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Will AMLO's election victory be good for Mexico?

Total Votes: 1,015

  • Bobby - 6 years ago

    From the comments it’s not hard to figure out who the Alberta rednecks and Republicans are .

  • ignacio gtz - 6 years ago

    hola Buenos dias desde California u,s,a espero que pronto este Nuevo president se ponga en contacto con los negociantes alemanes y Europa para comerciar hasta lo mas minimo en los paises ricos en dinero pero no mucha material prima espero que el president electo haga muco por usar intelectualmente Europa estados unidos siempre a abusado de nuestro pais como producer gasoline en mexico alemania tiene la tegnologui y puede ayudar a mexico con nuestros ingenieros industrials y muchas cosas mas gracias tengan un buen dia

  • Jeremiah - 6 years ago

    I feel that it is obvious he had some help from some powerful people. He is offering amnesty for drug traffickers. I think this made it possible for him to be elected. He got the approval of those really in power. This will either bring a farc like deal to mexico or the drug traffickers will exploit this “week” approach.

  • Willie - 6 years ago

    a good dictator is hard to buy

  • Mike Snyder - 6 years ago

    AMLO was in a unique position: he was the only hope that the violence and corruption could abate. Considering his predecessor's disastrous maze of theft, incompetence, brutality, indifference, and absence of any semblance of justice... AMLO was the only candidate honest people could vote for. I believe millions of Americans would gladly trade Trump for a leader they could respect and trust.

  • Berengaria Sánchez - 6 years ago

    All those who voted for him did out of anger and frustration towards previous administrations. However, they should have realized that he will take Mexico back 100 years; there is the very real threat that he will become a dictator because no one who waited so long to take over power will let it go in only six years. No, he is not good at all for Mexico, and little by little his followers will become disenchanted. Too bad that it will be too late to do anything about it.

  • Bob - 6 years ago

    He seems to be off on the right foot. He can't do any worse than PAN or PRI. His ideas seem to have validity. Let's see, but he has my vote, if I could vote.

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