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Daily Poll: Do you support Premier John Horgan in his vow to keep fighting the pipeline expansion on B.C.'s coast?

Total Votes: 48,385

  • P.Warkentin - 6 years ago

    Never again will I support Horgan or his voter referendum. He is grandstanding on orders of Weaver.

  • Roy Donnahee - 6 years ago

    I look forward to the day when these cult like politics come to an end. When I observe our Prime Minister speaking I can’t help thinking of the movie Stepford Wives where people live a disciplined life under rigid rules set out by senior members who take it upon themselves to punish those in the community who decide not to follow their beliefs. So much money has been spent on trying to create this perfect world, driving our country further and further into eternal servitude because of our mounting debts. Already carrying costs are the third most expensive program in government, next only to education and medical. Anyone who observes what is going on in the world can tell you that countries that have gone over the limit on debt no longer have government sponsored programs, medical, pensions, education, poverty, clean water, waste disposal are no longer priorities because the money lenders have reached their limit of trust. Countries like Greece, Venezuela, Brazil, Uruguay, Italy, even Japan is struggling with its debt levels. These countries for the most part were wealthy countries but today they struggle and suffer riots because of inflation running at 30 and 40 % and devaluation of their money causes hardships. People need to stop and think about their’s and their family’s futures and make their politicians more responsible for the tax money we give them. Justin Trudeau does not believe in the use of fossil fuels and demonstrated that by procrastinating on the pipeline until he had to spend 4.5 billion dollars to get himself out of it. We have gone from having a corporation pay for the pipeline to increasing our debt by billions. This is what I mean by making them responsible. Let them know you’re wise to them, complain and hold their feet to the fire.

  • Andrew - 6 years ago

    I didn’t realize so many Albertans read the Vancouver Sun. Lol

  • JDF - 6 years ago

    I am so sick and tired of the anti everything crowd. You all eat food transported by trucks. You type on computers made of petroleum probably drive to your protests.

    Build the pipeline while we transition to cleaner energy. Trudeau is a fool - but this whole gong show is HORGAN'S FAULT.

  • Al lambert - 6 years ago

    Wasting money is what their good at and job killers. If yr anti anything yr anti jobs. Stop ripping us off with your high taxs.
    Canada a third world country.

  • Darwin Award - 6 years ago

    Ultimately the price of oil is fixed on this planet.
    Then the practice of floating oil back and forth between the oil rich continents to pretend price competition is a gross misconduct of the planet's stewardship.

  • lorne jackson - 6 years ago

    The pipeline will benefit so many people. I think the premier of British Columbia should get on board with the pipeline. It's what the people want and need.

  • Jason - 6 years ago

    Sandra S - Agreed that taxpayers should not pay for oil corporation projects however the comments of "no economic value" and "no BC residents have any reason to support this" hold no merit. Have you seen the dividend returns of pipeline companies? They have economic value! What about the people of northern BC where there are alot of oil and gas workers - I think they their voice is valid in supporting this.

  • Quality of life - 6 years ago

    Having lived in Saskatchewan, seeing how getting the most out of crops and poisoning the land. Then moving to Alberta and watching the rectum of a scar created for oil plus the smell in the air is just ass.
    Now living in British Columbia for a positive in life, it just gets ruined by a resource we should be trying to step away from.
    I put it as "raping mother nature" for the almighty dollar.
    Stupid humans will destroy this planet. Wake the f-up people.

  • Gene - 6 years ago

    Clearly, the USA's primary interest is to NOT encourage the development of this pipeline, they love our cheap oil... Horgan and his political cronies are being played; Let's get on with the pipeline and change this dumb government...

  • Sandra Streifel - 6 years ago

    I will never support government subsidy with taxpayers’ money of oil corporations, still less the purchase of white elephant oil pipelines that have no economic value alone, without an export market for Alberta’s extremely heavy crude, but when their risk to our coastal waters is considered, nature’s value to our economy alone, with tourism, there’s no way the Trans Mountain pipeline project makes good sense. Don’t forget, First Nations’ “free, prior and informed consent”, required by our Constitution and UNDRIP, was never sought for this project, and that court case is pending in July, in BC Provincial Court. That’s certain undoing for the Trans Mountain pipeline project. I don’t believe these poll results, because no BC residents have any reason to support this project, and risk our valuable tourist industry and coastal waters.

  • Bonnie Johnston - 6 years ago

    I think the court case is a waste of time and money. The question of jurisdiction over the product flowing through the pipeline is just a strategy to delay the construction. Do provinces have the jurisdiction to restrict or regulate products carried by trains on federal rail lines? Do they restrict or regulate oil or other products transported by trucks on federal highways? The pipeline is no different; it is federal infrastructure and regulated by the federal government, not the provinces.

  • Ian - 6 years ago

    The longer this puppet Premier keeps arguing in court, the more it costs BC. We have to pay for his high priced lawyers!! Now because of Horgan, we ALL In CANADA will pay for this pipeline. We bought it. We have to pay to build it. And then hope that someone buys this overpriced Federal boondoggle!! If Horgan hadnt of interfered to begin with, it would have been built anyways like it was originally going to be.built. now ALL pay for it, plus BC residents pay for overpriced lawyers who are laughing as they deposit their cheque from the stupid taxpayers of BC. Thanks alot HORGAN!!!!

  • C W Koltes - 6 years ago

    Clearly the majority of voters are not residents of British Columbia. They are outraged BC is standing up for its right to protect our coastline while having no problem in selling off the country to please present and future foreign investors. This pipeline hasn't been built and it's already is a national disaster.

  • Frank. - 6 years ago

    To prevent the transfer of oil while mining coal and exporting it is obviously not based on a moral or ethical stance. It may be a financial or a political decision masked in a holier than thou costume, but I doubt that more than a handful of voters would believe Horgan's political drivel.

  • HB - 6 years ago

    What about all the environmental damage being done by the hydro projecton Vancouver makes an oil spill look small patatoes compared to the damage it will do.

  • Grant - 6 years ago

    At the end of the day, it's about ensuring that we have taken all the steps necessary to secure our environment against disasters that could possibly arise from managing this pipeline. I believe our premier is making all attempts to secure one thing - his power in this province supported by a weak coalition. How can we stick our heads in the sand and pretend that industrial expansion does not exist or that our economy will be fine if we don't seek alternative markets for our products. C'mon, look at the nationalistic policies being spewed forth in the US and tell me it's not a mistake to tie our economic horse to one wagon. The provinces in this country need to think nationally, not provincially. We should have free trade everywhere in Canada but we don't (interprovincial trade barriers). We should share more information between provinces but we don't. We live in the 21st century guided by politicians (and voters) who are still living in the 20th.

  • gordon - 6 years ago

    Typical NDP , waste millions of the taxpayers hard earned money ( let the lawyers get richer)
    on a FIGHT HE CANNOT WIN and then implement another tax at the pump.He and Robertson actually believe all of BC will ride a bike one day.Both are totally delusional.

  • Eric - 6 years ago

    I've got no problem with a pipeline. It's those boats on our pristine coast that concern spill will be devastating. It's just a matter on time!

  • Troy Fernandes - 6 years ago

    Canada needs to move away from dirty oil and invest more in solar and wind The rest of the world is doing this Why not us ? There was an OIL SPILL 2 days ago by Kindergarten Morgan Won't there be more ??? THINK !!!

    You can't drink Oil , Leave it in the Soil !!

  • Ken McNames - 6 years ago

    Horgen not only wants to stop a pipe line but also break up confederation. The NDP & Green's do not have the right to harm our good relations (up to now) with Alberta. Horgen keeps saying he is doing this for the people of BC and we keep telling him we do not agree with him. I really do not understand how a first time leader of a minority government could cause so many problems and dissension and still keep his job? Resign now.

  • W. Wilson - 6 years ago

    Yet you are completing the Fox News poll.

  • Rick - 6 years ago

    If you think this this pipeline will bring lots of jobs to BC you're mistaken; it only takes a small number of people to run a pipeline. Besides the fact that these pipelines continue to sprout leaks (e.g. Kamloops this month), the real concern is a spill of bitumen in the ocean. We have no way of cleaning this up. It is far worst than spilling oil and will not disappear. I applaud Premier Horgan for standing up for what is right; certainly one of BC's best Premiers.

    BC is taking all the risk for a few 100 jobs and some royalties. And no, Trudeau only cares about his big oil buddies and not the environment. A master at manipulating the public.

    BTW, posting this poll on the Vancouver Sun (e.g FOX news) is not an accurate estimate of public opinion. It's like asking a bunch of conservatives if the economy is more important than the environment (yes, we already know their answer - money before anything else including your children).

  • aziz fancy - 6 years ago

    Just because Horgan became the premier by a slender margin and now feels its his God given right to give the feds a hard time thereby ensuring his own job at the expense of us taxpayers. Get serious Mr Horgan or get out

  • M. Walker - 6 years ago

    Whether you support the pipeline or not, the bottom line is that it's going through. That's a definite. It will happen. Horgan knows this. All the resistance he puts up ends up costing Canadian taxpayers, but most of all BC taxpayers who have to pay Provincial and Federal taxes to support both sides of this battle. Is he just a pig-headed man who won't admit when he's beat or is he afraid of Weaver removing him from a position that BC did not elect him to? Either way, bad form for a "leader".

  • Bc - 6 years ago

    Canada protects the U S from the Alberta pipeline but not BC

  • Don Blood - 6 years ago

    Premier Horgan's fear of a major spill is over blown. Yes, there is a risk; but there is a risk when one flies, when one drives, when one crosses a road, and so on and so on. We all do it anyway because the risk is low. Horgan does too.

    Horgan, however, is wanting to stay in power and therefore must appease the Green Party. The risk of his losing power if he does not oppose pipeline construction is very, very, high.

  • John Hinkley - 6 years ago

    Politicians who are more interested in saving their own self-entitled, self-serving skins and are not interested in doing what is right for all Canada disgust me.

  • Pissed - 6 years ago

    This government who I voted for is a total gong show with respect to this pipeline.. Polls show most people want this pipeline and the economy needs it. The NDP are one and done. They are costing jobs, wasting money and time to appease that flake Weaver. The majority of people did not vote for Horgan, so way to go John, piss off the majority, that is how you get re-elected right? So the pipeline will get built whether these morons like it or not. Bitumen has been flowing through the existing pipeline for many years without incident. A bunch of political losers who will be looking for new employment next election. Good bye ndp

  • D - 6 years ago

    Horgan was NOT elected, period. He does not represent even a full minority of our wonderful province... how dare he masquerade as representing the people of BC and embarrassing us all - he should not be able to make this decision in the first place.

  • RK - 6 years ago

    Like it or not, the export of resources is existential to Canada’s future. Oil will always have a a large share of the energy market globally. Let’s work with Alberta to plan a transition from risky product to processed or upgraded petroleum that will not have near the supposed impact of diluted bitumen (based on one study). Tanker accidents of magnitude are astonishingly rare anyway. More environmental damage is done by all ocean craft discharging bilge at sea and in Vancouver harbour. Not to mention the hundreds of squatter pleasure boats permanently anchored in our harbour.

    While I am not happy with nationalizing Kinder-Morgan as I was equally unhappy when Trudeau senior nationalized Petrofina, maybe we can make this one work for the country.

  • Shaun - 6 years ago

    To all Albertans (who are fellow Canadians), the majority of British Columbians support this pipeline! Don’t believe me pipeline protesters? Hold a referendum? Too much money to have a referendum? A lot cheaper then the court case after court case and the lost government hours spent opposing this pipeline. EVERY Canadian supports taking as much caution and precautions to how this pipeline is built and this pipeline has had stringent rules put in place to lower the chance of any catastrophes. .... not one person opposed to the pipeline has any solution as to how our everyday products will be made and shipped without oil? Protesters, please enlighten us ‘unenlightened’ as to how that will work? Here’s a starting point, how exactly are you going to mine the minerals for your electric car batteries? How are you going to mine and create your products that produce clean energy? See the chicken and the egg problem here? Of course you don’t. It’s just way too easy and politically correct to hate big oil. And as you type your response, please start with how much oil you think you have consumed just today. And yes, that includes ow much your bicycle took to make and ship and how much was put into the helmet you wear. Include right down to that $7 drink you bought at Starbucks. Ps. $7 feeds at least 1 child a day in 3rd world countries if you’re really trying to save the world.

  • Hippygypsie - 6 years ago

    I'm torn, one ha d I do support the pipeline all because if there was a oil spill over a mountain pass, itwoukdbe extremely hard to clean it up. On the other hand, I'd be afraid to sees huge spill in the ocean.

  • Hippygypsie - 6 years ago

    I'm torn, one ha d I do support the pipeline all because if there was a oil spill over a mountain pass, itwoukdbe extremely hard to clean it up. On the other hand, I'd be afraid to sees huge spill in the ocean.

  • GLENN R. DUNCAN - 6 years ago


  • Jason - 6 years ago

    This has been a failure to all Canadians. First you have Horgan putting up roadblock after roadblock on a Federally approved project on what is nothing more than appeasing the the Greens to keep his power. Second we have JT running around the world playing Mr. Dress-up instead of looking after matters in his own country and then forced to Nationalise the pipeline at the 11th hour. Both JT and Horgan are not making many friends across the country these days. The next federal and provincial elections should be interesting.

  • john taylor - 6 years ago

    I M O all Horigan wants is the Green parties vote to stay in power. In the long run he will cost us millions, if not billions of extra dollars, before the line is finished. If he lose the Green vote, and is voted out of office, his paycheck will be a lot smaller!
    In great Britain we had an election after the second world war, it was between the Labour Party and the Conservatives, but the fear was that the Liberals might split the vote, which I believe they did. My Dad told me'The Liberals will rule!' I did not understand at the time, but, now I do!!!

  • Jules - 6 years ago

    Instead of asking yes or no about pipelines and shipping, why is the focus not on making the infrastructure and process safe? The old pipelines in the ground that are still being used are less safe than the one proposed. The railroads and tanker cars are also not safe. With monitoring and spill containment, pipelines can be nearly fault-free. As for bitumen / tar sinking to the ocean floor, that can be mitigated by shipping it in small containers, with floatation. Yes, all of that costs a lot of money - and the money should be spent, rather than wringing our hands about it all.

  • Dan - 6 years ago

    I support Horgans vow to fight the expansion because that's what he campaigned on. He's sticking to his promises, I like that in a politician. However, I do support the pipeline going through.

  • Laine - 6 years ago

    John Horgan and His Golum Andrew Weaver just cost Canada over 4 Billion dollars it's an embarrassing day to be from his province it would have been nice to see that pipeline shut off and the drug infested city of Vancouver suffer the price, oh well enjoy your metro tax for now

  • KM EDMONTON - 6 years ago

    I lived though the Wabamun Oil Spill 2005... thousands of litres of heavy oil into the lake. It was a rail spill and much of the oil sank.... fast forward 13 years and the lake has never been healthier. Birds are back, muskrats are back, and the oil is covered in silt under the water and doesn't hurt anyone.... because it's NATURAL!!! I also live near the Transmountain line and it is a beautiful walkway we use all the time. Pipelines are safer. Spills happen and we clean them up. Its Canada's Coast line and I would take a pipeline over rail any day. Wake up BC. Stop using oil or accept a safe practical solution.

  • Geoffrey T Lowe - 6 years ago

    Spills are not inevitable. Green house gases are demand driven, and the oil sands are not dirty oil. I would also like to add that many so called green energy techniques are not so green. Solar panels require so much energy that you may never recover the energy that was put in. If we really care for this planet, we should be looking at population control, supporting women's empowerment in third world nations, etc. It is human activity that leads to climate change and not just the oil sands.

  • KM - 6 years ago

    The comments asking Horgan to instead fight for safer guidelines... better pipes and monitoring is on point. We all use oil, maybe more than you or I'd like but to continue to not use Canadian resources and support countries like Suadi Arabi which has a BC women in prison right now because she drove a car. (CBC - search Loujain Al-Hathloul) is ridiculous. If BC's fight was we want better and more safety, not an Albertan exists that would say no to that. But for the province that has the most coal mining and distribution in North America to hold their nose at another provinces natural resources while they use oil from countries like Ausi Arabia without blinking - get bent. Alberta oil is one of the most environmentally cautious and aware oil in the world. All oil is dirty and there is a risk. You want to focus on mitigating the risk, great... the rest of this fight is just costing you money as you will and should lose in court.

  • James - 6 years ago

    Life is all about risk tolerance / risk acceptance. We mitigate risk in everything we do. You are exposed to personal risk everywhere.

    There is a risk to the coastline in the event of a spill. Mitigate the risk and move on. Mitigating the risk shouldn't involve not building the pipeline. If we all acted like that we would never leave the house.

  • Rick - 6 years ago

    He should quit wasting taxpayers money BC is loaded with residents who have worked in Albertan oil facilities and paid taxes to BC but he wants to deprive Alberta of access to a port which is under federal control. The law needs to charge protesters who ignore the courts criminals not with summery convictions

  • D. Wesman - 6 years ago

    Its time Mr. Horgan got his head out of Mr. Weaver butt and started doing what the majority of British Columbians want NOT what Mr. Weaver is dictating. Its quite obvious that if Horgan goes against Weaver he will fall from power. I say let the chips fall where they may and lets get the pipeline built. Many Many thousands of British Columbians work in the Alberta Oil patch. We all know someone who does.
    I also blame the media who is so left wing leaning. I thing they stir the pot more than anyone. We need another Media outlet who are right wing and tell the other side of the story.

  • James - 6 years ago

    One thing is for sure Justin Trudeau very likely will lose any seat the Liberals resently occupies in BC. He has put the interests of a Houston based oil & gas giant over the interests of the people of the lower, and for what, to blow up Canada's committment to the Paris Climate Agreement, by the expansion of the tarsands.

  • Peter ORourke - 6 years ago

    This Poll allows you to vote as often as you want. It's a race not a survey.

  • Larry Sterling - 6 years ago

    I do not support any more legal challenges to the Trans Mountain Pipeline. This is our money paying for a dead horse. This is Federal jurisdiction and the nonsense must stop now. If the Provincial Government had minded there own business we would not have had to buy the pipeline to see this project to completion. I hope the Federal Government puts a Crown immunity on this and shorten the chain on the Provincial Government even more. Turn off the taps Rachel.

  • Joe Blow - 6 years ago

    I get that a spill or leakage from a tanker would devastate an ocean ecosystem. I don't understand how a ships risk of leakage relates to pipes. A ship is at risk whether it's cargo is delivered by train or pipe either way. If the argument is a matter of frequency well, isn't pipes safer then train delivery? and with the added revenue can't more safeguards be put in place to prevent leakage from ships?

  • PB - 6 years ago

    So tired of the vocal minority thinking that they represent the views of most British Columbians. They do NOT! Give it up Horgan. You are losing many former supporters.

  • BillyBob - 6 years ago

    There's more to life than jobs/prosperity/growth and all those other fictions cooked up by the haves for consumption by gullible have-nots.

  • John Davis - 6 years ago

    Yes, I support Premier Horgan's intent to pursue his inquiry regarding the authority of provinces to make decisions on products that can be imported to and shipped within and across BC. It is a question that has never been asked and its time. The province has the legal right to seek court interpretation of its powers regarding the transport of oil, for example, into and across the province. Its not a question, to me, of fulfilling an election promise but a reasonable request regarding the rights and responsibilities of provinces. To me this is not only about Kinder-Morgan; more importantly it is clarification of the rights of provinces.

  • James McQueen - 6 years ago

    Jeff, a spill is not just a spill. Jet fuel floats as you say, but bitumen sinks, and cannot be recovered, and when it does sink, it will destroy not only the coastline of BC, but it will also destroy the fishery off the west coast of Canada, that is worth $Billions. On top of that, it destroys First Nations traditional livelihoods on the coast.

  • Jerry - 6 years ago

    Horgan is a traitor and needs to be reigned in along with the green party. Recall him and put the province through the process of another election

  • dave long - 6 years ago

    why do we let the dumbest canadians albertans take use down this doomed road?

  • Tom - 6 years ago

    No, I believe in this country and its constitution.

  • William Riker - 6 years ago

    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
    Or the ONE.

  • james - 6 years ago

    I am opposed to the purchase of the pipeline. However Horgan needs to not just join Canada but accept the wishes of the majority of BC. His time would be better spent demanding the highest quality construction of the pipe, ensuring only the most seaworthy vessels with properly trained crews pick up oil, more oversight of loading procedures and inspections of vessels and the pipe itself. Along with a team of scientists working to improve oil capture techniques etc all paid for by the feds.

  • Frank Martin - 6 years ago

    Our PM wants make $ on dirty oil & talk about sunny days & Green environment.... and jeopardize west coast

  • Lorne - 6 years ago

    As a Canadian I am pissed that we are now paying for this pipeline, but I am glad that it is one large step closer to being built and can only hope that Canada will respond some economic benefits from it! I think BC premier has no choice but to fight it if he wishes to stay in power, same for the Alberta premier. Sad fact is even if Alberta stopped producing any oil, it is a drop in the bucket in the global warming fight. As well, we Canadians would be much much poorer economically. "Get it built" and let's go after the serious world polluters such as the US and China who are burning huge amounts of coal ( and BC who exports it?) As well as the middle East and other oil producing countries BEFORE we try to "save the world" by cutting off our own hands! If we don't produce and export oil where do we find the $$ to buy oil - or do we pretend that we can get by without it. Alternative energy sources in Canada can not meet even 2% or our current needs. So how do we heat our homes, run our factories, and maintain our current lifestyle? Or do we go back to living in teepees and hunting for our food? I think the choice is pretty obvious here - stop the bickering and go work on truly saving this world rather than pretending to do something!

  • Jeff - 6 years ago

    Why isn't Horgan fighting the pipeline that is being built from YVR to the water?

    Because it's "jet fuel" and floats?

    It's still a spill. A spill is a spill.

    What about the other 99% of that pipeline that if leaking, would spill into the ground, not water?

    Think about it.

    Hey Pot, I'm Kettle.

  • Shaun - 6 years ago

    If you are against oil expansion then the solution is simple. STOP using products made with petroleum and there will be no market for these investments! However, if you reply then you are using petroleum (computer) and are your own problem. Everything in life is a five and take. The standard of living we enjoy, including all the medical equipment saving lives daily, the fire trucks, the police cars, the roads, are all made with petroleum. Who wants to get rid of all this tomorrow and live oil free? As stated above, everything is give and take. No oil also means we lose the ability to continue building schools, hospitals, etc.... Or is everyone opposed just opposed to no oil in Canada? We can have it as long as it’s the middle easts problem? Very naive and ignorant view in my opinion.

  • Arun - 6 years ago

    John Horgan is a statesmanlike premier that we have seen after many many decades. His acting out of his conscience is fresh and reminds me of Tommy Douglas. It is sad to see people here opposing him as these people do not see the long-term consequences of climate and our own Vancouver coastline and its effect on the future life of our children and grandchildren. They also do not see the need for govt. consulting with First Nations. Perhaps people do not deserve a leader like him and a progressive policy of his government, whereas most of Europe is transitioning towards green or renewable energy. These people are either scared or greedy or simply do not have the intellectual capacity to understand the big picture. Federal liberal govt is bailing out KM with our own money that could have been spent on health, transit, etc. and Notley wants to win next Alberta election.

  • Shaun - 6 years ago

    Daniel, with your point; your car is finite, your clothes are finite, your house is finite, the appliances and roads and everything else you use daily is finite. You should stop using all immediately and stop purchasing (investing) in any of these finite products. You should move to the forest and live your renewable life. There is lots of area in northern Canada that will accommodate your non finite lifestyle. It seems absurd that you choose to live down in this finite product environment.

  • Cris - 6 years ago

    Look. The feds did their homework before approving pipeline. I'm actually quite amazed how these few tree huggers can be a thorn in the project. In other countries, if a government wants something then they just do it. This is a big win for us and maybe now we can all get jobs and get back to work.

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    Fast Ferry Fiasco II !

  • Your name - 6 years ago

    BC sucks

  • Max Lee - 6 years ago

    This situation, where Premier Horgan is being leveraged by 3 "green" MLA's ... should advise you to never vote for "proportional representation" !

  • Rod Scott - 6 years ago

    The BC government should be paying for all the delays and lost revenue to all of Canada and all legal costs.

  • George - 6 years ago

    Anyone that thinks more oil coming by rail is safer than a pipeline is seriously delusional.

  • Christine Bowers - 6 years ago

    Only when the last tree has died & the last river has been poisoned & the last fish has been caught, will we realise that we cannot eat money. I love this quote by a 19th Century Cree, it is so true.

  • Billy Bishop - 6 years ago

    A little money and a few jobs trumping the future of the planet.

    Greenland melting, ice cap melting, oceans rising: "Won't effect me... I'll be dead."

    Nobody able to understand the difference between "don't expand the poisoning," and "end all oil use today,". Oh my.

    "If you aren't for us... you are against us!" That's never been a strong argument for anything.

    sigh. It's honestly too late anyways. We've past the point of no return on our CO2 levels anyways. We're not even trying. History will judge us very poorly.

    ... if there is a history 100 years from now.

  • Robert Davies - 6 years ago

    I believe the premier’s actions are simply to appease the Greens without who’s support he would not be in power. It must be realized that the majority of BC residents did not vote for him and many only voted Green so as not to vote Liberal or NDP. Unfortunately this time that act backfired on us and we are paying the price. Investment that shoild remain in the private sector’s domain is now funded with taxpayer’s dollars and money that should be going to social, infracture and health services, is going to lawyers with unnecessary legal challenges

  • k - 6 years ago

    where does he get the idea that majority of BC oppose this pipeline? stopping this from being built is ridiculous! get it built! and i cant wait for you to go!

  • Ron English - 6 years ago

    I would like to know what Horgan and Weaver heat their houses with ??

  • Daniel - 6 years ago

    Dana no one can argue with the fact that everything we use is made with petroleum. Most things anyway.

    We are here protesting the investment to keep it going. If we keep dumping more and more money into oil it will only get worse. And the resource is finite. We’re investing into a project that has a finite amount of return. It’s so stupid and short sighted.

    Take that money. Invest into renewable projects that protect our future and environment.

  • Dana - 6 years ago

    Their. Autocorrect

  • Dana - 6 years ago

    LOL. People on here protesting the use of oil while they are sitting in their oil produced chairs and typing on their oil produced keyboards and phones. No need to point out they’re intelligence.

  • Dana - 6 years ago

    LOL. People on here protesting the use of oil while they are sitting in their oil produced chairs and typing on their oil produced keyboards and phones. No need to point out they’re intelligence.

  • Daniel - 6 years ago

    People of Canada!! however few read this. We are talking about investing billions into an industry that pollutes ever avenue of our world. The future is renewables. 50 years from now this investment will likely be garbage and for what. To appease economic growth in the short term. This expansion jeopardizes our ground water, coastal waters, ecosystems, and livelihood of the entire country.

    An oil spill literally just happened in Kamloops so if there is a catastrophe down the road will you all still say this was worth it?

    It I’ll undoubtedly improve theneconomy, but as long as economy continues to take absolute precedence over anything else we will ruin this country and planet irrevocably.

    Please people. Open your eyes and realize this is a keystone moment in our nations history to stand for something good. I only hope the protesters succeed.

  • Wayne - 6 years ago

    Garry... why don't you "post all the incidents"? Funny thing is there has never been a tanker incident off the Canadian west coast, ever, and Trans Mountain has been in operation since the 50's.

  • Chucky - 6 years ago

    The Premier Horgan badgers who post here need to check there facts . 1)CN rail is not on Strike! CP rail engineers are. 2)Premier Horgan did not win from back door deals from the Green Party. He won the election from the “Lying” and “Stealing From Peter(ICBC) To Pay Paul(General Revenue) lLiberals!
    “Keep Up” the great work Premier Horgan!!!

  • dean lamont - 6 years ago

    just get it built

  • Garry - 6 years ago

    Someone should post all the incidents that have happened in our local waters. From colliding with BC ferries,running aground,and running dangerously thru several docks. It’s not a case of will it happen but when will it happen.

  • Frank to - 6 years ago

    First off, horigan won the election through backdoor deals. Now he’s making BC the enemy in a civil war against the rest of Canada. Stop dividing us and acting like a bully like corrigan and the rest of these fat cat mayors who think they’re better than everyone else. News flash, stop breaking the law horrigan. It’s a federally approved pipeline.

  • Heidi Thompson - 6 years ago

    Stop spending Mooney on expensive law suits.
    You should have secured more safeguards instead re any future oil leaked and increased fines in case of spill.
    I see continuing with law suites only to satisfy your coalition partner (Green Party).

  • Fraser - 6 years ago

    CN rail members are now on strike, oil is shipped here and to Washington from Alberta. Notley is going to slow or shut the taps off in the next week. Trump is now going to put a tariff on oil into the states in the next month as well. Watch. The next two months are going to be very expensive to buy any form of fuel. Horgan is in deep trouble he poked the bear. Their is going to be riots over this and he’s to blame. I’m not a fan of JT but he has the over ruling power and he’s just made it very clear to Horgan, we are done with your pandering, move out of our way. At least the homeless protesters will have showers and meals in jail, paid for you and I yet again.

  • Mike Adams - 6 years ago

    This Premier is the worst we've seen in decades. Fighting to cripple BC and Canada's economy, fighting a fight we all know he can't win and using our money to do it are grounds for dismissal. Not to mention alienating British Columbia's from our brothers and sisters to the east

  • R - 6 years ago

    Negotiation and compromise is mandatory. Looking at double walled pipes with sensors that delivers the oil more safely is one option.

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