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Who has been the greatest live act ever?

Total Votes: 490

  • E-Kartoffel - 15 years ago

    queen are a bunch of fags. Paul Rodgers has left them claiming they weren't that good.

  • Brian Lenny - 15 years ago

    When I saw The Beatles in 1960 I got so pleased to hear there songs and the musical I learned that they played, I started playing a Guitar, then a Mandolin and a Piano. I love all music that has been around from 1960 to 2009. I thank you for The Beatles that came together and I miss John lennon & George Harrison , and so many musical persons that are no longer around from the 1960. But it still good to listen at all the 1960s music its all 100%plus:

  • ear ear - 16 years ago

    You mean the stuff your boyfriend gave you last night from behind?

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    Is that the same warm, sticky stuff that resides 'between' your ears?

  • ear ear - 16 years ago

    jambos' ears are blocked with something warm and sticky from freddie...

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    My ears are open, but thanks for the concern. You should read my posts a little more closely before commenting, I don't believe I said I only listened to Queen. Other think there are/were better bands than Queen, and that's cool. I said Queen are my favourite band. From the list I'm partial to a bit of Bowie, G'n'R, Radiohead, Nirvana, the who, Springstein, AC/DC, U2 even the odd sex pistols!! As for the others mentioned in the list, and by other posters, they're not my personal taste - but I can respect why they have been listed. My point was, saying you don't like Queen because 'they suck' or 'they're fags' isn't much of an argument - is it? It's like saying 'The Who suck man, cos Pete Townsend's a fag!'

  • Jambo's rarely visited record store - 16 years ago

    Go open you ears and quit listening to only one band. Maybe you'll find out that there are other better artists than just queen.

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    'Queen suck!', 'Queen are a bunch of fags!' You can do better than that! Go on, expand your vocabulary, you can do it! I suppose at least the level of the debate remains consistant!!! Otherwise please stop embarrassing yourselves, and contribute something worthwhile.

  • Janes Addiction Fan - 16 years ago

    queen are a bunch of fags

  • Jared - 16 years ago

    Iron Maiden Fan: Quit being childish saying Queen sucks. Iron Maiden's bassist Steve Harris was inspired by Queen so he would disagree with you.

  • Iron Maiden Fan - 16 years ago

    queen suck

  • Haywood J. Blome - 16 years ago

    Jane's Addiction!

  • Killer Queen - 16 years ago

    the queen's drone is still here, still fluttering around but lacking any sting. *yawn*

  • Core - 16 years ago

    Zeppelin isn't very good, AC/DC's terrible, and Tool is just god-awful!!

    I don't see why people enjoy listening to any of them.
    Seems like such a waste of time, to me.

    .....Can we maybe get Iron Maiden on the list?

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    Off topic I know, but what the hell! 4.30

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    Watch Blackadder 4 and you shall be enlightened.

  • Jared - 16 years ago

    WTF is "wibble" supposed to mean lol

    and James, Jambo and I aren't the same person so stop acting so immature. According to Guiness Book of World Records, Queen has the most loyal fanbase, so I'm pretty sure Queen has more fans than on here ;)

  • Jambo - 16 years ago


  • James - 16 years ago

    Jared/Jambo/etc stop talking to yourself. It's the first sign of mental illness. We all know that there is only one queen fan posting, and your village is missing you.

  • Lord Snottingham - 16 years ago

    Jane's Addiction! They ruled and STILL RULE!!!!!!!! UNtouchable!!!! I love Queen, Zep, AC/DC, etc., but NO ONE matched Jane's & Perry!!!!!!!

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    Queen were a very good band. They might not have been everyones taste, but to deny them being up there with the best in terms of musicianship, stagecraft and songwriting is plain stupid. There are plenty of other bands on that list that I don't particulary like, but I respect their achievements. Whether they 'were' the best is all down to personal your opinion.

  • Jared - 16 years ago

    These people just don't want to admit that Queen was actually a good band :P

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    'Queen are horrid'! nicely constructed argument there! Pink Floyd are horrider (?) , so there! And out come the 'Freddy was a faggot' comments. What is this, a nursery! does mummy know your using her computer? Stimulating debate.

  • Jared's dole paymaster - 16 years ago

    Your friend freddie mercury was the faggot, so that must make you his bitch. PWND.

  • Jared - 16 years ago

    To Nick Jones' Dad, I listen to a lot more than just Queen you faggot. You can't just make these statements when you have no idea what I listen to. I listen to Queen, Rainbow, Deep Purple, Alice Cooper, Led Zeppelin, Jethro Tull, Yes, Rush, Kansas, Styx, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Journey, Iron Maiden, and many more.

  • Ibanezguitarman - 16 years ago

    We could go on forever asking why certain bands arent included as we all have our faves however the list that was compiled seems reasonably comprehensive and indeed includes some real cult bands. Its a case of you cant please everyone.


  • Nick Jones' dad - 16 years ago

    You seriously need to listen to more than just queen. There are a thousand more bands better than queen. open your ears.

  • Jared - 16 years ago

    Horridly good? OH YEAH :P

    Queen is the greatest band in this universe!!!!

  • pink floyd fan - 16 years ago

    queen are horrid.

  • Andrei The Moonchild - 16 years ago

    DEEP PURPLE - ON THE LIST, NOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Same goes to Ozzy/Sabbath!
    But thanks for mentioning Floyd :)

  • Stones are best - 16 years ago

    What about them? They didn't like live performances.. too many screaming girls, firecrackers, and poor PA systems. Arrogantly telling the public you're bigger than Jesus while touring the US Bible Belt didn't help either.

  • mistergrumpy/myspace - 16 years ago

    What about THE FUCKING BEATLES?!?!?!?

  • Mike Tyson - 16 years ago

    Freddie was a poor boxer... like Peter Buckley. They both ended up getting punched around the ring.

  • ericks - 16 years ago


    Rock in Rio 85 ( Love of my life)

  • Chamo - 16 years ago

    It's easy to see that the majority of votes are from younger generations that never had the opportunity to witness some of the best LIVE entertainers that have ever lived!

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    'Dumoys Rusty Nuts'! Now I'd pay good money to see them!

  • Phil - 16 years ago

    Dumoys Rusty Nuts - what a love show THEY put on...

  • Caleb - 16 years ago


  • lol - 16 years ago

    where's madonna?

  • Coldplay Fan - 16 years ago

    And if Coldplay were listed, Queen would be ancient history.

  • Jared - 16 years ago


    If Queen fans were rigging the polls then I'm pretty sure that Queen would be dominating Zepp :P

  • I C Ewe - 16 years ago

    The Queen song for all you sheep is Radio Baa Baa. These polls are so boring when Queen fans try to pull the wool over the flock with their rigging.

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    'MERCURY', 'URANUS' boom, boom! are you appearing all week? While I'm at it, I'll get some cream for me asteroids!! Seriously though guys - this fixation with dead, gay people is unhealthy, get a proper hobby. You want a prediction! 'Dire Straights' to make a late surge, and damn us all to hell!!

  • Dexter Ramone - 16 years ago

    Wow jambo's predicting the future??? An astrologer perhaps? Here's a prediction for you. You'll catch AIDS when Mercury enters Uranus. *LOL*

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    'Face down in a coffin'!, are you trying to tell me Freddy wasn't straight!!!! oh, I see what you did there, very clever. You spunks are so quick witted and anti-establishment. Yay, go anarchy - and all that.

    And all that sweaty poggo-ing up and down against each other in the crowd isn't in the least bit gay :-o

    Anyway, if we're going to have the sex pistols on the list we might as well have Sir Cliff and Celine Dion up there also. It's only fair!

  • Core - 16 years ago

    Just wondering *why* Led Zeppelin is even on this list....
    Quite possibly my most disliked band of all time.

    Not all that talented, and shouldn't have become all that famous...

  • Punk rock rules - 16 years ago

    They would have blown queen away and not freddy. Otherwise he may have enjoyed it. I heard freddie had to be placed face down in a coffin so that his friends could recognise him. *LOL*

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    The sex pistols 'blow' Queen off stage!!!! Ho, Ho - my sides! Backstage maybe!! Lay off the recreational cigarettes, you've gone delusional.

  • Sidney Vicious - 16 years ago

    Live Aids pwned freddie mercury *LOL*

  • Jared - 16 years ago

    Actually, Queen pwnd Live Aid :P

  • Geoff Thompson - 16 years ago

    "Just remember Live Aid, the day all the big names had their chance to shine in font of million of viewers. I don't even have to say their name."

    Yes! What a fantastic performance by U2! And Bono moving amongst the fans and being hugged was very emotional. U2 pwnd Live Aid.

  • Sithmarauder61 - 16 years ago

    Just remember Live Aid, the day all the big names had their chance to shine in font of million of viewers. I don't even have to say their name.

  • Johnny Ripe - 16 years ago

    And 90 seconds is 89 seconds more than what Sex Pistols needed to blow Queer off stage!

  • Keith - 16 years ago

    Kiss lmao, one chord songs!! Zeppelin kicks ass!

  • keith - 16 years ago

    Kiss lmao, one chord songs!!
    Zeppelin kicks ass!

  • Jambo - 16 years ago

    The pre recorded part of the queen show is all part of the act, it works well - always has. They are'were amazing live. You are not seriously telling me Queen need pre-recorded backing to get through a live act!!! Anyway, they leave the stage for about as long as Punk Rock was relevant (about 90 seconds!).

    Stupid poll anyway, it was always going to be subjective. Who is in a position to compare all the acts listed!!

  • ElJimbo - 16 years ago

    Gotta agree with the KISS fans. Saw them when Cheap Trick was the warm up band. What a show. Cheap Trick rocked, but KISS, well they kicked ass. Still the best show I've ever seen and I have been to more than a few...

  • Jim - 16 years ago

    Led Zeppelin as a great live band? Noooo. I saw them in 77 in San Diego when John Bonham passed out for most of the show. They absolutely sucked.

  • Punk rock forever - 16 years ago

    Leaving the stage is showing respect to the public? Leaving the stage when people have paid $$$ to see artists perform, and not a tape recorder, is more disrespecting than respecting.

  • Me - 16 years ago

    Yes they used pre-recorded music in Bohemian Rhapsody and left the stage so people wouldn’t think it was "live", this was done because they would need a lot of people in the stage to duplicate the album and show how much they respected their public, after all these years Queen is still the best.

  • Topper Headkick - 16 years ago

    You people are wrong. The Clash are better than Queen. At least the Clash didn't use pre-recorded music on stage like Queen did. That's hardly considered "live".

  • Doug - 16 years ago

    Queen has to be the best - been a fan since 1975 and just saw them this month in Rotterdam. Even without Freddie, they were absolutely amazing. Paul Rodgers has a great voice and you cannot get better guitar and drums than Brian and Roger! How can Zep fans be outvoting Queen? C'mon now!

  • Karen - 16 years ago

    Queen is the best and have to be the winner !

  • Joe Strummer - 16 years ago

    The frogs are croaking, like freddie did....

  • Marie - 16 years ago

    On peut même pas comparer Queen et Led Zeppelin en LIVE, Freddie reste le meilleur, incontestablement. Personne ne peut et ne pourra chanter comme lui.. Une légende. QUEEN FOREVER !

  • Brian May Not - 16 years ago

    I agree respect should be given to the DEAD. Let frederick rest in peace and give the title "LIVE" to some band more appropriate.

  • Dawn - 16 years ago

    Freddie Mercury WAS THE BEST - he is just simply irreplacable - period. That voice, that energy, that charisma - WOW!

  • Jared - 16 years ago

  • Jared - 16 years ago

    To everybody who claims that the vote is "rigged", STOP BEING BABIES ABOUT IT JUST BECAUSE YOUR FAVORITE BAND MIGHT NOT BE WINNING.

    Also check out Queen-Live at the Rainbow on youtube ;)

  • juquel - 16 years ago

    What about Stone Temple Pilots??? Scott Weiland is the best frontman out there right now...

  • ressie baluga - 16 years ago

    sian, why don't you just vote and PLEASE GIVE SOME RESPECT FOR THE DEAD!!
    no one could ever cheat death! you too will die...eventually for Christ's sake!

  • Old Buzzard - 16 years ago

    Jane's Addiction RULED and still rules! I can't see why no one gives them shit for props!!!!! Outrageous!!!!!!

  • Deevil Caine - 16 years ago

    Jane's Addiction OWNS!!!

  • Strike - 16 years ago

    Saw Queen last wednesday in Barcelona. Still the Champions!

  • sian - 16 years ago

    A queen fan might try to cheat the poll but farrokh bulsara could not cheat death.

  • Tim Eimiller - 16 years ago

    It's The Who. Always has been and always will be. Watch The Kids Are Alright DVD and you'll agree. Then watch The Concert for New York City for their latter day excellence.

  • Jared Wolfsen - 16 years ago

    Not sure what criteria most of you are using. As someone who lives for live music, who has seen over 1000 concerts, everyone from classic rock (Stones, Who, Rush, Clapton, etc.) to blues (BB, Muddy, Dixon, etc.) to metal (Van Halen, Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, etc.) to jazz (Branford, Ornette, Miles, etc.) to punk (X, Patti, Ramones, COC, Dead Kennedy's, etc.) to rap (tribe called quest, Ice-T, Public Enemy, etc.) to jam bands (Dead, Allman's, Phish, Mathew's, etc.) to pop and country (Steve Earle, Todd Snider, Boz Scaggs, etc.) I can honestly say that Bruce Springsteen is the best show going. 3 solid hours of pure astonishment. The tightest band. Even if you don't like his music, if you've seen him live, you will agree. There is NO ONE that good in concert. You shouldn't vote unless you go to lots of live shows and can compare.

  • Lu Cifer - 16 years ago

    Jane's Addiction!!!!!!!!!!!! Hands down...your pants!!! Actually, I'd tie them with QUEEN!!!!!!!!! What a double bill THAT would be, huh?!?!!?

  • Dennis - 16 years ago

    Ok, Queen were great and their concerts simply fantastic but still there was never and never will be any better live act than the BOSS!!!!!!!!!

  • Terry Houston - 16 years ago

    That Queen vote rigger appears to be back again. The Queen vote was less than 300 votes an hour ago, now it's more than 1000. It's rigged.

  • BritneyFan - 16 years ago

    How on earth could Britney Spears not be on that list. She is the best live performer ever.

  • Nick Jones - 16 years ago

    Queen the best group I have seen "LIVE" in 1982 Milton Keynes and this year 2008 with Panl Rodgers at Cardiff NIA. They are the Champions.

  • Кира - 16 years ago


  • Bruce - 16 years ago

    Me too. It would be laughable.

  • Hank - 16 years ago

    Who could believe Sir Cliff could be excluded?

    Me - for one.

  • john - 16 years ago

    why isnt johnny jay on the list??

  • john - 16 years ago

    why isnt johnny jay on the list??

  • femi - 16 years ago

    Michael Jackson, James Brown, Fela Kuti and Tupac Amaru Shakur ought to be on that list. Those are/were great live acts.

  • Basil Rathbon - 16 years ago

    How can anyone ignore the late, great Shakin' Stevens? Best live performer ever, even after he had a colostomy bag fitted.

  • Basil Rathbon - 16 years ago

    How can anyone ignore the late, great Shakin' Stevens? Best live performer ever, even after he had a colostomy bag fitted.

  • laura - 16 years ago

    has to be the cribs!!! they're amazing live!!!

  • Caroline - 16 years ago

    It has to be PRINCE!! He is the real KING!!!! Amazing live, saw him 3 times last year at the 02, he is incredible!!!!

  • D. - 16 years ago

    Nine Inch Nails. (Glad I'm not the only one!)

  • Ed Leffel - 16 years ago

    KISS have given their ALL: as in ALL of their money to concert ticket buyers for 36 years. They are the best live act of all time. Don't get me wrong, other bands can be here too. If entertainment is your cup of tea, KISS is the best. Period.

  • Mal - 16 years ago

    Terry Reid - by all accounts brilliant and unforgettable. Superlungs, the first choice of Jimmy Page for Led Zeppelin singer. One of the best voices in history.

  • jess - 16 years ago

    dodgy list nirvanna? seriously just wrong on all levels.
    and led zep yeah on the list but no way should be 1st.

    springsteen should be number 1 for a live act poll no doubt

  • Linde - 16 years ago

    MORRISSEY !!! The Smiths !!!

    Could you please run a follow up, specifying those who now share the "others" box? Thank you!

  • Roxana - 16 years ago

    Nine Inch Nails. Aw yeah.

  • Sarah T. - 16 years ago

    TOM PETTY AND THE HEARTBREAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one can even compare!

  • Jonathan - 16 years ago

    Just wondering along with some others why Sir Cliff Richard has been left of the list! Sir Cliff is a fantastic performer and is still selling out every where he goes after 50 years! Sir Cliff is a performing superstar and legend and is clearly the best live act ever!!!!! I am 14 year old aswell and Sir Cliff is very cool!!

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