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Edmonton Journal Front Yards In Bloom 2018 Readers' Choice Award Poll (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,180

  • cathie christensen - 6 years ago

    As a neighbour to one of these finalists, I would like to share the cost to others that maintaining a yard like this has. First, they water every day, regardless of water conservation. Secondly, the pollution they create with their daily gas-powered leaf blowing sessions is impactful to the air quality of those around them. The noise pollution it generates, throughout the day, is both aggravating, and disruptive. The vehicle traffic that it creates during the tours, including clogging up the parking on our street so that you don't dare leave because you will lose your spot, is inconvenient. I am all for beauty and nature and creating an oasis that makes you happy (and in this case, it makes others happy as well), but the impact of the constant maintenance and interruption to the peace of the block may just outweigh those benefits.

  • Marg - 6 years ago

    They are all beautifully landscaped, but if the contest is going to be called "Front Yards IN BLOOM", don't you think there should be "blooms", that is , flowers? Therefor, I would vote for finalist #6.

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