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Will you miss Hevon?

Total Votes: 5,164

  • Maureen - 7 years ago

    I was seriously consinering not watching and I go way back to Snapper, Greg the Fosters! It’s always been an intriguing! I just never felt so upset as when Hillary died!!it was tragic! Maybe you u could bring her back as her cousin or sister even twin WE BEING FAITHFUL TO OUR PEEPS AND SHOWS! We desire! GODSPELL HILLARY/.MICHEL U WERE AMAZING BEST I HAVE SEEN YOU AND Devon! Great acting! Bless you and wish u nothing but good things in your personal life ! God has blessed you wit talent, beauty, and family! They are first! I feel like I’m loosing a friend ! I adopter u when nobody cared about u! But really adored up! By my friend for now!!!

  • Rene’ - 7 years ago

    I loved Hilary and Devon . I really needed a positive fairytale. Guys aren’t like that in real life. If I met a real guy like that in real life, I’d probably keel over too. So sad , you should’ve keep her on.

  • Linda Parker - 7 years ago

    Why why why did you kill off my main reason for watching Y and R!!! We need Black Love. There is NO consistent black loving families!!! WHY????.!!!!

  • LORETTA SWEED - 7 years ago

    Hilary "Mishael Morgan " is the best female actress on The Young and The Restless. I will miss watching Hilary. She brings excitement and adversity with a centric personality! Also Mishael Morgan is a beautiful young lady." I wish her great success!

  • steffy - 7 years ago

    I'm truly gonna miss Hillary. wish her contract could of got renew or something.

  • steffy - 7 years ago

    I'm truly gonna miss Hillary. wish her contract could of got renew or something.

  • Cindy - 7 years ago

    It's a shame to allow monies to cost you ratings. Hillary will be missed. Find a miracle, bring her character back. Find a replacement. Please reconsider. Hevon forever.

  • Debbie Bagley - 7 years ago

    Please don't kill her of let someone else take her place they do that all the time on soaps.

  • Scarlette800 - 7 years ago

    never thought I would she's tesrs for Hillary .she will be missed

  • Coco - 7 years ago

    It is very sad to see Hillary leave the show!

  • Shi She - 7 years ago

    I'm very upset that Hillary is leaving..wishing for a miracle

  • Bdp - 7 years ago

    She should of been given an increase in pay or an option when she could of came back..death is final..a real shame. Horrible script

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