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Which Season 14 Food Network Star Finalist Do You Want To Win The Competition (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,150

  • Mary strous - 6 years ago

    Oh my God how stupid Manny should still be there that snob,conceited Jess should be gone. If she wins my family will never watch this show again.

  • Judy - 6 years ago

    I am a food snob, but I don't want to watch a snob on t.v. I would NEVER watch the scripted Jessica Tom. Although not a fan in the beginning, I grew to really like and would definitely watch Manny...well-dressed and groomed, food knowledgeable, and, most importantly, likeable. I also like Christian, but Manny is the one I'd watch.

  • Kat - 6 years ago

    I agree with Connie above, why did you bring back Jessica Tom. I would not watch her ever and I am a dedicated long time Food Network fan!!! She is too animated, and phoney, tries to hard, fake smile etc etc etc!!!!

  • Connie - 6 years ago

    I was disappointed that the person who had the best dish was sent packing. RIDICULOUS to keep Jessica Tom! Maybe it’s time for new judges.

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