Should the ruins on Pulau Jerejak be preserved?

1 Comment

  • siva - 1 year ago

    I was angry and sad at the same time with Penang state government for developing the the Jerejak Island.
    The old prison structures and other remaining old building could have easily been maintained and made into a tourist attraction and part of Penang history.
    What a waste. I have seen my self for the first time on a fishing trip after a month when the prison was just abandoned and the prison building and even the guard tower, road, quarters all were in tac.
    The Island had more history then just the prison its self and if its was preserved it would have been a perfect educational history tour and tourist sport.
    I have lost for words how and why Penang state can let this happen?
    Only the people in charge then and god will know.

    One frustrated Penang Born Malaysia Citizen.

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