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Do you think a smoking ban in apartments would prevent fires like the one in Blue Quill?

Total Votes: 2,043

  • Yes Really - 6 years ago

    It is called a fire investigation. It leaves a trail from it's beginning. I think "Really?" is kind of clueless. Too many people think potting soil is an acceptable ashtray(especially when drinking) when in reality it is filled with plenty of "tinder" to become ignited with an "improperly extinguished" cigarette. Stupid people are the real cause. I think you need to take some time to understand the how without tossing in this outrageously and hilariously funny conspiracy theory.....

  • Really? - 6 years ago

    Does someone want to tell me how it is that nearly every single condo or apartment fire in the last 5-10 years has been "started by a cigarette improperly extinguished in a potted plant?" How is this possible? The odds are astronomically against that bit of news. Has every other cause of fire, other than arson, ceased to exist? I almost get the feeling that, (like doctors of old had a scapegoat explanation of what illness someone had,) if the cause of a fire is unknown the "go to" explanation is the good old "cigarette in the potted plant" theory as a way to promote the stamping out of enjoying a legal product in our own homes. The fire department has jumped on the nanny state bandwagon. How do investigators know within hours that the catalyst is a cigarette? Doesn't an investigation into a multi-unit blaze usually take a little longer than that? It's BS.

  • Just me - 6 years ago

    Some of these things you guys pick as questions , are all most like April fools jokes.
    The thing that gets me is they often are the reality!
    But , here we go regulation regulation, wow ,soon we all will be wearing bubble rap and helmets to get the mail.
    Donkeys kill more people a year than sharks, oh may god, are they in petting zoos.
    We have to switch that out , too.

  • Smokey the Bear - 6 years ago

    Carelessness caused the fire and it's not just cigarettes, it's barbecues, fireplaces, stoves, Christmas decorations, children playing with matches. image if we ban anything that people can be careless with
    people might have no place to live. Better to let apartment owners and their property management deal
    with setting rules in given apartments. When you create laws to prevent human stupidity and carelessness you have more law's than people are alive.

  • Rob Lauer - 6 years ago

    I feel that it'll cause more fires as people will be hiding their smoking.

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