They're touring to Ottawa, refusing to pay open acts and also making them bring audience just to perform FOR FREE?????? That is zero class and also this tour must be a huge flop if they are asking for this. Who they think they are even when they were on TV they were not stars haha
mikey doesn't like it - 6 years ago
how much do i donate to get them to not try a comeback?
rich sczymek - 6 years ago
they are the wooooooooorst
Sandy - 6 years ago
Ugh who cares?
genevieve leblanc - 6 years ago
ed the sock was only funny til his red head wife became his co host on everything. she's not funny
Jules J. - 6 years ago
How is this news? Ed the Sock was washed up 20 years ago.
Horridled GazRu Mayforth - 6 years ago
Ed was always a funny guy. I hope they up (to the max) rude n’ crude aspects.
Brad James - 6 years ago
Yea like i siad before I meet every word eve it assholes
Steve Hill - 6 years ago
I loved Ed the sock. Brilliant writing and always relevant.
They're touring to Ottawa, refusing to pay open acts and also making them bring audience just to perform FOR FREE?????? That is zero class and also this tour must be a huge flop if they are asking for this. Who they think they are even when they were on TV they were not stars haha
how much do i donate to get them to not try a comeback?
they are the wooooooooorst
Ugh who cares?
ed the sock was only funny til his red head wife became his co host on everything. she's not funny
How is this news? Ed the Sock was washed up 20 years ago.
Ed was always a funny guy. I hope they up (to the max) rude n’ crude aspects.
Yea like i siad before I meet every word eve it assholes
I loved Ed the sock. Brilliant writing and always relevant.