby and seem to prod him to come up to the microphone and explain B.C. legal position to restrict oil flows through B.C. Maybe Eby knows that he was playing legal rope de dope as Premier Notley claimed yesterday.

  • Will - 6 years ago

    Sick of all the uninformed. I support the legal challenge. Cutting off supply is a lose-lose scenario. I support the twinning of the pipeline. I do not support more dilbit and increased tanker traffic as there is no way to clean up a spill in water. The carbon and environmental discussion is irrelevant. Anything we produce is a rounding error on the global scale. Not to mix issues however we are being robbed with our carbon tax going to general revenues with no offset/neutrality. Trudeau could accelerate the legal reference side of this by fast tracking to the supreme Court. Why isn't he doing so? Regardless, I think KM knows this is dead, simply on the assorted legal challenges, not just the BC NDP. As well, for the AB Premier to keep rambling about the risk to the Canadian economy like AB bitumen is the only thing keeping our nation afloat is ridiculous. The rhetoric on both sides is out of control and it's hard to know the true facts. I'd rather see our oil processed in Canada for Canadians and export. That to me is the win-win.

  • k - 6 years ago

    BC's actions are not only for the good of our coastline, but also for taking a stance for the good of our planet. AB's actions are is purely out of spite and bullying, not for any "good".

    While you can't argue that a pipeline would be positive for the economy and job growth, any benefit you gain are pointless when you end up with an uninhabitable environment in the near future. Alberta oil is certainly not the sole cause or culprit by any means, but we need to slow the flow, rather than add to it. The world is looking for alternatives and non-polluting fuels. Fossil fuels are yesterday's fuels. So continuing to promote, encourage and facilitate its usage is completely backwards. We need to invest our efforts in other areas instead.

    We can't stop using fossil fuels just yet -- BC included of course. But the motivation behind stopping the pipeline expansion is truly for the good of our coastlines and for taking steps to reduce fossil fuel consumption globally. Whereas Notley's motivation for "turning off the taps" is purely bullying. It's simple: Reducing the use of oil is for Good. Increasing the use of oil is for Greed.

    We in Canada must put our foot down and take a leading role in making changes to reduce fossil fuel consumption. If we don't take a significant and symbolic stand by stopping Kinder Morgan, then we can't expect any other nation to make changes either. If we don't stop now, then we can expect it never will and we can resign ourselves to the fact that fossil fuel consumption will not only continue, but will grow.

    Let's make a decision, for Good.

  • Otto - 6 years ago

    Some of the comments from the NO side are hilarious and proves their lack of knowledge about the difference between crap bitumen crude for CHINA and crude oil for refineries. Probably comments from cowboy Albertans that have a diversified economy of Banff, Panda bears , and oil !

  • Nitro Zipper - 6 years ago

    All of you anti-pipeline people stop using oil and any oil related pharmaceuticals or textiles.

    Horgan is trying to keep his minority government afloat and his ego inflated. Horgan is a hypocrite! Not of you to flood native lands for power generation. How many lost their homes?
    If Horgan is so concerned about the water then why is B.C. dumping raw sewage into the ocean. Since when do eat turds, condoms and sanitary pads.

    This is no blackmail- it’s about cooperating with each other. If Alberta oil is dirty then get oil from Washington which will be Alberta oil sold back to B.C. at a premium in US dollars.

    This what hapoens when you cut funding for higher education!!!

  • Kenneth Philps - 6 years ago

    I am sceptical about the accuracy of this sampling. It is anything but a random snapshot of what people are thinking. An opt-in poll, on a news delivery site such as this one, is accurate only in that it represents what some site visitors, those who chose to respond, may think. Not scientific or useful in gauging the pipeline dispute.

  • Rude Crude - 6 years ago

    B.C. only wants enough oil for the province.
    If Albertans want to pollute the world, they can find another way. Extortion and blackmail have long since been illegal in Canada.

  • Harry - 6 years ago

    I can smell the crude already.

  • james - 6 years ago

    I hope someone reads the result to Horgan so he knows the majority of people in BC are not behind him.

  • Dean Dafoe - 6 years ago

    This is the most ridiculous government I have ever voted for and never will again. So BC doesn't want product flowing through this pipeline but on the other hand cry when the tap gets shut off. What a hypocritical group of morons running this province. I cant wait for the two flakes Horgan and the ultimate moron Weaver are gone. Wint be long with all of BC bullshit. This province is a total embarrassment. Hope everyone likes 2 dollar gas. There has been a pipeline for many years with no issues...makes zero sense but not surprisingly based on who is running this going show

  • CHUCKY - 6 years ago

    I am very grateful for the BC NDP Premier Horgan and Attorney General Eby for turning to the courts for a final judgement. This is all about living like (we all are blessed to) living in a democracy that is governed by not the loudest mouth piece or the biggest money backers or the the puppet punk ass Priminister (we have now) but by the “Rule Of Law!”
    Let the “Evidence Prevail!”

  • F Baile - 6 years ago

    @ Larry Sterling , they(BC NDP) don't want the bitumen, but they do want the refined product(gasoline,fuel oil and such) lets not forget the natural gas. In actuality it's the "green's" that don't want the stuff.. they're the ones that have Horgan's testicles in a vice....that's all this idiotic argument is about!!! STAYING IN POWER.
    We should all remember, it is the Canadian coast line, not BC's or NS or NB or PQ's or PEI's or NF's. Nimbyism
    is not a proper noun ,as far as confederation is concerned .

  • Marc Labelle - 6 years ago

    Notley is up to bullying and pressure tactics that are unacceptable.
    She can't and won't force feed us a pipeline, nor would it force feed it to Quebec.
    As the supreme court ruled lately for restrictions concerning alcohol imports/exports across provinces,
    Province A can restrict imports from Province B for reasons like heath concerns, etc.
    However, Province B cannot 'penalize' Province A for doing so.
    And didn't Alta restrict imports of BC wne lately ? BC didn't retaliate.

  • Brian - 6 years ago

    Irrelevant question.... KM will abandon project because the NEB decision was based on a stacked panel of political puppets with no consultation with indigenous people....,and Kinder Morgan CEO and stakeholders know it !

  • Fraser - 6 years ago

    The NDP were left with a 2 billion dollar gift from the liberals. Once that’s gone from all the handouts, appointments,studies and legal fees to pay for all the lawyers (Ebys buddy’s) you will them see the economy turn down. This province is driven on business that hires people, you start to compromise them then the jobs start to go by the wayside. You can’t all work at a government job. Owning a business is not all money money money. After payroll, GST,PST,MSP,corporate tax, Rent,hydro,gas,insurance loss and damage there is not much left. The unfortunate part is the cost of doing business is passed onto the consumers. Fuel prices will not force everyone into buying electric cars. It will force all the companies that deliver essential goods to raise their rates thus passing this on to the general public. Oil and fuel are essential at this time and probably for the next 20 years till green energy really takes hold. We went away in our boat this weekend, it was 1.89 a litre in the marina in Ladner. I was a bit shocked but also realize I’m not going cruising in an electric solar powered yacht. When gas prices hit 2.50 people will start to lose their jobs because they don’t have the money to get to work and buses don’t just go everywhere. People need to think about what really goes on in this province,
    not just what goes on in your daily routine.

  • Chris - 6 years ago

    The BC government NDP is ridiculous in their stance against the pipeline
    If you really want to stop the flow of oil in any form you should stop using oil to begin with!

  • Larry Sterling - 6 years ago

    This is ridiculous. On one hand they don't the bitumen and on the other hand they want to sue Alberta for not sending the bitumen. The NDP are out of control. It's time for the Federal Government to step in and get this project underway. This is our money they are spending on a project that has nothing to do with the Provincial Government. Time for the games to stop.

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