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Should the City of Calgary continue to spend money on an Olympic bid before a plebiscite?


  • Doug - 6 years ago

    I do not support Nenshi spending city taxpayers' money, higher taxes make people more or less happy. Calgarys homeowners have been subject to multiple years of above-inflation property tax increases, City Hall allowed property taxes to get out of control is their fault, but one for which taxpayers pay. Property taxes hiked beyond the jumps in Calgary. There is a growing discontent among taxpayers in Calgary and you don't want to see. I want to see Nenshi gone. Nenshi is Set to Raise Property Taxes in Calgary. I think instead Nenshi,should cut his salary and Just as Stephen Harper decided to take a sizeable cut to his own pension, hopefully we'll see the NENSHI and council do the same.

  • Carla Lange - 6 years ago

    I couldn't care a less if the Olympics come here again. 1988 was a different time for Calgary. Nenshi, take your head out of your butt!! Stop spending tax payers money on useless ideas. Put some money into the Veterans Food Bank, families struggling to feed and clothe themselves and their children. There are so many other things that Calgary needs then the Olympics. I have no idea why he was elected in yet again. Time for him to go folks.

  • Sandy - 6 years ago

    This is a waste of taxpayers money, Nenshi is wasting taxpayers money because he has increased taxes alot and he doesn't know where to spend our money. Why don't you give taxpayers a break and lower taxes. People who has a family don't have enough money to spend it on our children, we can't even afford to take our family out, not even once! NENSHI HAS TO GO!!!

  • george l - 6 years ago

    Why are we wasting time and money for a CEO to get pay millions of tax payers money instead of helping people here in Calgary homeless, schools , we don't have a proper machinery for snow removal roads, bridges we will be in hole for a long time what a waste of tax paying money for them to create a panels of rich people getting more money.

  • Gordon Ross - 6 years ago

    The mayor and council are considering lowering the voting age to sixteen on the plebiscite so they can ram the Olympic vote through. This is an affront to our democratic values and panders to the "more free stuff" attitude that they are trying to promote. Tax payers are facing a tax burden of approximately $4500 per Calgarian or $18,000 for a family of four to have the Olympics. Not affordable. Not justified. Not wise.

  • Anna - 6 years ago

    I did not ever vote for this mayor and I consider this a waste of money. Nenshi is chasing this dream at a huge expense to taxpayers, just, because he wants his name in history books. Go, Sean Chu, go!

  • Dennis - 6 years ago

    Sochi planned to spend $12 Billion on their Olympic games but they were surprised at the end, with a bill of $51 Billion. Most for protection against terrorism and related issues. Alberta is hurting and city council wants to spend money it doesnt have.!!! Wake up people! The IOC is here because all other venues are gone!

  • Jay - 6 years ago

    Not a chance , no way , money pit & we pay for it , only benifits ppl in high places

  • Mary Rajter - 6 years ago

    If there is enough money to fund the Olympics, then why does the whole SE quadrant of Calgary still not have any LRT service whatsoever? (Long Overdue!!) Why are some major Calgary roadways not being paved this summer instead of just receiving lousy patch jobs to fix serious pot holes?... like the right lane northbound on Macleod Trail along Avenida and 162 Ave. South going westbound from the railway tracks to 6 Street SW.
    Albertans are still struggling financially due to the recession so this definitely is not a good time to take on a huge debt and force higher taxes on Calgarians once the glory of the Olympics is over.
    I am extremely disappointed with the attitude of Mayor Nenshi and the majority of our Councillors on this matter!!

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    So we've got millions of dollars to chase the Olympics but no money to keep the Veterans Food Bank open? And Nenshi and those crooks on council are sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars in reserves but still want to raise taxes every year? Thieves. Lying fiscally ignorant and arrogant thieves is what they are.

  • Bradley Allen - 6 years ago

    I feel that the money the City of Calgary wants to put towards the Olympics could be better used towards low cost housing, transit, snow removal and a lot more necessities rather than wasting the money on the Olympics.
    With the tariffs from the USA, costs for the preparation for the games are going to go up. We will end up with massive cost overruns to which the residents of Calgary will have to pay via Property Taxes. Property taxes that are already going up over the next for years, as stated on the news tonight, for further development of 18 new residential/commercial districts to be built.
    City Council seems to forget that there are lots of families on fixed income. The cost of everything is going up by leaps and bounds, and wages are not.
    If we have the extra money to spend on an Olympic bid, I think it would be better to forget the Olympics and spend the money more frugally.

  • lillian - 6 years ago

    It is turn for Europe for Olympic Games. Calgary won't get it. Do not waste the money.

  • Brenda Addie - 6 years ago

    How can the city suddenly have all this money to spend on frivolous projects yet have no $ for snow removal, especially for low income seniors. Not even to take piles of snow away. As well has no $ to keep up public swimming pools - communities must raise $ themselves. Can’t even spend properly on ways of safe keeping garbage & recycling bins in alleyways so others don’t toss junk in all these bins - to which the city wants to look at fines for incorrect items in bins. The city seems quite happy to spend on their “dream items” but not on the things that don’t bring the glory but what is needed. A good quote was as follows: Civil Servants - become Self Servants!

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    What a waste of money I didn’t vote for this mayor

  • Lana McNabb - 6 years ago

    Spend our money elsewhere.

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