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Would you support a government-funded replacement for Greyhound?

Total Votes: 2,022

  • DaMan - 6 years ago

    Yeah ok. And while we're at it let's give the Katz group more rax payer dollars. Then we can burn a big pile of money at city hall......

  • Thomas - 6 years ago

    If there are no ridership how can Government increase ridership by providing a bus service I do not understand. May be by providing free bus service? Two plus two makes three in Government books.

  • utelme - 6 years ago

    Typical socialist ideological thinking private fails to make profit so get government to step in and do a better job. They can fix everything right. Here comes the socialist politician think we can create a new department fill it with over paid administrators and unions and really make it work. For them maybe. Then the year end audit showing Taxpayers are the losers again. Greyhound loses here, it will lose out east eventually, labor cost overhead like fuel, buildings buses kill this baby and is a bad investment just like Edmonton's Transit. Funny wasn't Edmonton Transit one of the biggest cities political donations.

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