Our company is being rated on our scoring from the commercial insurance company. They consider having one out of service is consudered 50% and our unsurance increased by $7000. I think it is horrible and they truly don't understand how csa works because they only see 50% not the over all.
Also, broker/carrier see our csa scoring everytime we haul for them. But never had a denial per-sey. We have had a broker denied us because we had loyd of London and because they had a bad claim with someone else they won't use a trucking company that uses them.
Our company is being rated on our scoring from the commercial insurance company. They consider having one out of service is consudered 50% and our unsurance increased by $7000. I think it is horrible and they truly don't understand how csa works because they only see 50% not the over all.
Also, broker/carrier see our csa scoring everytime we haul for them. But never had a denial per-sey. We have had a broker denied us because we had loyd of London and because they had a bad claim with someone else they won't use a trucking company that uses them.