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Do you mind if people bring their animals on flights?

Total Votes: 596

  • Caper - 6 years ago

    pets should be able to fly but only if they are able to fit in the over head luggage compartment, the pets will have to be trained to be quite. pets also need to be trained to listen to what other tell the pet to do pets will need to use the bathroom before they go. pets that are not clean should not be able to travel, they should have a bath. would be good idea that the pet have fresh breath also. if the pet if nice and like to play with passengers then the per should be able to travel but if the pet does not like to play then the pet should be put on a no fly list. pets that are over wait may need to pay for the price of two seats also as its not fair to the skinner pet that takes up less space. Also, the pets colour should come into play. if its a black or white maybe different rules need to be in place as diversity just brings up the racism card. If the pet seems to be nicer to republicans than democrats. this also has to be factored in. if the pet leans towards the democrats then you know the dog will probably try to do something illegal like bite someone or steal food etc. So lots more has to factored in its not that easy to let pets fly. also, the length of the pets teeth or nails this can be considered a weapon depending of what type of a pet it could also be considered a terrorist pet. religion also has to be factored in. does the pet believe in god or is it a radical pet. has the pet been radicalized. so many things have to be factored into this. Also how healthy is the pet, pets that are sick should not fly or that have a disease or the fleas . so its realy not as simple as the question being answered to yes or no. :) lol

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    I was on one flight where I knew there was a pet onboard - in the row in front of me - and the stench from the frightened animal was almost unbearable and made worse from the obnoxious perfume the owner was wearing. The stink was equal to or worse than a flatulent .passenger or the smell of rotten feet from those inconsiderate enough to share their lack of hygiene/health care with others by removing their shoes during a flight. I can only sympathise with the flight attendants who have to work in this environment but forbidding pets in the passenger cabin is doable; forbidding stinky people, not so much! If nothing else, require the owner to provide and pay for odour control or locate them away from the center of the plane - how about putting them in business class or reserve the back seats for pets then we will see how essential it is for them to bring along their personal support creature.

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