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Should MLAs be required to submit mileage logs with expense claims?

Total Votes: 2,178

  • Austin - 6 years ago

    When it comes to taxpayers money...everything from pens and white out to gas and McDonalds needs to be accounted for. Everything. This isn't their money. And all these little things add up. If a person in the private sector took these liberties...they'd be unemployed.

  • Just me - 6 years ago

    Well, no but things need to be reasonable. 35,000 is a bit out of line. Actually it needs to be addressed. If it’s not , rest assured the public is going to scream, and your going to loose a lot of votes. It is to bad like” Brad “above says , there is always one that just takes this a bit to far.
    I would suspect a limit. Would be in order here ! For everyone.
    The Premier, should step in, Yes , by doing some questioning will look bad for her, but , think it’s gotta be done. It’s the right thing to do. So show us some leadership here and fix this problem.
    Look ,”would this fly on tax return” , ummm, I think not! There’s going to be an audit. You better be able to back it up. Would there be consequences, perhaps, but surely everything would be looked at, and evaluated.
    Truthfulness is a inner moral of integrity, you have it or you don’t.
    They need limits, now rules. Everyone else in the goernment, who drives ie, fish and wild life, parks, sheriffs, corrections , list goes on and on and have rules. We better set some,
    I’m sure she feels justified, but that not the perception of the public, that’s your votes your and the parties values are on the line here.
    Once you loose the trust or respect, good luck ever in climbing out of that reputation.
    So it’s up to the priemier, to do something. Let’s see what it will be.
    This effects everyone of the NDPs staff.

  • Bill Board - 6 years ago

    Expecting trustworthy honest values is asking the impossible for the current Canadian elected it appears inherently clear that a lot of the people that go into politics have no idea of what the title of Honor they bestow on themselves mean. They have proven time over time they can't be trusted to do what is right and always take advantage by taking more by cheating. This attitude of entitlement transcends all variations of political groups. No wonder we have not encourage anyone with integrity, honesty, to help our people and our Country. They don't want to be in the same company of those with less scruples for fear of being tainted by a those before them that have corrupted our society. We've seen this in all levels of government right up to our current Canadian Federal Leaders who's clearly demonstrate to all the other's beneath them a clear message to just swindle your way through life. If they can't be trusted to monitor their own expenses then something needs to be done.

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