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Did you like the movie The Sandlot?


  • Bob Fraser - 6 years ago

    Classic movie for all one should be allowed to hate on this movie!

  • Mario - 6 years ago

    Watched this movie with my kids over and over. Talk about life’s lessons and friendship. Who can’t apply those lessons even now. But the quote "The Babe": Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered but legends never die, follow your heart kid, and you'll never go wrong.” Too, too cool.
    Mario, 62
    5’8”, 225

  • Darin - 6 years ago

    Your killin' me smalls! It's one of the best baseball movies ever in my opinion.

  • Alan - 6 years ago

    This was 1962. Game of the week would be it for exposure. The kid was non athletic and on west coast there is a great chance he wouldn't know who Babe Ruth was at his age.

  • Josh - 6 years ago

    this might be the worst poll question ever. the sandlot is an all-timer.

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