Do you want Devon to marry Hilary?


  • Delores OWENS - 7 years ago

    Don't take Hilary off the show

  • Delores Brown - 7 years ago

    Don't kill Hilary off the show please let her have Devon and a baby with him. He seem to lose all his lady,Don't do it please.

  • Myra - 7 years ago

    I said yes they should get married, and I also agree with Linda Parker ????

  • JewGirl ✡ - 7 years ago

    Who cares?!

  • Carolyn Sellers - 7 years ago

    I hate it when you kill good actors off of the soaps. It doesn't matter what color their skin is. If the reason why they leave has to do with money then you would think that you people could come to some kind of agreement. Besides no raise and out the door they go. If you are not going to keep Hillary at least replace her with someone else or leave it open that she can come back. Then there is Ashley. Now she is leaving the show. I just don't understand you people sometimes. Do you not believe in happy ever afters. I hate that Nick sleep with Phillis. Now this will end him and Sharon. I hated it when you put her with Billy, I wanted Billy and Victoria together.i know this is just a soap opera and you have to keep it interesting, but with all the bad in this world these days it would be nice to have good if it's only for hour a please people get it together please.

  • Linda Parker - 7 years ago

    Don't kill Hillary. Let Devon have true long lasting live, as well as Neal!!!!!

  • Linda Parker - 7 years ago

    Why do you soaps ALWAYS KILL BLACK ON BLACK LOVE? Neal and killed Dru. EVERY black woman love mate for Neal is dead or on drugs. STOP THE BIAS..BIGOTRY, typescripting and prejudice against black women, and black love, or I will bring my observation forward to others who think the same..yet hope that the madness will end. They trust that you will give a more balanced and wholesome characterization of who most blk women are. That you will show black women as the majority are...clear minded..hardworking intelligent, drama free..loving women. We will let our displeasure of the sullied, skewed, and lame characterization of black love being projected on your show and others, be highlighted and protested by NOT watching your soaps & encouraging others to stop watching, if we can't see ourselves being supported and shown as loyal, solid, truthful, and able to weather the inevitable storm. This is how every white couple, Cane and Lily (the only black married woman..who is married to a knight in shining armour) and even those couples like Phyllis, Nick, Sharon, Victor, Nicky, etc. who are on again off again don't die..and triumph in the end as a couple!! Neal and Devon can never have true love. This is NOT INCLUSIVE, TRUE, OR FAIR!!!

  • Jan - 7 years ago

    So upset that Nick is changing. Always said I would quit watching if you made him a bad boy. He was the one who had some brains, and looks. So sorry to see this. Hillary is a good actress.

  • Nadege Jean michel - 7 years ago

    I really like them together

  • Missy - 7 years ago

    Devon, needs to move on hope he, finds a new love.

  • Marylee Miller - 7 years ago

    I think yes he should marry her so as to give her peace and closure for him...(if she dies) If they let her live and give her opening to come back to the show...then No...We all know he does really Love her regardless what anyone says how stupid he is...but the Heart wants what the Heart wants...

  • Lynn - 7 years ago

    I said no because the actress is leaving the show. I'm skeptical that anyone else could have her chemistry. Badly done y&r.

  • Ruthie Cheatham - 7 years ago

    They are music together

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