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Would you accept Dimi Payet back as a Hammer?

Total Votes: 4,448

  • Tony Polain - 6 years ago

    He'll come back, have some great games, upset other players with his treatment and demands, have a moody and leave in rancerous circumstances.

  • Hammerdoc - 6 years ago

    Would not give it a second thought to resign him as I think the club screwed things up royally during that infamous summer transfer window. Taking him off against Spurs when they were leading only to see it slip away. So many screwups for a man who was envisioning playing in the World Cup right now. Did you see his form for OM this spring before he pulled that hamstring? Plus, name one player still on the club who has maintained their form since he left? No one wants to say it, they all want to blame the players, but he made them better.

  • Steve Infield - 6 years ago

    It is fine wanting to leave. I had no problem with that...if he'd done it honourably. He should have put in a transfer request and refused the bonus. Instead he was a filthy money-grabbing betrayal merchant who dishonoured our club. He also led Slav, buy his own admission, on a host of spoilt tricks and games. And clearly people have forgotten how he would go 'missing' for whole games - become Mr Anonymous. He was a spoilt Judas. A trouble-making, rotten, nasty piece of work who thinks that because he has a rare talent he can get away with it. How dare he deliberately throw corners and free kicks so hard fought for by his team mates. What an utter scumbag. Do I want someone like that back at West Ham? Not in a million years! I have an expression: 1st time: More fool you. 2nd time: More fool me. If he were to return, and get up to his tricks treacherous tricks, we would only have ourselves to blame, because he's shown us what he is: A putrid rat. And he could say with justification: "Well you knew what I was like. It's your fault and not mine, if I knife you idiots in the back again"....and he'd be right. What utter fools we'd be. A leopard doesn't change his spots, he just gets better at his hunting tricks.

  • TE - 6 years ago

    I would take him back. I think we failed the team (and Payet) in that summer transfer before he left. We had a good team that final season UP and could have used the move to OS to get a real marquee signings. It just fell flat as usual.

    Payer, Arnie and Chicha would be lethal

  • Fushboire - 6 years ago

    "There were several reasons [for leaving], but the first one was sporting: West Ham's objectives were not the same as the season before, and I felt danger for my football and my place in the France national team."

    Thanks Daves.

  • WJO 1974 - 6 years ago

    I would take him back in a heartbeat. The guy was having family issues and that over rides everything in my book and we weren't in any rush to let him go, if the rumours are to be believed and it was move back to France or his wife walks I can't blame him. He did go about it badly but anyone that saw him play would and should want him back. The most exciting player to grace our club in years.

  • Shropie100 - 6 years ago

    Wouldn’t want him back, he refused to play, stired up trouble among other players, not worth the risk

  • Rik - 6 years ago

    An untrustworthy trouble-maker, well past his sell by date. Utter madness to sign him.
    Get someone who is younger, fitter and who really wants to play for West Ham.

  • Scott - 6 years ago

    I would like an apology to all of the fans, but yes

  • Ernie - 6 years ago

    In a heartbeat.

  • Cane forbes - 6 years ago


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