Have you been harassed while visting Downtown?

1 Comment

  • Kerry Jennings - 6 years ago

    More city hall rhetoric about dealing with a select group of people that always hangout aggressive panhandlers, drunks etc. But then if any of the security personal or police lift a hand at forcing those that are known to cause trouble. The PC or (Politically Correct) group flock to the rescue by snapping pictures and posting them online or to the media saying how terrible using force. Then our leaders go into their apology mode and turn on the very people they hire to enforce the law. Unless they come up with a spray that is non noxious order-less taste-less that suddenly make these violent offenders comply nothing is going to change. The politicians are gutless when it comes to PC especially municipal councils. If our federal leaders is handing out millions to convicted terrorist good luck stopping any criminal behavior.

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