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Should the voting age be lowered to 16 for municipal elections?

Total Votes: 2,047

  • Eddie - 6 years ago

    16 year olds can still be easily influenced by teachers, parents, and social media. Heck, even at 18 too many are swooed by a candidates 'nice hair' and catch phrases. I'd rather see a low voter turnout of informed voters, than a higher number of voters who don't have a clue about the issues, and are voting because they are told to.

  • Bonnie - 6 years ago

    We have age limits for a reason, some folk are not mature enough at 25 to vote. If you lower the voting age the drinking age will come soon after I’m sure. Now think about that..... pot smoking , drinking 16 year olds( not all 16 year olds drink and smoke pot im sure) voting in Governments.....

  • Voter - 6 years ago

    Why the sudden need and concern for allowing children to vote. What I'm seeing is a blatant attempt at
    corrupting the electoral system completely. How many 16 year old children register and how would the
    Canadian electoral system manage to now include 16 year olds. Seems to me the only one's wanting to push for this are career politicians. Today all we see and hear our these politicians catering and kissing up to various indigenous, and ethnic groups now they want to woo 16 year olds so they can secure their incumbency. What we need more than 16 year that the majority don't pay civic or any tax for that matter, is a motion to bring in "TERMS of OFFICE". But you can bet these career politicians won't rush to push that agenda.

  • mary Dosco - 6 years ago

    A 16 year old get real snowflakes that are bad to the community police at there houses, child welfare, they cannot even wipe there assas the MAYOR just wants more vote with idoits. 16 year are like 5 year olds today. so no and what a stupied question to asked real people.

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