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Does it bother you when other people are loud when lifting weights?

Total Votes: 902

  • Dan - 6 years ago

    Honestly at a heavy weight it's expected you'll have some noise and there's people at my gym who are loud but I train with headphones in personally so it doesn't bother me , if someone wants to train hard all the power to them !!

  • Paul Stichhaller - 6 years ago

    It's totally unnecessary to grunt or drop weights when in a public place like a gym. There are some gyms where that behaviour is acceptable, and some where it is not. In my years of experience I have found that people who drop weights simply do not have control of the weights, because they are lifting too heavy. These are usually the same people who have terrible form, for exactly the same reason. So for them, its more about drawing attention to themselves for whatever reason. Grunting (and posing in the mirror) is basically the same thing, a thinly veiled attempt at drawing attention because of some personality disorder. It really shows a complete lack of consideration for every other person in the gym and while I don't condone physically attacking someone over it, I understand the frustration level. Maybe with everyone so focused on what's happening on Facebook and Instagram, people today are desperate for attention and seek it out any way they can. There are gyms in every city for "die hards", these are the places for grunters and posers.

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